Pass the Salt Please

Professor Misha Haden

Charms Professor | Laid Back
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
8/2009 (52)
Professor Misha Haden had to admit that the breakfasts at Hogwarts were one of the best things about teaching at the school, it was always so good and he was able to eat as much as he wanted before the day, and this to Misha was really one of the greatest perks about the job. He was sat at the staff table, where most of the other professors were and as he put the food on to the plate and ate with an amused and pleased expression on his face, although as he searched his little section in front of him for the salt but was entirely unable to find it and instead looked down the table and noted that it was in front of the older years potion teacher, a man whom he'd come across a few times but hadn't exactly spent a lot of time with. The charms professor flashed a friendly grin, "Snow! Could you pass the salt please?" he asked hoping to get the man's attention and the salt from him, even though Misha knew he could just as easily take out his wand and using a charm he taught to his young students make the item appear in his hand, but there was nothing wrong with opting to not use magic and so he just kept his smile on the man, "How is teaching potions serving you?" Misha added in a friendly tone, hoping to make conversation with the man too, he knew too little about some of his colleagues, though he was sure that not unlike Styx they intended to keep it that way.
Theodore picked at his at his scrambled eggs with a fork, he wasn't really hungry but wanted to at least make an effort in trying to eat before classes began. He knew he'd be unhappy come lunch time due to being hungry, but breakfast had never really been his thing. Just as Theodore was about to set the fork aside and give up on eating, he heard someone address him. Theodore slowly lifted his head, and narrowed his eyes. Professor Haden had asked him to pass the salt. Dark green eyes drifted over to the salt before Theodore dropped the fork and scoffed. "Get it yourself." Pushing his plate aside, he then went to focus on the recent copy of the Daily Prophet sitting in front of him. It would appear as if Haden wasn't going to leave him in peace. "I'm still working here aren't I?" What a ridiculous question to ask. The student irritated him to no end, but some part of him must enjoy it if he was still here after all this time.
Misha was hardly surprised when the man said to get it himself, and so the man just chuckled lightly at the statement, before just pulling out his wand and with a silent summoning spell brought the salt over to his hand and he just began using it, keeping his gaze on the unfriendly potions professor, who always reminded Misha of Styx but he would never draw this comparison out loud, probably. although he was hardly surprised when the man gave an exceedingly negative response to the question he had posed and Misha couldn't help but laugh lightly at it, "Fair point," the man agreed, "I mean if you really hated it you would quit, because who stays in a job they hate," Misha continued, stabbing his food with a fork as he spoke, gathering it up not the fork as he then glanced at the man. He put the food in his mouth and chewed quietly, pondering what the other man had said, "It must be nice to only have the older kids to teach, I have the young ones plus the old ones, and it's a lot of work, but I mean it's rewarding, I get to see them flourish and then when the holidays roll around I get six weeks of just getting black out drunk, quite the life right?" obviously Misha was joking about what he did during the holidays to an extent, but it was true that they got long and good holidays and he knew no matter. The stresses of teaching a class that was absolutely worth it. He loved teaching, and the first years this time around were quite something, an interesting lot, but it was still a lot of fun, at least to Misha it was, he got the impression that Prfessor Snow would not see it the same way.
Theodore returned his eyes to the Professor speaking with him. It put him in mind of his twin sister, Alyssa. She always seemed rather upbeat and willing to talk to others. "Lots of people stay at jobs they hate." Theodore didn’t necessarily hate his job, but he didn't love it either. He had a passion for potions and creating them, but he wasn't so fond of the students who made his job hard, which was the vast majority of them. He doubted that Misha would feel the same though. He seemed like the type who really got along with kids. Theodore had half a mind to wonder if the man had ever had any. "I dislike them all equally so it really wouldn't matter to me, but if that's your thing…do what you do best I guess." Theodore shrugged his shoulders, waiting for the man to get the hint and quit talking to him. Theodore often found it hard to be polite, and the longer they spoke, the less polite he would get. Without Aleyha around to keep him in check, he often forgot that he needed to watch the attitude around the other Professors.
While Misha was aware that there were people who did not like their jobs but however hateful of them, remained at them, he didn't agree with such practice, what good was a job you had to do day in and day out if you didn't like it. Misha was doing what he loved and though there were days when he dreaded being faced with bright eyed students willing to learn charms (though probably not do the set homework) he wouldn't really change it for the world. This man was intriguing, he didn't know if the man had any relation to Misha's good friend Professor styx, but he would confidently bet on any type of connection other than the merely professional one that Misha shared with both men. Hearing Professor Snow speak of hating all the children equally, the charms professor couldn't help but chuckle lightly, it was not he figured supposed to be a joke, but Misha interpreted it as one gladly, "So, how are you related to Professor Styx?" Misha asked with as little subtlety as he thought was necessary for the question, less of the beating about the bush and the same directness that this potions professor was far more used to, he didn't mind if the man shut down the question, or ignored it, but Misha thought it would be definitely funny to ask.

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