Closed Part of the Plan

June Davenport

The best student and prefect, obviously ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
Since a while June was living with Misha Haden. He had came to see her at the fostering place a while ago. June had denied a lot of people who came by to get an chance to provide her an fostering home. She didn't want to be with 'another family' which she would hate. But on the other hand she was done with that stupid ugly room she had there also, so she hadn't lost long there. And than there was Misha, he was alone, no stupid wife or children to deal with. He was just there for her, and June decided to try it out. It was the right timing and the most interesting part and to be honest the only part why June went along with him, was that he was an professor at Hogwarts. It was perfect in many ways. She could learn more about the professors at the school, and it would sure gonna help her with achieving her goals. Misha's appartment was not that bad, she could have it worse but it was not her house where she lived with her parents. Where she had the luxury she liked. Misha was away a lot ofcourse for his job at Hogwarts, so now she had an stupid babysitter to look after her. June had tried to talk it out, that she would be fine by herself but that was not gonna happen. But being alone at the appartment with an babysitter sometimes gave opportunities to look through Misha's stuff. It was interesting to learn more about people and perhaps find their secrets. But Misha didn't seem to have such terrible secrets for now.

But the break was there and that ment that Misha had some time to spend and June figured it would be good to do so. People had to see them together before she would go to Hogwarts. It was kind of an oscar act she had to pretend to like this, because actually it hurted that she could not do this with her own father. Doing shopping for her first year at Hogwarts. Since Misha already knew what she would need, but some stuff she would buy later on since she was early. But being early was not bad, that ment the nicest stuff was still there. June didn't depend on Misha only, her parents still had money left for her. And June was not gonna live as an wanderer. As she and Misha made their way to what was be called the shopping street what she had heard, she looked around. The buildings seemed old, but perhaps what was inside them was better. June looked up to Misha walking next to her. Glad that he was not the most ugly old man to walk next to, he was fine and worthy for now. '' So did you buy your stuff here also? When you were younger?'' She than asked him, trying to make conversation.
Misha had experienced a good number of change in his life. For one, despite his feeling that it just wouldn't happen, in the end it had. He was sure that June was only keen to stick around him because he was providing her with an option to not live in a place with others and because given his job he gave her a good amount of freedom. Misha had given her a large allowance, knowing that since he wasn't around he couldn't be there to give less, and with his job it wasn't exactly a big expense. He'd long paid off his apartment. Misha was home now, with the break, and they were shopping, getting the first few items ahead of June joining the school come the next sorting. ”Oh no, I was raised in Poland, I did my shopping there. These shops are good though, I get supplies here whenever I need to,” Misha replied with a warm tone. ”What do you want to get first?” Misha asked her, he knew the list of what kids needed pretty well, but it would depend on where she wanted to start.
June watched Misha and as he answered her, she figured she never really spoke with him yet about his childhood. But that was now being added up so she would learn. He was away a lot so that many they hadn't spoken. And this was perfect for bonding some more. He was raised in Poland? That was an suprise to her. '' Poland? Oh- really?'' She than asked him. '' When did you come here than?'' June tried to be curious and make conversation. She nodded at what he told her and took the list she brought along out of her pocket. She thought about her sister Gabriella who recently had send her an letter, but June never read it. She had ripped it apart before she could read. She had no intention of her oldest sister trying to be nice. Gabriella was an traitor as well. '' I don't mind. You know the way around here better.'' She than answered back.
