People for Vera!

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Vera McAllister

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Okay, I always do these and I get lazy. But I like this character. She's the complete opposite of me and I love it. (well, we have some similarities, but we're mostly very different).
So Vera's just moved to Australia from Scotland, and she's just started at Hogwarts as a Gryffindor, and I want to interact with people.
Here's her Character Development, check it out and see if you're interested in RPing. ^_^

So yeah, if you want some random RPs or an actual plot, just let me know. :D
Oh, and I should mention that she's just looking for friends, acquaintances, and maybe enemies. :p
I'm thinking friends for these to to be honest... because while Clara doesn't get along with girls that much it would be interesting for her to have a true friend other then Benson who isn't going to stay her friend the whole time.
Clarice is often known as the nerdy, tomboy know-it-all. She is often disliked because of how factual she is, and think that she is trying to show off, when she just likes things done correctly, like her father. She is quite the opposite of her mother, who is a graceful, posh woman, when her daughter is a clumsy girl, who cannot stand dressing up.

In her muggle schooling in England she was looked at as the teacher's pet, when the teachers didn't really like her because she often usurped their knowledge. She is considered quite ambitious while Clarice does not see this in herself, in fact there really isn't much she sees in herself other then another one of the boys and a book worm.

While open minded, Clarice has a true hatred for Pure Bloods. When she helped at her father's store in London, she was confronted with many Pure Blood elitists who were quite rude to her and since then she has held a grudge, as she does with many things. She looks down on those with Pure Blood and low intelligence unless they prove themselves worthy of her acknowledgement which does show how contradictory she can be with her emotions.
I can offer Ella Palmer as a friend. She loves the beach and plays the electric guitar. She is against all bullying and that kind of stuff and normally wouldn't hurt the bully, but if she has to, then she does. She isn't afraid to "rock out" in her own way and stand up to others who don't approve of it. I've actually started a topic where she is getting something done to her hair just to stand out even more... she's like that. If someone copied her, she has to stand out even more. How about it?
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