Plots plots plots!

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Lily Morgan

Curly 13 Inch Sturdy Applewood Wand with Veela Hair Core
Hi everyone!

So here is my latest character; Lily Morgan. She's a former Hufflepuff who began modeling at 17, and now runs her own fashion business in New Zealand. She's quite silly and sweet and will do quite a lot just to make someone laugh. I'm looking for her to have some friends, perhaps people to pop by the shop and say hello. I'm also interested in anyone around the ages of 22-26 so that we could do a historical rp, showing the students meeting while at school together.

Let me know what you think!! :)

Here I have Tahlia Vanderberg. She's a sweety, that's awful protective of her sister, and friends. Tahlia also works in the fashion industry. She has a line of fashion wear, but she also travels doing lots of motivational speaking for women, plus teaching them how to wear clothes, do make-up and hair ect.
So they probably have a lot in common!
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