plot ideas

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Cloe Green

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
OK so cloe husband gonna cheat on her and she a stay at home mom now wat is she gonna do need some ideas of plots that could happen like friends or something.
Caysi could be her friend, but Cloe wouldn't find out that Caysi slept with Dervish
that would work. could u start the rp i'm kind of busy at hte moment
Hey, Chica. I have Barbie, I know she's a bit old, but she doesn't care your age; she hates everyone! she could be an enemy of some sort?
That could work that would work right into hte plan because Cloe pregent and going to lose her baby and she could get into a fight with her and that could be hte cause awesome.
Well, I don't think that would happen, unless Cloe wasn't very far along. Then Barbie would feel horrible.
She's got a soft spot for kids :p
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