Closed Perfect, cloudy day

Horror Zhefarovich

captain ⛧ bored
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Unyielding Vine Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
Horror Zhefarovich thought about buying himself a broom, which he almost did not until the very last minute when his dad gave him enough galleons to get one. Since Terror got one, Chaos felt that it was unfair for one to have a broom and not the other. So, Horror got himself an Amethyst streak since Terror had a Scarlet one. He made his way to the pitch before classes officially began. He did not need to be taught how to fly when he could learn on his own. Horror saw that the weather was decent. Cloudy, but no rain. He could not smell it in the air so he assumed that it would be okay to start flying. He mounted his broom and hopped up into the air. Was it illegal to fly without supervision? Well, he might figure it out soon enough as he started to fly around the pitch.
Fraser had been coming out to the quidditch every day since he had arrived at the school. He knew it was definitely unlikely that he would ever get on to the team in his first year, but that didn't mean slacking. He finally had the space to just practice and practice all her wanted. Fraser had flown with Conan which had gone well, and he'd flown with Evi which had been so much fun. He arrived at the pitch, glad for the somewhat decent weather. He spotted someone already in the air. Faser got on his second hand Streak and shot up into the air with a quaffle under his arm. Fraser waved at them, almost trying to wave them over to him. "Wanna practice together?" he shouted hoping the boy would hear him.
Horror did not expect someone to come out and fly already. He had hoped to have some alone time, but in a castle, apparently that was just not going to happen. He sighed as he made eye contact with the boy that was waving him over. Horror leaned forward on the broom, and soared toward the guy after he asked if they wanted to practice. He looked at the boy, and then to the red ball in his arm. Was he trying to play Quidditch or something? Horror raised his eyebrow, "Practice what? Flying? Or Quidditch?" Horror knew that the first one did not need someone to practice with them, but Quidditch did. And if he wanted help practicing, then what did Horror get out of it? He did notice a couple of birds nearby... Wait no, that would be wrong to do in his first year. Horror tapped the handle of his broom to wait for an answer.
Fraser nodded at the question, since he would be very content doing either or thing. He had planned to be at the pitch anyway, so it didn't matter what he was doing. He just liked flying and quidditch, and it was a good enough day for it, so of course. This was exactly what he wanted. ”Both, either,” he said. Perhaps the boy would want to practice alone, but Fraser wasn't going to leave. ”We could just like to fly around, or we could take turns trying to score against each other? I'm gonna be a chaser one day,” he explained, though he thought it was rather obvious given that he had a quaffle, but maybe this boy didn't know these things.
Horror still did not see the need to practice flying with another person, but he wasn't about to try to knock them off their broom, even though watching them fall would have been highly entertaining. That would be a choice to make down the road when he could stop it just to scare the person. "I see. Well, my dad was a beater I think, and my mom was a keeper. I'll protect the goals and see if I have mom's skill." Horror thought that would be the best way, but he had never played before. He didn't even know if he would try out either. But he could attempt, and that was the important part. If he changed his mind down the road. "Let's see what you have."
Fraser nodded, beater was not a position he played well, but keeper he could do. He nodded as the boy made the decision to protect the goals, and attempt to be like his mother. ”Okay, I’ll just try to score,” he said, holding the ball out. He wasn’t sure if he should rush forward as if in a game or just attempt to throw from a stationary position. ”I’m Fraser, by the way,” he yelled loudly hoping the boy would hear him. But he focused, he flew a little out and approached the hoops quickly, doing as his father had shown him to appear to go for one hoop and then throw the ball at the last minute to another (in this case heading for the left hoop and throwing up to the centre hoop.) His aim was pretty good, it seemed to be on target as he threw it.
Horror nodded to confirm what the plan was before he flew over to the goals to protect them from the first year. Horror kept his eye on the ball as the boy flew out to try to score. He didn't reply back after learning his name but that was because he was focused. As soon as Fraser faked it, Horror barely managed to catch it in time, and hurled it back to him. "Horror Zhefarovich," Horror shouted back, and smirked. "Try again." Horror knew that the boy was good already if he could almost get it past him. It was surprising really. But he would also try his best. Horror stretched his arms and such to get warmed up. He knew that the boy could likely score a few times on him, but there was a chance that he was just a good keeper. Horror was also competitive, so he would not let this boy win either.
Fraser was a little disappointed to miss, He thought he had been really close, but Horror had managed to catch it. He caught it when it was hurled back him. He caught it was ease and then grinned easily. He flew back out and then attempted to score again. The Gryffindor moved quickly, flying in a zigzag pattern. Fraser was trying to confuse it before he even got close to the hoops, and then threw the ball in the right most hoop. He was really hoping he could score, but learning how to score against someone hard would help him get better.
Horror wondered just how good this boy would end up bring, as he moved quickly in a zigzag pattern. So, he prepared to figure out which one he was going to do, but then Fraser threw the ball before he even got close to the hoops so Horror just watched it sail through before it registered. He flew around the back, caught it, and hurled it back toward the Gryffindor. "You might be able to get it passed me, but a more experienced keeper will see your throws coming a mile away." Horror never really played before so he did not have the skills like the others would have already.
Fraser was very pleased that his second attempt actually went in. he glanced at Horror with a wide smile as he caught the quaffle being tossed back to him. He felt a little disheartened by the words, but he was sure that maybe this boy was disappointed about missing. ”That's why I'm practising,” he told him with a nod. He was practising to get better, practising being the best. He flew back out, and tried again to score. This time, opting to just try to move as quickly as possible and throw him off by just being too quick. But it didn't really, Fraser's aim was completely off, and he missed the hoop by quite a bit. He could fly well, but he was by no means perfect.
Horror nodded along when he mentioned that he was just practicing. Horror wondered if he would actually make the team though. He flew around the goals and managed to block the other attempt, catching it swiftly. He tossed it back and smirked, "The hoops are over here." Horror was being a little mean there, but it was true. The aim needed to be much better than that. "Work on your aim and you might be able to survive try outs. Gryffindor and Slytherin are the more popular teams so they might not have any openings for some time." Horror was just assuming things but as first years, what hope did either of them even hope to get on the team? Horror was not sure if he wanted to or not. But he will see.
Fraser rolled his eyes a little. "I know," he said with a slightly exaggerated tone, but he knew that Horror was right, and there was a little hint of that. He just needed to work on his aim. So long as he was aiming right, the other things would come a lot easier. He nodded in agreement. "All the more reason to practice with a friend," perhaps it was a little bold to call this boy, whom he'd just met, a friend, but Fraser knew that if the boy liked quidditch they would have to be friends. Fraser had the ball again and circled a little further back, approaching the hoops rapidly, and trying to just this time be as fast as he could be. Not doing anything fancy, just being fast and only at the last moment attempting to score. This one being far more on target than the last.
Horror smirked more as Fraser seemed to know how Gryffindor and Slytherin were. He knew that Terror thought about trying out, but even as a second year, Horror didn’t think that he would make the team. The Slytherin tried not to laugh when the Gryffindor called him a friend. "You might want to invite said friend to practice with you more since you aren’t having much luck against me," Horror stated with that smirk on his face. It might appear that he was speaking in jest, but truth be told, even he did not know. He knew nothing about this lad, and could not say one way or another. Horror noticed his flying, and how fast he was being. He barely managed to block it, this time using the tail end of his broom to smack it back toward the Gryffindor. "At least you were aiming for the hoops this time."

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