Closed Passing Time

Naveen Khatri

professional worrier 🌿proceed with caution
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 13 Inch Rigid Applewood Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
10/2049 (13)
Naveen had been a little surprised just how easy it could be to make friends. Sure sometimes you had to go out of your way to meet people but sometimes they just clicked into place. He wasn't entirely sure how he and Cyrus became friends. They just started to hang out, and never stopped. They did share some similar hobbies but he thought they were at their best when they could do their own thing at the same time. Today Naveen got to pick the location and like usual he had chosen the garden. The sun was high and it was rather warm, but he loved it. It made working in the garden more satisfying if he worked up a little sweat. He stood up straight and held his hands up to shield them from the sun for a moment. "Not falling asleep are you?" he called out playfully.
Cyrus liked hanging out with Naveen, even if he didn't entirely understand the Hufflepuff's fascination with plants and garden work. He had brought a little blanket and was stretched out on it as Naveen worked in the yard, lying on his front as he noted things down in a little notebook. To practice his writing, he had decided he was going to use entirely different words to describe every flower he saw. The petals of the yellow tulip nearby looked silky, but had he used that word already? He was scanning what he had already written, when Naveen called out to him. He looked up from his book. "What will you do to me if I do?" He called back. "Plant me in the soil?"
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Naveen knelt down to make sure the dirt around some new tomato plants was packed down nice and tight as he laughed at Cyrus. "Probably not." he said, grinning. "I'm not sure what you'd grow into." he teased before standing up again. "But, you might make decent fertilizer." He walked over to the blanket where his friend was sitting and sat down too. "So what are you working on?" he asked and tried to peak at the notebook in his hands.
Cyrus grinned slightly at Naveen's joke. "History's greatest poet is what I'd grow into, obviously." He said, pulling a face when the Hufflepuff said he'd make a decent fertilizer. He sat up a little as Naveen approached, sighing an showing him the notebook. "Just practicing, trying to see if I can describe these flowers in a nice way." He admitted. "I'm... thinking of writing someone a poem." He admitted, glancing at Naveen. "Maybe to ask someone to the yule ball." He said, trying for a light and casual tone like this was something he did everyday. He wasn't sure if he wanted Naveen to encourage or dissuade him, he watched him closely for a reaction.
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Naveen scoffed. "Don't think I've heard of those, poet flowers. Are they a native plant?" he asked sarcastically. He listened as Cyrus explained what he was working on. Describing flowers seemed like a good thing to practice if you wanted to write poems about flowers. Naveen shot his friend a curious look when his tone shifted and he started to sound like he was hinting at something. Thankfully he didn't need to pry. Asking someone to the yule ball felt like a big deal if it was meant as a date. The idea of asking someone hadn't even crossed his mind. "Is it....going to involve flowers?" he asked lightly.
Cyrus rolled his eyes at Naveen's joke, sitting up slightly as the subject moved to him maybe asking someone to the yule ball. He sat up and stretched, glancing at the Hufflepuff. He shrugged at his question. "Maybe? Those are romantic, right?" He asked, sounding unsure. "I think I like someone." He then added in a hushed voice, which may be unnecessary. Naveen had probably gathered that much at this point.

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