Misha nodded, "I came to New Zealand to teach," he replied, "It was the only place at the time, hiring a charms professor, which I of course was looking to be. My father was originally from America, so English was pretty common in the house" he said. He knew that his path to hogwarts hadn't been the smoothest one. But he didn't mind, he liked living in New Zealand, he wasn't the most up to date on the customs for the country but he still called it home. "Why don't we start with uniform? We can get a whole set of different shirts, robes, skirts, trousers, then we can move on to quidditch, if you want that or if not, maybe books," he said. he knew that June liked clothes and thought this would be the logical place to start.
June watched Misha as he answered. She kind of wondered how people around Hogwarts, the students thought about him. The subject he teached did seem like something important so it would be good if she got him as her professor. She nodded as he spoke. '' Nice. I'd really like to visit America. It seems cool.'' But was an bit distracted by some people walking around. She heard a lot of noises around her. But watched Misha as he continued.
'' Which school do you went than? Is there one in Poland, or close?''
The blonde than asked. She did have interest in the world and read a lot of books to prepare herself for Hogwarts, but she heard of other schools but no clue in the area of where he was born. She grinned for an moment as Misha said to start with the uniform. It was something she had in mind also next to the books. June was wondering if the uniform kind of seemed clean to wear. It was stupid that she had the wear the same as everyone else, but she figured she could outshine them. June nodded at him for starting with the clothes. As he spoke of quidditch she raised her eyebrow. '' No quidditch for me. '' The blonde than answered him. Lauren had played it against her parents wishes, and it was only distraction of her studies. '' Did you play?'' she than tried to say something an bit nicer with an nice facial expression.
Misha nodded in agreement, America was cool. Not an easy place to always be, but he liked it. "We can go sometime, I bet you'd love New York city," he said. June liked shopping and he knew that it was something one could do a lot in New York, so he was sure it would be right up her street. "I went to Durmstrang, it's a little...rougher around the edges," it was a school with a reputation, not necessarily a good one. He'd experienced some of that while at school but those days were long since gone. He moved towards the clothes store and equally shook his head. "Nope, I am not particularly coordinated, I preferred duelling," he told her. "Which you might get to do in second year," he wasn't sure if she'd like duelling but he thought fighting in a safe environment might also be good for her.
As they were walking June listened as he suggested of going sometime. She never had been there before but had heard of it by her parents stories. June rather went with her own father but she put an smile on, it was kind of him to say. '' I think I would.'' She than replied back and smiled. And understood Misha went there before. As she looked around she noticed some old and younger people. Wondering if people were so eager as her to start at Hogwarts and be early with preperations. June had heard of Durmstrang before. It didn't seem like the match for her, although it didn't scared her off. She only nodded at what Misha said and walked further. June was glad Misha reacted the way about quidditch. And the thing he added made her all ears and her face lighted up. Duelling was something she had heard of, her parents also participated when they were younger. And it seemed very nice to match to someone. Although June hated losing, so she just had to see how to win. '' Duelling seems very interesting.'' She responded. Second year was still far. But she already knew most of the stuff she wanted to do at Hogwarts. June had her plan sorted out, mostly. '' Will you teach me also in my first year?'' The blonde asked him as they walked at the entrance of the clothing shop.
Misha nodded, "Okay, why don't we go before you start school? We can spend a weekend there, it'll summer so nice and warm and be a last thing before the school semester," he proposed to her. He would need to figure out some details but with apparition and that he knew it would be easy enough to do. Misha got the impression she would like that, and though he was only her foster parent, he thought it was important for her to get things and to be taken on holiday.

