Pink for the Professor

Amber Chou Wilson

🎀 Friendly | Gladrags Owner | 2048 Grad 👗
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
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Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core
The next rose on Amber's list was a very exciting one. It was pink AND for their Head of House. She decided that the easiest way to approach her would be at the Staff Table. She reasoned that someone with a crush on a professor might be a professor themselves and it would be exciting if they got to see the rose delivered, right? She had never interacted much with her Head of House, but still knew what she looked like."Professor Stark?" She asked as she approached. "I have a rose for you."
Sloane had greatly enjoyed discussing her last rose with her colleagues and one in particular. She grinned as she saw one of her Hufflepuff's approaching the table and was again surprised to see the rose was for her. "Oh? Thank you, Amber. Who's it from?"
Amber picked up the pink rose and looked at it carefully. "I'm not sure who it's from, professor... I don't read the notes because uhm, they may be private." She handed it over with a smile. "Maybe you could tell me who it's from. If you want to share it, I mean."
Sloane frowned slightly. She really didn't know who it might be from. She smiled at Amber. "I'm afraid I have no idea!" She'd gotten a similar rose last year too, but she'd yet to figure that one out. She wondered if it was the same person as last time.
Amber gasped as she realized what she had forgotten. "Oh! I didn't give you the note! I'm so sorry!" How had she expected the professor to figure it out without the note? How stupid. She blushed as she handed it over as well.

Professor Stark,

Your presence turned a boring subject into a fun one.

Your favourite student.
Sloane smiled at the girl. "Thank you!" She had no idea who it was from, but suspected it was the same person as last year, which possibly meant it was a student.

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