Plot My Life Away

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Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Hello HNZ!

Okies, so, I need plots. Well, I don't need them, I want them. A few of my characters have different things but a few are somewhat lacking in terms of long term plots. Some of them have nothing, so you get why I'm here. First off, as fair warning, I'm currently working my way through updating/rewriting most of the bios I have, so they may appear a little strange/lacking bare with me on that, it's a slow process. BUT SOON, everything will be better. Right, so getting down to the important stuffs, my characters. I've obviously only selected a few which require plots, but, if you have a plot idea for any of my other characters, ones not specifically mentioned below then reply with the idea here or PM me or Skype. Anything works! If we're already in a topic together and you have a plot idea then here is also a good place to put that. I'm pretty open plot wise so throw whatever you've got at me.

Let's begin with the adults.

First off, I have this guy called Celestyn Helkovaara, now the dude was born and raised in Finland having moved to New Zealand when he was about 17 years old, he's now 27. He was homeschooled in Finland and currently works for the daily prophet. The dude has been in New Zealand ten years and has about three friends. He's not particularly friendly, he's a dedicated work yes, and he'll always get the work done, but going out of his way to make friends, or even met people isn't his way forward. He'd much rather sit on his sofa at home with a beer and be by himself. He's obviously pretty lonely even if he thinks he's not. He has very little keeping him in New Zealand as from his job, which he loves and really that's the only reason he hadn't left. The man needs friends, he needs people who could count as those three friends that he has that grow fed up of his attitude and drag him out. I kinda want him to end up having a friend who feels a lot of pity for him and his lonely self-inflicted situation, to consider him like a little puppy who needs saving and the kind of strained friendship that would bring. I'm not so certain about long term love for him. He can barely keep friends, so a relationship would be tricky.

Next we have, Felix Garcia, now this guy is Spanish, and he lives in Spain. He went Beauxbatons and is currently a medic in the Spanish Army. Therefore he's pretty busy. But, within all of that, he lacks friends outside of the army. Obviously he won't be in the army forever but for now that's his life choice. He needs a few friends, they can really be from anywhere, but they'd have to understand that Felix will sometimes be away for weeks or months on end. I think he'd have a few enemies, I mean they wouldn't be enemies just people he doesn't get along with, people who likely disagree with his life choice. Again, in terms of love, the dude is 23, he's young and not looking for anything other than fun. So if you can suggest people for him to have fun with without many strings attached that would be great.

Tybalt Archer, y'all know this dude, right well he just graduated and is now training to be a healer. For him I do need friends. I have a small plot in mind for him which I'm currently working on, but since he's now out in the wider world I was looking for some plots with him, maybe some new friends, a fling of some kind. Really I'm very open to ideas that folks may have for Ty.

Moving on to students,
First off, I have Georgia Rose, she attends Beauxbatons and currently has nothing. No friends, no nothing. She's a fifth year, a very active and outgoing person. She looks after the people she cares about but isn't afraid to do things all by herself. She loves dancing and talking with people. She has no problems dealing with bullies and has no time for people who think they're better than her. She's a strong willed person, stubborn in many respects. She needs just about everything, I'm open to all and every kind of plot.

Next, I have Orwell Brocken, he's a transfer to Hogwarts, a Ravenclaw and he's my newest character. He's a pretty odd guy to most, he'll dye his hair different colours often and he stands out in a crowd. He is a very curious person, and very interested in learning everything that he can, he'll read and read and read. He is passionate and driven, his views on aspects of life are solid. He does still consider many things, like he'll read other perspectives and consider other arguments. Orwell will not often back down in an argument if he believes himself to be right. He has never been to school before this and is still adjusting to school life so he's not particularly good at remembering the rules, and he does question authority a lot. Since he's both new to the school, and also a new character the dude requires some friends, some people to argue with, teachers to give him in trouble. As for love, he'd always be loyal to the person but as of right now, he is 13 years old and so not really seeking it out.

After that, I have Avie Mitchell, y'all know him. He's not studious, he finds reading and writing really hard. He had a tutor for a while but when they left he was left without and without someone to give him a little extra hand he kind of doesn't do well. He neither focuses nor tries. Now, Avie is pretty clueless, he lives in his own little world and doesn't always understand what he's being told. He'll mess around in class, fall asleep. I have a plot currently on the go for him, so he'll need friends. I'd quite like people to get really annoyed at him, find his antics really frustrating. Perhaps one or two fights? Avie finds relationships disgusting so, I think it would be pretty funny for someone to crush on him, and think they have some form of spark, for Avie to think that they good friends and be disgusted by the idea of a relationship.

Lastly, Victoire Fontaine. She's a fourth year Gryffindor and she's a warm and encouraging person. She enjoys learning, and reading. She likes history above most things and thinks of it as a way of understanding the future. She's a bright person and kind, she would never actively harm another person. She can be a little shy if she's worried about making a good impression. She needs more friends and stuff like that. Currently she has like two friends in all of hogwarts. She's a muggleborn so it might be quite fun to do something with that? As for love, Victoire has crushed on people in the past, she's not entirely great at hiding her crushes, she's an open person. But, other than maybe a high school boyfriend, I'm not really thinking anything long term as of yet. But like with everyone else I'm open to suggestions.

Right so that's it! Of course if you want to RP with any of my other characters just let me know we can figure something out for them. Full list shall be below. I'm open to pretty much anything. I don't mind perhaps slightly more out there plots. I'm still very much a go with the flow person, so if they RP and something else becomes of it, something else becomes of it.

Anyway, thanks!
<COLOR color="#000"><SIZE size="50"><FONT font="Verdana">Hi!

So I have a few characters I want to rp with more and they might get along well with some of your characters.

