Old School Week Phoenix Scouts: Bonfire Party

Kauri Morales-Tipene

positive 💛 helpful 💛 sunny 💛kids entertainer💛
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Flavio) (Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
8/2032 (31)
Kauri really loved volunteering with the scouts, and he had been excited to put together an event for the younger groups while the older scouts were in school. He had built a bonfire high in the park and gotten plenty of supplies to make smores. With the sun setting he gathered the younger scouts around and showed them how to melt marshmallows quickly, before letting them try it out, supervising the fun.

OOCOut of Character:
This thread is completely open to any characters who are members of the Puffskein or Niffler scouts! The group is completely open for any characters based in NZ who fit the age requirements, so just jump right in if you're keen! For more information on the organisation, read the thread here!

Parent characters are also super welcome to come participate and supervise!
Marley had been excited when she was allowed to join the scouts. She knew it would be so much fun! They were doing smores, which sounded great in Marley's ears. The young girl giggled as she tried to do it herself, with the end result of her smores not looking good.
Fiona loved the big outdoors! When her mum had told her that the scout event had consisted of yummy chocolate and marshmallows, she couldn't back down on this offer. She smiled proudly at her more, even though it didn't look that great. She turned to the person next to her. "Do you want half of mine?"
Lucy loved bonfires and she loved marshmallows. She listened as Kauri explained how to cook them before she tried it herself, putting a marshmallow on a stick. Before she put it in the fire though, another girl offered some of hers. "Yeah!" Lucy said, wanting to taste it before she made her own.
@Fiona Burke
Thistle loved going to Niffler Scout meetings, and a bonfire was an extra special kind of fun. She listened as Kauri told them how to cook the marshmallows, but as yummy as they looked, Thistle was curious. She put a marshmallow in the fire and just watched it turn into black, bubbling slime. Gross.
A Bonfire and smores sounded so cool! He knew his mum wouldn't allow him to do something like this if it wasn't scout or school-related. But this sounded super duper fun! He listened as Kauri had explained what to do, before doing it himself. He noticed a girl about his age and her marshmallow and frowned, before looking at his and noticing his one was like that too... "I don't think we did it right..."

@Thistle Carnahan
Fiona smiled proudly when her friend Lucy from the park, who she met what felt like ages ago, had accepted the offer of her marshmallow. "Is it okay?" Fiona said with slight worry, that it tasted really bad. She'd feel a bit embarrassed if it didn't taste good

@Lucy Holland
Rion popped a marshmallow in her mouth without bothering to melt it. There seemed to be about a fifty-fifty chance of it just getting burned or melting straight into the fire, and she wasn’t about to waste good marshmallows.
Chris didn't like the scouts, not at all, why would he need communication? It wasn't like he didn't how to communicate but parents gave him to his uncle and uncle decided that Chris needs to be more with kids. So Chris just came there and sit down by the fire, not bothering to take marshmallows or sit closer to any of the other kids.
Jason had to babysit his little nephew, Chris was the youngest of their whole clan, apart for Theo who was just too young for scouts, and of course, Chris was the meanest and spoiled, knowing that he had a whole family who would stood behind him. He loved kids but it was a whole another level of pain. "How are you going to handle them all?" He asked to the man who seemed to be in the lead of it all. @Kauri Tipene
Michael wasn't sure what was worse, being at home with his overbearing mother or being at a party with a bunch of little kids. He was 10 now, so he was a full on grown-up. So he thought. "You gotta do it like this," he said, hovering his marshmallow over the fire and proceeding to burn it.
Mila was excited for the party, even if it was a kid party. After all, they had marshmallows! What could be better than marshmallows? She sat down to melt her marshmallow and noticed that the boy next to her seemed to burn his. "Oh, now on the inside you have the best cloud of sweetness and amazing taste ever! Want cookies for it?" Mila excitedly offered him her cookies to put the marshmallow in. @Michael Watson
"Right? I meant to do that." He nodded in self-assurance. It was the fire's fault for being hotter than he intended. The girl next to him was extra cheery, and even Michael couldn't help but feel better with cookies. "Thanks."
Ethan had been a little skeptical when Ernie signed him up for scouts. He had begged his mom to sign him up for boy scouts back home but it had never happened, and now it felt like a little too late. But he eyes the marshmallows and attempted to make a smore for the first time. He had seen it done in movies plenty but never tried it himself. "I don't think that's going to taste very good." he said when he noticed a girl charring hers to a crisp. @Thistle Carnahan
Kauri kept a close eye on the kids, making sure none of them were getting close enough to the fire to actually get hurt. He looked up when one of the dads spoke to him, giving the man a smile. "Oh it's not that hard, they're good kids." He said cheerfully, vanishing the ruined remains of a dropped marshmallow with a flick of his wand.
@Jason Mcleod
By the firelight it took Lucy a moment to recognise Fiona, her friend from the park. She accepted half of the marshmallow happily and ate it with a big smile. "YUMMY!" She announced loudly, giving the other girl a slightly sticky grin.
@Fiona Burke
Thistle looked up when a boy commented on her marshmallow, smiling slightly when she saw his was in a similar condition. "I just wanted to melt one to see what would happen." She explained, directing it towards another boy as well when he chimed in. "I didn't think it would go black."
@Conan Burke @Ethan Alexander
Bonfires reminded Rāwhiti of summers passed at home, back when his family had been whole and dad had set up fires in the backyard for them to toast marshmallows over. But he was doing best not to think about the past and focus on what he could enjoy today, which was primarily the rush of sweet, partially burned marshmallows.
It wasn't too long ago when Josh had found out that he was part of a magical community and his mother wanted him to join the scouts so he could make some friends. He listened carefully to instructions before turning to the person next to them and tapping them on the shoulder. "Hey, you wanna have a competition on who can fit the most marshmallows in their mouth?"
Fiona giggled a little at her friend's reaction, glad that her friend enjoyed the roasted marshmallow she had made. "YAY!" Fiona said as she cheered, before taking a bite of the other half of it.

@Lucy Holland
"Oh! I see. It's quite crispy looking" Conan said, as the girl had explained about her charcoal black marshmallow. He then noticed another boy chime in and nodded in agreement with him. He definitely knew that his marshmallow wasn't gonna taste good.

@Thistle Carnahan @Ethan Alexander
Nova turned around when someone tapped her on shoulder. "Oooh, ha, sure! I will win totally," she excitedly smiled at the boy before taking a pack of marshmallows in hands. "So, you ready?" She gave him a challenging glance and smile. @Joshua Lynch
"Are you often at the bonfires?" Mila excitedly asked him when he said to seem know what was doing. "Ha, no problem! I have more if you want!"
@Michael Watson
Jason gave a nod at the man's answer. "Oh, they seem amazing but they are so many. Would you need help maybe? I'm here with my nephew anyway," he chuckled and watched at the grumpy Chris. @Kauri Tipene
Kauri grinned when the man offered his help with the kids. "Oh sure, that'd be appreciated! I'm Kauri, by the way." He added, offering the man a hand to shake.
@Jason Mcleod

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