Party At Monty's

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Saveli Pendleton

Mother of Two // Ded
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Reuben <3
Saveli is going into her last few years of school and what a great way to spend the summer but partying with friends for one night? Saveli of course is throwing this without Montys knowledge but of course board rules will apply. There will be no underage drinking, or alcohol at all. The party needs to follow all in character board rules applying to what is appropriate and not appropriate in the age groups that might attend. Anyone who knows Saveli is welcome to join - anyone who knows people who know people that know Sav are invited. Basically anyone will be invited. If I get enough people interested I will be posting the topic in this so if you think this is something your characters might be involved with let me know below so I can get a gauge of who will post. More than ten and there will be a special surprise at the Party :r

Alana would be there for sure.
Desislav knows Saveli too, so maybe he'd show up.
Felix is there.

Technically. Matthew knows people who know Saveli. :r He may be there too.
Well that lengthens the list a bit. I'll probably post the party topic tonight or tomorrow after I'm done with work! I'm super excited for this!
Professor Kalif Styx said:
If Alana goes, Chaos should definitely show up. :r
Omgg. xD D:
Professor Monty Pendleton said:
Professor Kalif Styx said:
If Alana goes, Chaos should definitely show up. :r
Omgg. xD D:
Matthew, Alana, Chaos.

What could possibly go wrong. :r
All I'm saying is, Monty's house already blew up once. Please don't let it happen again :r

He will not be pleased
If only Aion went to Hogwarts..
I look forward to reading it when I return from Holidays!
Just throwing it out there that there will be an awesome surprise right before the party ends it will probs end not tonight but tomorrow to keep in time with then holiday forums close so get your characters in on the action.
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