Closed Passing the Reigns

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Niklaus Eliot Easterling

Practical | Introverted | Handsome
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Hetero)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13 Inch Rigid Black Walnut Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
It was the first time for Nik to see twins since Christmas and it was totally not under the conditions that he wanted. Twins had to be there with their dad, with his dad, not with Jason as their legal guardian. They were not supposed to meet as three unlucky orphans but Nik had always known how to handle his emotions but as he had the chance, he immediately got up and went running towards the boys. Chris was immediatelly taken in by Anna but Nik without saying anything just pulled Ralph in for a hug, feeling his own eyes tear up. It had to be a magical moment not a sad one. But at least, they seemed to be getting on with this way better than Niklaus himself but he had always been the very closest to his dad. "Hey, little schlepper," he said as he finally let him go, and just messed with his hair a little bit.

@Ralph Easterling
He wasn't sure if his brother Chris followed him as he walked, or rather ran, towards Niklaus, but in all the chaos of the crowd and emotions, Ralph didn't look back either. For him, it was important to capture the moment and the sense of togetherness. First time with Nik since the Christmas holidays. He missed his parents a lot and lately he was attached to Nik, who reminded him so much of his father. He felt joy and pride in his heart as he hugged his older brother, but was surprised to see tears in Nik's eyes.
"Is everything ok?"
The question broke up and he didn't feel uncomfortable at all that his brother was crying. It was rather a surprise. He didn't want to make Nik feel sad at his graduation just because they were orphans.
He liked his brother's sense of humor, calling him a little schlepper, and Ralph let his hair be ruffled. He hung up his glasses after the hug and tried fruitlessly to reach Nik's hair, who was much, much taller than him. Will it always be like that?
"You are a free man now." He knew that Nik didn't really like to talk about Hogwarts, so he would have a free choice to start with his life.
Little brother seemed eager to meet him and Nik was glad that he hadn't messed up at the very least in Ralph's eyes. He wasn't a total disappointment.
"Everything is fine, I just missed you," Nik assured him as he felt obligated to, he was the older brother in the end. But Nik couldn't helpbut laugh a bit as Ralph tried to reach his hair too, unlucky for him, it was only an attempt as Niklaus totally was way taller than his brother. "That woman there is the head of Ravenclaw. Kahurangi Josephs. Ancient runes," he was quite sure that his little brother wanted to know his future head of house as there were no doubts that he would be a Ravenclaw too. While talking he noticed Cassiah and couldn't help but smile in her direction. She was looking absolutely pretty there. But almost immediately, he returned his attention to his brother. There were no more chances of him and Cassiah, they didn't talk and now they were out of school, and she was probably gonna return to states.
"Oh, I totally am. The thing is - I don't know what do with that freedom now that you two are about to leave me this time. I'm thinking about travelling around the world this year. Are you gonna join me on Christmas? Imagine, Christmas in Europe, snow, mountains, skiing? Let's make the most out of that break," Nik was totally keen about the idea. He wanted to spend the holidays with his little siblings. "And this last winter before school, I promise, I'm gonna help you with all your shopping. Stay with me whenever you want, alright? I know that Jason takes a good care of you but I want you to know that if I could, I would become your legal guardian," his family were probably the only people that Nik was so open with. But he really wanted Ralph to know that he was there. SO while talking, he faced brothers face and put his arms on his shoulders, and reassuringly smiled at him.
Ralph never made it to Nik's hair, but at least he said that everything was fine and that he missed the little brother. So they were the good tears, not the ones that were sad or grievous.
”I missed you too!” Ralph did not hesitate to answer his brother and felt that he should cherish every moment he spent with Niklaus. Family and its values seemed more important to him now than ever.

"Thanks, so she's the dorm mom." The head of Ravenclaw seemed kind from the looks and he really hoped she will be. The Ancient Runes wouldn't happen in the first year yet, but at least he would know who would be teaching them when the time came. "What do you think will happen if I am sorted into a house other than Ravenclaw? Will you be angry?“

”Cool, that sounds like a good idea. You will travel the world just like our father and mother. And I definitely want to join you for Christmas!”
Europe… Snow and mountains, Christmas like in the real north or in a fairy tale. It was the Christmas holidays he wanted to experience with his brother. "In my opinion, you are already handling freedom perfectly. You deserve it.”
He loved hearing how Nik wanted to make time for shopping before school and hanging out whenever he wanted. They had seen each other so little in the previous years that now it seemed important to spend together every moment that life gave. Who knows when he will see his brother again after this winter. ”Will you also help me buy a pet to take to school? Don't worry, we will spend time together as long as you want. Besides, it's better if you stay as an elder sibling and not a guardian.” Ralph took what his brother said positively, but still it seemed funny to imagine him as a legal guardian.
Nik felt immediate relief as Ralph said that he missed him too.

"Well, basically, yeah" Niklaus nodded. As much as he wouldn't like to admit it, he felt a little sensitivewith an understanding that he won't meet professor Josephs as his head of house anymore. "Oh Go, no, of course! Why would I? All the other houses are just as good as Ravenclaw. You see, there is Slytherin father - professor Angel Castillo," he pointed towards the herbology teacher quite sure that Kiara had told Ralph all about him. "Then there's Hufflepuff - Landon Carter," this time he showed the other herbology professor."Then last but not least. Gryffindor - professor Cyndi Kingsley," he in fact had never had any lessons with her duringg all the years, so she was a bit of a mystery to him.

"Yeah, as our parents did. Then it's a plan. Christmas is our together time!" he knew that he and Roxie had a bit of a rocky relationship duringg the past years but it didn't matter to him. He would give all to her as much as he would to their brothers. "Oh, you're the best schlepper," he laughed a little. He was just so happy about all the opportunities.

"Of course I will! No way that I would skip such a chance! What are you thinking about? A Raven? Owl? A cat?" he continued to shoot ideas. Nik himself had a raven since the very beginning of Hogwarts but maybe Ralph had somethingg else on his mind?
Ralph also nodded and followed his brother's gaze to all four house heads. Each of them had their own character and unique appearance, and who knows which one will be the head of his house. The heads of the house of Slytherin and Hufflepuff had surely heard from cousin Kiara. Then there was the Gryffindor Head, who also seemed interesting, as you could tell from her appearance. Ralph hoped that each of them would be a kind and caring head.
"Thank you, for the fact that you will not be angry with me if the hat decides to sort me in another house. I wouldn't know how to tell you that. It would be funny if I was sorted as a Slytherin.”
Because the House of Slytherins was famous for its history of rebels and sly characters. That would be something that Ralph would never be able to live with maybe.

Nik got a happy look and a glad voice from Ralph and it was decided, Christmas holidays together! He agreed that he and his sister Roxanna hadn't been together long enough either, so they all needed this vacation plan. ”And then we will finally be all together! That would be a journey, Nik.“
Schlepper, Ralph smiled and only Nik, the big brother, who did not lack a sense of humor, could call him that. And it's a good thing, because optimism was just what Ralph needed.

"Thanks, Nik! That would be amazing if you could help me choose an animal. I'm thinking of an owl or a cat. But as I am practical, I will probably take an owl, because I would like to receive your letters from my own bird.”
Nik's ideas were taken into consideration and appreciated by Ralph. He would love any kind of bird that was smart enough to carry the mail.
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