Open Photographer Needed!

Evelyn Manning

Owner of EVELYN Fashionbrand & Model Agency ⭐
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 11 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Evelyn had been working more than hours that were actually in a day and she decided to pay a visit to New Zealand and her family. She had been living in a dream moving to Paris and doing some modeling stuff. But the blonde wanted more, and she actually knew that this world in fashion wasn't an easy one. She really had to step up for herself and making a full portfolio of photo's was now her task. Evelyn figured it would be nice to search for different photographers were she could use her own designs. Evelyn didn't really liked it when people told her what to do, she had something inside of her mind and that was what she wanted to do. Ofcourse she would be happy with feedback and she asked that a lot to Lucas. But he was doing his own thing too and she decided to travel without him to New Zealand. Her carreer was starting but it went slow and Evelyn had to start at the bottom again, it was not what she expected so sometimes she felt a little bit down. But she needed to believe in herself because when she didn't do it herself nobody would. And perhaps modeling was just a start, the blonde had a dream of building her own empire in the fashion industry so this was not where she ended up with. For now she just needed to do some runway shows and sign contracts in different country's. She needed to search for agencies. And she didn't got one in New Zealand, she didn't even knew if there were. So that would be something she could start up too.

After a visit to her old house and her parents she decided to hang up some posters with the question for a photographer. Evelyn knew some people, but figured it would be nice to give new talent a chance too. And young photographers because, they could have a different perspective in some ways and perhaps new and fresh photo's. The blonde hanged up the last poster in the obsidian harbour streets. She had been asking permission to the shop owners to hang up some, and if they didn't liked it she would hang them up just on an empty wall not before the shop. The blonde looked at the poster from a bit a far too see if it could be read good. She was satisfied and smiled for a moment.
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Matthew felt at home in obsidian harbour these days. He'd been living here for a while now, but it had taken some getting used to at first. But Matthew was happy with where he was in his life right now, for the most part. He was studying photography at a muggle university, something he still sometimes didn't quite believe. It was going well, too, and Matthew was learning a lot. Both about photography and about muggle technology. It really was something he admired. Muggle studies had been his best subject at Hogwarts, and that was a good thing. It was difficult enough to keep up with all the technical terms as it was.

