🌹 Rose Giving Pink Flutters of Music

Molly Burke

irish ☘️ | bubbly 🫧 | 61' grad 🎓
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 14 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Fairy Wing Core
20 (04/2043)
Pink Rose for @Manaia Te Rangi

Molly was almost finished with her rose deliveries, but the hunt for looking for people wasn't over yet, and she guessed it wasn't gonna end anytime soon. The next name on her list had also been familiar to her, though she couldn't find the person she was looking for in the common room, so she decided to head out and make her way around the castle again. As she left the common room, and walked in the corridor, heading down towards the Hufflepuff table once again, she gasped excitedly when she found the familiar face. "Hiya! You're Manaia, right? Nolan's friend? I have a rose for you!" Molly says with a big smile, not caring if she may have given her brother second-hand embarrassment.
After spending some time alone in the dorm with his guitar, Manaia felt ready to actually face today. He had always liked Valentines when he was younger, but now... how was he supposed to celebrate love, when the love in his home was dead? He had thought true love was real, thought it was what his parents had, but now he didn't know what to believe. Still, he couldn't hide all day. He had barely left the common room when he saw a slightly familiar girl, surprised when she approached him. His surprise faded though when she spoke, nodding. "Oh yeah, you're Nolan's sister, right?" He didn't comment on the rose, stomach twisting slightly at the thought. He knew it was just a message from a friend, maybe one of his roommates, but still the reminder of romance only made the day hurt more somehow.
Molly giggles a little. "Yep, that's me! Anyways..." Molly says with a smile and nod, before moving her attention to her rose deliveries, picking out the right pink rose and note as she then handed the note to the older boy. "Here! This rose is for you!" Molly says with a nod and smile.

Hope you have a good day. Will I see you at the dance?
Manaia tried to ignore his nerves and meet Molly's smile, though when she handed over the rose his face slipped a bit. Pink. For a crush. He wondered who it was from for half a second, before the Yule Ball flashed back into his mind. Of course - at the time he hadn't really thought about why Caleb had kissed him, but now... It wasn't a surprise when he opened the card and saw who it was from, stomach turning unexpected flips. From resenting the day minutes ago, Manaia's feelings had become freshly confused. He hadn't been planning on going to the dance, but now...
Molly always liked watching people's reactions to the roses. But this one had confused the Hufflepuff, unaware of what was going on in the boy's head. "Are you okay? Is it who you were expecting?" Molly asked curiously. She felt a bit awkward now, but again, the boy's reaction had slightly confused Molly, and she honestly didn't know what to do from here.
Manaia had almost forgotten he wasn't alone when Molly spoke again, looking up at her in some surprise. "Oh, uh..." He said hesitantly, glancing down at the rose again. "Just... not the colour I expected." He said hesitantly. "But... yeah, it... makes sense. Should have realised." He laughed a little awkwardly, stuffing the note quickly in his pocket. "Thanks, though. I should... put this in my dorm." He added, moving back towards the common room.

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