"Duelling is very interesting," he agreed, he was sure she would get more out of it than other things the school had on offer. "I won't be, unfortunately, I teach fifth through to seventh, but I'll be there if ever you need a hand, or just need something," he told her. Offering to help her bother with any homework, but to also be someone she could come to if she required anything. Misha opened the door of the clothes shop for her and waited till she was in to follow. "You'll likely have Professor Corrins in your first four years at the school. She's a lovely teacher," he wasn't sure if June would like her, but Misha thought she was a great teacher.
As Misha suggested actually going the blonde was kind of suprised. She wasn't yet to get an good image of Misha. And the actual reason why he wanted to take her in or anyone from her age. But it seemed like he wanted to get to know her better by doing something over the holidays before going to Hogwarts. And June thought it was an good idea to get to know Misha better before Hogwarts started. '' Really? That would be great.'' She than said with an smile. It felt also an bit difficult to try and be happy without her parents, but her father would want her to be smart and not angry. She couldn't change anything or have control about her father getting out of Azkaban, so it was good to do this. But it was harder to act nicely to the people around her than she first thought. In a way she hated all the people at Hogwarts for siding with Lauren and helping her, but she needed the school also in her process and for her future. And going to another school would not help with that.

It was suprising to hear Misha only teached the oldest children in the school, it would be an while before she would have lessons from him. But the way he spoke of her being there for her was good to know. She actually would use that. '' That's good to know. '' June than replied. And she nodded as she heard the professors name she would have. And she had to make sure the woman would like her. Charms did seem like an important class, and an nice one from what she had read. And June had read a lot, she was very well prepared. '' Could you learn me something from Charms, before school starts?'' It was not wrong to let him know how well she wanted to do. Some private lessons or help to become the best would not be bad. '' Or is that forbidden? I mean. I really want to do well at school. And I've read enough about some classes. But the practical stuff, you only see people do it around you.'' June than explained as she walked inside of the clothes shop. Looking back to Misha being behind her.
Misha nodded, he thought it would be good, and everyone deserved a little trip before school started, it would be a little treat, something fun, and he would enjoy it too, though probably for different reasons. It would also give her something to talk about when she went to school and hopefully not a lot of those kids would know about everything else.

Misha gave a little smile, "Eager are we?" he replied, he wouldn't mind helping her out with charms and appreciated that she was taking an interesting in his subject. "You'd need a wand to do any spells, and wait to school before the trace comes off," he replied. They wouldn't be able to do it in practice, but there was some theory they could do. "But I can give you guidance on wand movement, and teach you the first spell, which you'll be able to do as soon as you set foot inside the school." was his counter. She wouldn't get to do the spell immeidately, but she would get to do it.
June kind of not hated the idea of going to America. She would love to visit New York. Was it the city of dreams they called it? But on the other hand she heard an voice, perhaps even her fathers to not let her get distracted. But this was good for the plan. She had to wrap Misha around her finger, and everyone else important at Hogwarts. She smiled as he commented of her being eager. It was good to show him how much she wanted. As he commented she knew she had to use and wand. The second part she hadn't know so Misha had learned her something. '' When can I buy my wand?'' She than asked him. And could not wait. June actually wanted to show the people at Hogwarts and her classmates she was better than them already in the first lesson. '' That would be nice. I want to be as well prepared as I can be.'' The blonde than said, this time the truth. As she walked further in the clothing shop she looked around. It didn't seemed like the nicest stuff but it would do. '' So what do I need or what can I choose here?'' She than turned to Misha and asked him.
Misha would need to get a few things in place before they took the trip. But he was sure that it wouldn't be too difficult to do and if she had a good time, had fun then it would be worth his while. He gave a little smile, "When you turn 11," he said, "Or we can wait until just before you go to Hogwarts, depends on what you'd like and what happens when," he said. Since if her birthday was very close to when she'd go to school, she probably wouldn't want to wait that long for the wand. It would be good.

"You don't need to worry too much about being prepared, everyone comes in at a similar level." he assured her. "But I can brush up on the other subjects if you want to be prepped for all of them," his strong suit was charms, and he could manage transfiguration and potions well enough but the other subjects were not as strong. "You need a couple of shirts, some trouser and/or skirts and a couple of robes, but chose what style you'd like and any variations you want," he told her. She would of course need the basis for the uniform, but how she wanted it to be within the parameters of that wasn't something he was bothered by.
June would turn eleven soon so that was just about to happen quickly. But she could get the wand as soon as possible than. She imagined it and how it would feel if it was really her wand, not an toy like when she was younger. Misha didn't seemed to understood her drive because she didn't want to be at similar level. She wanted to be better and knew she was. But she didn't told him that. '' That would be great.'' She than said. And than thought and added. '' Thanks.'' And smiled shortly.

As she listened to what she needed for school she nodded. She liked skirts more than trousers but she figured she could do different stuff. June knew when you got certain colour. But she could do stuff to the uniform to make it look good with jewerly or something. '' What are the uniforms like at Durmstrang?'' The blonde than asked. The ones from Hogwarts seemed an bit old. As she went through an rack of skirts close to them. And took one out to look at it closer.
Misha just nodded, he was perfectly content to brush up and show June a few things. Given, that that was what she wanted, he wasn't going to stand in the way. If she wanted to do more learning, he would help her. He could figure that she was probably nervous about school, it would be a new environment after having to move in with him and everything else.