Working on his passion had made Matthew more confident in it. He still made most of his money working as a waiter in a muggle restaurant, but was starting to accept photography jobs now too. It wasn't a steady income, but it was quickly making him improve. The fact that he worked both with muggle and magical equipment worked in his favor too.It made it easier for him to move between the two worlds, which he was doing increasingly often these days. He took his camera everywhere, as he never knew when the right moment for a photo would arrive. He carried it on his walk today too. Turning a corner, he noticed a girl hanging up posters. He wondered what she could be looking for, a missing pet? He approached to look at the poster and to see if he could help her with anything. She looked vaguely familiar to him, and he thought he recognized her from Hogwarts. When he saw what was on the poster, he blinked. "You need a photographer?" He asked, turning to look at her. "For... what?" His hand moved to his camera automatically, even though he had no idea if his skills would be suited for whatever this girl needed.
The blonde was just done with hanging up the posters when she heard a boy asking something and it was to her. She turned around and looked at the blonde boy. Evelyn smiled shortly, since someone had noticed her poster and perhaps he was interested. She was curious if people had interest in this and she paid them good money for it, that was no issue. '' Hey.'' Evelyn said friendly and was always happy to meet new people, since she didn't knew this boy. He seemed a bit older than she was. '' Yeah I do! Are you one?'' Evelyn figured not everyone could make beautifui pictures, sometimes it seemed easy but she had tried it herself and Lucas many times, but well you could say it was not one of his talents. '' I'm a model. And I need to make various pictures for an portfolio.'' She than explained and hoped that the boy would be the one she needed. Making pictures of people was really different than animals or just stuff. You could just not stand still and smile, that was not enough for this work as model.
The coincidence of running into someone who needed a photographer was almost too big, and someone he sort of knew as well. Though it was clear the girl didn't recognize him from Hogwarts, which was fine. Matthew didn't think he had ever really stood out. The most prominent thing he'd done was be the vice president of the brotherhood club, but that wasn't something anyone outside of the club probably remembered. He shrugged when she asked if he was a photographer. "Uh, an aspiring one, I suppose." He said honestly. "It's mostly a hobby, but I'm also studying muggle photography. At muggle university." He wasn't sure if that would sound impressive to a witch, he knew it wouldn't to someone like his father. But that shouldn't really matter to him anymore, so he pushed it aside. As the girl told him what she needed, he hesitated. "Well.... I could try?" He offered, though he knew he wasn't doing the best job in selling his services. He decided to try again. "I could do a few pictures and you can see if you like them?"
Evelyn didn't figured she would find so soon-ish someone who would be interested. But it seemed to be happening. And she had the feeling she had seen this boy before vaguely but not where. Perhaps he just looked like someone she knew from her time at Hogwarts New Zealand. Evelyn still missed having the perfect life there, she missed her friends and all the nice events. Sometimes she wished she was a student again, but this was always her dream and she had to work hard for it. She learned that she needed to do a lot herself and that not everything with money was now the solition for something. She smiled as the boy spoke and said he was an aspiring one, that was fine. '' Oh really! How cool. I'm so interested by the muggle world. I really enjoy their fashion and all around that.'' Evelyn than explained and was glad that he seemed to be having interest in muggle world too. Evelyn didn't liked it when people were against that, she could become really angry of that. The blonde was excited and smiled bright as the boy said he wanted to try. It would be cool if he would do new things, and she liked that attitude. She than nodded at the idea. '' Lovely! We can just do it here. And try to improvise. If you are ok with that?'' Evelyn would love to have obsedian harbour as background for a few photo's. It was part of her life after all. And she was not afraid of people looking at her or having an opinion. Evelyn was confident and she needed to show that too the agencies. Than she remembered that it would be nice if she would introduce herself. '' Thanks for trying. Perhaps we can help eachother with some experiance? I'm Evelyn Manning by the way. '' She than put out her hand and smiled sweet to introduce herself.
Matthew didn't know many wizards or witches who would be as positive about muggle things as this girl was, and it immediately made him like her. "I think... I vaguely remember you from Hogwarts, but I can't remember." He told her honestly. "I think you were two or three years below me?" He added, though he kind of wished he hadn't mentioned it at all. What if he remembered wrong? He was a bit alarmed when she said they could do it here. "Like.. now?" He asked her, his hand flying to his camera again. "I suppose I could." He added quickly, not wanting her to think he didn't want to do it. He just had to adjust to the idea. He nodded when she said they could help each other. "I'm Matthew." He told her. He then waited for her to say what she wanted, as it seemed like she had a pretty good idea of what she wanted to do. Much more than Matthew did, at least.
Evelyn smiled for a moment when the boy said he vaguely remembered her from school. That was positive, since he seemed older but now his face seemed a bit more familliar and she could place it too. She didn't knew his name though. But the blonde was always better at reminding faces than names. Faces were way more important and some faces were just more unique than others and in the model industry you had to have such a face. Thinking about Hogwarts made Evelyn smile. She had made so many friends there and got a lot of attention usually. It made her think of Noah for a moment. If there was one thing she regret it was hurting him. But she would have hurt him more than lie to him, she was true and that was the most important thing to her honesty. Evelyn than smiled to the boy. '' That can be true. I was in Gryffindor, you have an familliar face too. Did you liked it on Hogwarts?'' Evelyn than asked the boy. For her it was the experiance of her life and she actually became an different person at Hogwarts, she had grown a lot. But ofcourse becoming older helped with that too. The blonde than nodded.
'' Can be true. I'm 19 years old.''
Evelyn than said.

