Open past the guards

Eurydice Nightray

princess • wanting to be seen • sweet
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Curly 17 Inch Unyielding Spruce Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
OOCOut of Character:
Open after @Beatrice Grey

It was a new year and Eurydice was looking forward to it. The last year hadn't gone entirely terribly, but it certainly could have been better. As she tried to figure out what could have gone better, she'd deduced that all her problems wouldn't have been there if only she hadn't joined Heta Omega. It was a club she'd wanted to be part of because she'd looked up to her mother, but obviously there had been a lot of changes within the sorority since her mother had been the president nearly three decades ago. It was a lot of years after all. With that, she'd been thinking about leaving Heta Omega though haven't really fully decided on it. She did tell herself to take a look at other clubs though, which is how she found herself in the Courtyard today. She was sort of trying to spy on the Conglomerated Arts Club today, with mild success. She was pretty sure her aunt ran the club at some point, but she wasn't really very artsy so she had doubts that she'd fit right in there. Still she probably made quite the picture, trying to peek into the clubroom door - and not succeeding at all.
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Beatrice was minding her own business as she walked from the Great Hall through the courtyard, but she couldn't help notice one of her fellow second years being a Noisy Nancy. Once she realized who it was, Bea sighed and looked around, seeing no one else of note that she could report Eurydice to, as the girl was seemingly always causing problems. "You know, you could just knock if you want in," she suggested, stopping a few steps away in case she spooked the girl.
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Eurydice quickly stepped away from the door as soon as she heard someone speak. She turned her head only to find a Ravenclaw classmate, one she was pretty sure was also part of Heta Omega. "I didn't want to go in," she said with a shrug. It was probably weird since she was trying to spy on the club, but that was different from going in. She didn't want to talk to people or to have them sell the club or tell her what they do. She wanted to see without anyone knowing someone was looking. It seemed to be the best way to find out what clubs were like.
Beatrice gave Eurydice a stare before crossing her arms. "Then why were you starting? That seems a bit noisey, don't you think?" she replied, wondering why the girl was always being so rude. First the Heta thing last year and now this. Bea wasn't a big fan of hers.
"What's it to you?" Eurydice thinks she couldn't be blamed for being defensive. She was already attacked this semester in a club room; surely it made sense for her to try and figure out what other clubs were like behind closed doors. And besides, she hadn't really done anything to this girl to warrant such attitude. They'd never even really interacted outside of class. "And for your information, I'm just trying to see what the club is like, not that it's any of your business."
Bea was confused why this girl was going about things the wrong way - at least, in the Ravenclaw's opinion. "Did you not join the club?" she asked curiously. She supposed that some people wanted to know more about groups before committing. After all, her sister was writing a piece rating the clubs for the paper this semester and seemingly had qualms with almost all of them.
"No and again none of your business," Eurydice said stubbornly, arms crossed in front of her defensively. It wasn't like she owed this girl answers. She didn't even know if Beatrice was in the Conglomerated Arts Club because if she wasn't then who was she to make such a fuss about Eury trying to figure out what the club was doing. Clearly she was also just being nosey, although she was being nosey about Eury's business instead of the club.

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