First I have Stephanie Harris, who might serve as a good friend for Celestyn. Stephanie is 24 years old and is originally Australian, she moved to New Zealand when she ot a job offer there, but after a year she got fired. However she never moved back to Australia. She's a very spineless person who easily lets people walk over her and will most cerainly back down from any confrontation. Other than that she's also very friendly, loving and caring and will always take a bit more care of others than she will of herself.

Secondly I have Ailith here, who might be suited for Tybalt. She's 18 years old, graduated from Durmstrang and after that left Bulgaria for New Zealand. She's currently looking for a place to live and because she only just came to the country she is in desperate need of some friends. Ailith is a real sweetheart who will always try to see the best in others and helping out where ever she can. She adores Quidditch and has always dreamt of one day playing in a professional team. Besides that she is very well able to stand up for herself and when people go too far she can get rather hot-headed, but she always tries to keep calm.

Lastly I have Avery Marshall, she's my new first year and she could perhaps be a friend to Orwell. She's a very confident person who can have a very strong opinion and is very ambitious about things she wishes to achieve. She also is someone who likes to be in control from time to time and therefore she can sometimes be a bit bossy or rather selfish.

If you have any other ideas that's fine as well!​
Hey girl, I had a couple of fancy-ish ideas for a couple of your characters. Sadly, none for the adults unfortunately.

Orwell Brocken: For Orwell, I offer an enemy. Lucas Chase, another third year Ravenclaw, is outspoken about what he believes in, and is a proud pure-blood. I can see them clashing on views, on perhaps elves or something like that? I've been meaning to get him out for a while now. XD
Avie Mitchell: We can go on ahead and let Avie meet Bothizar Styx, and get that one rolling. :r
Victoire Fontaine: For this one, well, I have Lucien Snow. I figured that if she knows Jean Snow, then she could meet the brother that was rumored to almost kill Jean in the womb. XD

And that's all I have right now.
Hadan Winters said:
Victoire Fontaine: For this one, well, I have Lucien Snow. I figured that if she knows Jean Snow, then she could meet the brother that was rumored to almost kill Jean in the womb. XD

And that's all I have right now.
If you do this, please let Jean be involved. :r
Thanks for the replies! :wub:

Marijke, I like everything you've suggested, I think Stephanie and Celestyn would make good friends. Celestyn is pretty stubborn and he'd get annoyed about how spineless she was and try to do something about it. Do you have preferences on how they might meet?
Ailith and Tybalt is a definite yes. I think it would be pretty fun to have them meet in a bar of some kind, where they can meet have a bit of fun, and then become friends, bond over quidditch or something. So this most definitely needs to happen.
Avery and Orwell, I'm keen to get Orwell out there, so I'm very interested in this. Orwell needs people he can clash with but also still be sort of friends with.
Do you have any preference as to which one you'd like to start? I can do two of them, and you could do the other one?

Kaitlyn, Orwell and Lucas would be awesome. I can definitely see Orwell and him not getting along and the fighting would be fun between them. The house elves issue would probably be something Orwell thinks they stand together on, when in fact they don't. So yeah, I'm so up for this.
Avie and Bothizar, I was going to Skype you about this, because this does need to happen. Perhaps they can meet in the slytherin meeting first and then do some slingshot practice later, when they discover their mutual appreciation for rock throwing?
I can start one, and you could start one?

For Lucien, Victoire and Jean, how about Halloween? That's a situation where Victoire and Jean could be hanging out, and Lucien joins the party. It also means we don't have to start this one for a while.
I can start the Bothizar one. He can be collecting rocks so it would be easy for Avie's attention to be on him. :r
And you can start the Orwell one!

Lucien can so dress up as a Gryffindor as Halloween. :r
Sounds good! I really like your idea about how Ailith and Tybalt could meet! As for Celestyn and Steph, I think it will be very good to have someone to try and get Steph to stand up for herself a bit more. I'm fine with starting one, you can pick two and I'll start the one that's left if that's okay?
There's a topic I made for Avie and Marcellus a while ago, dunno if you're still up for that.

I have Professor Sibhan Faulkner for one of the adults for a friend or fling. She's a lovely fun loving girl who's looking for something in the romance department but nothing serious. She's 26 years old and Scottish. And she has a fantastic sense of humour. So maybe she could be a fling for one of them...?

I can also offer something for Georgia Rose. Damaris here, she goes to Beauxbatons (though she is a Hogwarts transfer hopeful for next year). She is a loud, fun loving, confident person. So I feel like that Damaris and her would either get on swimmingly or would clash horribly with their similar personality. She is a couple of years younger at 13 years old though, so Georgia might not even want to be seen with her.

Just a couple of offers. Let me know.
Ailith Bisognin said:
Sounds good! I really like your idea about how Ailith and Tybalt could meet! As for Celestyn and Steph, I think it will be very good to have someone to try and get Steph to stand up for herself a bit more. I'm fine with starting one, you can pick two and I'll start the one that's left if that's okay?
Tybalt and Ailith Here and Celestyn and Steph Here
I hope they both suit!

Steven, I swear I had that on my list of topics to reply to but I couldn't find it xD Have now replied!

Micah, I love the idea of Damaris and Georgia, i think if they're personalities clash it'll be amazing. I want to get her out more so this suits perfectly! Would you like to start this or shall I?
As for Sibhan, I have an idea for that, which I shall PM to you soon, once I've figured out some finer points.
Awesome! I can start this one if you want. It may just take a day or so I'm flat out at work. :unsure:
Jean Snow said:
Hadan Winters said:
Victoire Fontaine: For this one, well, I have Lucien Snow. I figured that if she knows Jean Snow, then she could meet the brother that was rumored to almost kill Jean in the womb. XD

And that's all I have right now.
If you do this, please let Jean be involved. :r
For Jean, Lucien and Victoire,
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