It seemed like yesterday leaving Hogwarts. But the time really went fast. Evelyn looked around her to see if there was a good location or place where they could do a photoshoot. She than smiled bright, the boy seemed a bit suprised about this spontaneous action. Perhaps he needed this too, just thinking out of the box. The boy was named Matthew and Evelyn smiled shortly. '' Well Matthew. I have a feeling this can be a really nice collaboration.'' The blonde said perhaps a bit too flirty than she wanted, but Evelyn had that sometimes. She could not help it. The blonde wore something that she designed herself and she could work with it she figured. '' So what did you learn already at the muggle photography? Feel free to give me some advice and a background that you think works. '' Evelyn than said friendly. Than she looked around her. '' I have some idea's too. But I'm interested in what you think. We can try out different things.'' Evelyn was curious how Matthew would respond, she liked it when she got creative freedom, so she gave it to him too now. And if he had trouble with coming up with something she would take over lead again, no problem with that the blonde had.
Matthew nodded when the girl said she had been in Gryffindor. He felt a little uneasy and wasn't sure why. Maybe becuase Evelyn was clearly expecting something from him, despite having just met him. What if he wasn't any good and disappointed her? "Oh, I was in Hufflepuff." He said with a slight nod. "And I'm twenty one so... I guess I was two years above you." That felt about right. "I did like Hogwarts, I actually transferred from Ilvermorny and I liked Hogwarts a lot more." He admitted to her.

There was something about Evelyn's tone when she suggested a collaboration that made Matthew wonder if she was flirting with him. He quickly looked away, fiddling with his camera bag for a moment. What could he say? He was relieved when the girl went on. "Oh, just stuff... like light, composition..." He shrugged, not sure how much she would care to hear him ramble on about it. "I also learned to work with digital cameras, but I don't have that one with me." He tended not to when he was in wizarding areas. "Would you want the pictures to be magical or muggle? I could develop them to move." He told her. It was nice of her to suggest that he could give her advice, but since the photos were for her, he decided to let her take the lead. "Let's work with your ideas, and I can see if I have any changes... okay?"
The conversation went on and Evelyn had no trouble with talking to people. She saw herself as an social person and she liked to be around people. She smiled towards the Matthew and listened as he spoke. He was in Hufflepuff, and now she remembered. She had seen him before and she was right he was on the same school. He was a bit older than she was though. '' Ah I see! That's good. I liked Hogwarts too. Seems like forever now already.'' She than said and thought about the years that past after she was graduated. Things had changed she had been traveling around the world already but mostly stayed in Paris at her house together with Lucas. And where her main model bureau was ofcourse. They could talk for ages, or at least Evelyn ofcourse about Hogwarts and all and she was curious at him but she wanted some photo's too. The boy seemed nervous at some times and she grinned for a moment. She nodded at the boy, she knew how a camera worked she wanted to know. She wanted to know everything she had to know about the fashion industry, She didn't wanted to end up being a model. She wanted more.

She thought for a moment at his question and knew. She had two different kind of portfolio's. And he let her do the free hand, and Evelyn was fine with that. She kind of liked to say how she wanted things. So she could let her own creativity go wild. '' Is it too much to ask to make both? I try to make name in both the muggle world as the wizarding world. Since I like both.'' She than explained to the boy. And than looked around. Taking of her jacket, it wasn't that cold but it was nice to have coat on. But everything for the pictures right? ''So let's start with standing pictures. '' She than said and walked at her heels a bit to the back. '' I will just walk at you. And you can take different pictures. There is some wind, so I leave my hair down.'' The blonde than said. She looked around for a moment. She didn't mind of other people came in. That made it kind of natural. And you had to be different in some pictures to be outstanding. The blonde looked to see if Matthew was ready or wanted to know stuff still. If today it didn't worked they could perhaps do other time too. Or make an appointment. But she liked this spontaneous thing.
Matthew was wondering if taking on a random photography job off the street was the best idea, but his portfolio was tiny, it wasn't like he could exactly turn down work. It seemed like they were done reminiscing about Hogwarts, and Evelyn was ready to get down to business. Matthew was glad she seemed to know what she wanted, as it made his own job easier. Though he wondered how he was going to decide which photos would be magical and which ones would be muggle. The magical ones wouldn't move until he started developing them. "I can do both. Maybe muggle ones first?" He said, adjusting the setting on his camera. He nodded at her as she told him that she would walk to him, and he took a few step backs to increase the distance. When he had positioned himself, he nodded. "I'm ready." He told her, hoping he could give her what she wanted. He wasn't sure if the pictures would turn out the way she envisioned or not, and he wanted to do a good job.

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