Slate Gates

ᴏɴᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʀɪᴏ 🅻🅾🆆 🅿🆁🅾🅵🅸🅻🅴
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Reed Wand with Boomslang venom Core
(15 April 2044)
Slate was still shaking as he quickly made his way up the stairs. He was now confused, should he go to the common room or the owlery? Instead, his feet brought him to the seventh-floor corridor, a few meters from where the entrance to the Gryffindor common room would be. He slid down to the floor, curling himself into a ball, not caring if other students looked at him weirdly. He just hoped his siblings would either be nearby or coming back up. His mind went back to what just transpired. He was confused, rose deliveries were supposed to be fun but Kia Sorens all but snapped back at him. He was just the deliverer.

@Soren Gates @Sadie Gates
Sadie was still delivering her roses when she decided to go back to her dorm before restarting to deliveries. "Oh, Slate! Whacha doing here? Roses? Is everything fine?" She talked and then noticed that he wasn't really fine, so she sat right next to him and hugged him tightly. "Slaaaaaaate, what haaaaaappened?" She tried to find out why her brother seemed so nervous this Time.
Soren had finished his deliveries and had headed back up to the common room, meaning to relax, when he spotted a familiar sight waiting in front of the entrance. He lit up, jogging over, but his smile faded when he saw the all too familiar look his brother had. He plopped down on the other side of Slate, draping an arm over Sadie's around his brothers shoulder. "Run into a wall?" He offered, trying to get Slate to smile.
Slate heard Sadie first before feeling her presence beside him. He was about to lean his head on her when not long, Soren plopped down next to him. He could not crack a smile at his joke attempt. What made it even worse was his shoulders started to shake as his tears flowed. "I-I...", he sniffled. "I'm not doing deliveries again. I'll just...I'll just finish this year and never again.", he sobbed even more. He was still thinking if he would tell them how it happened, he did not want them to get in trouble.
Sadie got even closer to make it more comfy for Slate to lean on her. Then Soren came and she gave him a smile and then turned to Soren, listening to what happened. "Slate! What happened? Is there anything we need to deal with?" Sadie got the other hand around Slate too, pulling him into a hug. She has no idea what happened but she didn't like that someone made her brother cry.
Soren let Sadie cuddle Slate, running his thumb gently over his brothers shoulder. "Don't be so dramatic, Slay, just do your deliveries with me next year. I can handle the cranky kids," He replied, looking to Sadie. "I had to deal with two of them today. Is that what's got you worked up? Some older kid got snippy and was rude to you?" He asked, looking back to his brother.
Slate sniffled, wiping his nose. "There's this girl, Kia, she just snapped at me. I-I- I was just delivering her rose.", he spilled out. He glanced at Soren and felt a bit better at what he suggested. "Yeah, maybe I can do that.", he said softly. He shook his head at Sadie. "No need to get worked up sis, I'm fine now.", he nudged her playfully.

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