"They were...built for the cold," he replied with careful words. "The school is in a cold place and can get very cold, so the uniforms were trousers, robes had wool inside them," he told her. He wanted her to be able to just pick what she wanted and dress how she wanted. "If you find nothing here, there are other stores, for things like skirts, so long as it's within school colours no one would have an issue. We will have to get the robes here and the shirts though," for the former it would need measured and the latter because most shops didn't have shirts.
As Misha told her about the uniforms and clothes at Durmstrang it did made sense obviously. But than she was kind of more pleased with what she had to deal with here. She hated cold. '' I'm glad I will go to Hogwarts than.'' She said with an grin. She went through the clothes in front of her and nodded as Misha told her they could go to another store for skirts. '' I'm so curious which colour I'm getting. I mean when I get sorted. Which house do you think I can be in?'' June than turned towards Misha. She actually was curious. But if he said Hufflepuff she would be dissapointed. But it was also an good test to see how he thought of her.
Misha laughed lightly, "Certainly, Durmstrang is a difficult school," He said with a bright tone, despite what he knew about the school and what it was like. He thought June was made of strong stuff, but being at Durmstrang was sort of something else. The man glanced at her, as she picked clothes and smiled, "Well, I don't think Houses matter too much, but you're a very smart young woman, so Ravenclaw's definitely an option, and then also Gryffindor, since you're a very brave young woman too," he told her honestly. He wouldn't mind where she ended up, and thought she could manage in any house.
June didn't thought an difficult school would be not fitting to her. Since she believed in herself, but Hogwarts seemed more fitting and that was where her parents and whole family had gone to or still would go. She took some clothes that seemed fine and watched Misha. She disagreed strongly that the houses didn't matter. To her it mattered. But as he spoke about her she smiled. The impression she left on him was perfect. So she had to continue with it. He thought she was smart, but she knew ofcourse. Gryffindor was more of an house she didn't actually thought about or wanted. But it was no Hufflepuff at least. '' Well.. I guess thanks.'' She than said and returned with a smile. '' Brave? Why do you think so?'' she than asked in return. June knew her parents wished her to be in Slytherin like them. In if that was not happening Ravenclaw was the only house good after. June never had thought she would be in another one, so had no idea how she would react if she would be sorted in any other. And she didn't want to think about that. She took the clothes to the counter and spoke with Misha towards it.
Misha considered perhaps that he had said the wrong thing when he'd called her brave as she asked him to qualify the comment. But he knew she was to a degree. "Well, you've had quite a number of things happen in your life so far already," he said, trying to phrase it nicely. "And you've managed to face it all really well. I mean you have to live with me, I'd say all of that makes you pretty brave," he knew he could go into more specifics with it, but the broadness of it was probably better than that. June was a good person, and she had had to suffer a lot because of her family - and that itself had been terrible - so yeah he considered her pretty brave. "But I think your intelligence will win," he added.
June turned around with her back to Misha to lay the pieces she wanted on the counter and heard him explaining why he thought she was brave. June knew she wasn't an chicken, obviously. But it was interesting to hear someone explaining. And as he went on, she knew where he was aiming at. June didn't liked speaking about it with someone else. Ofcourse she could not hide it when people would know, but she would not yell from the rooftops her father was in an magical prison on Hogwarts. June felt irritation and anger. June had shed her tears already when the trial was there. But that was also an choice. June could cry on commando, when it was needed. When she didn't got what she wanted for example but also to show the people who judged her parents that she loved her parents and it was a mistake. June sighted for an moment to keep an straight face and turned her head to Misha. '' Yeah. Living with you. Than you have to be brave, for real.'' The blonde said and put on a grin. Making an small joke. In fact there was some honesty in it. June liked her own house. Misha's house was ok, but not what she was used to. '' We will see.'' The blonde said. She was confident about the house she would be in. And it was neither of the ones Misha seemed to aim at.
Misha laughed lightly at her insult to him. He pretend to clutch at his heart, "June, you wound me," he replied, falsely a little dramatic, but he was speaking lightly. He was glad that she could at least insult him a little. Misha wanted her to feel relaxed around him, free to do what she wanted without any fear that he might be like her dad. "Really though, at the end of the day, you'll be fine no matter the house. And you can always come to my office if the other people are annoying you, and you just need a night of peace. " He would probably need to clear it with the headmaster, but he was sure allowances could be made given her history. His door was always open to students who required it, but it would be more open for June. "We can get you an owl if you'd like, and if you need anything during the semester, I can go get it,"
June watched Misha as he actually had to smile an bit. June smiled too, but not because she was happy to see him smile. But that was confidence that she did well and her practice on being nice and play people actually worked. Whatever he said, she had her eyes on the prize. And that prize was Slytherin. And June never had doubted that, that would be different. There perhaps was an small chance Ravenclaw was something fitting too, but June wanted Slytherin. And in her experiance so far, was what she wanted she got. The only thing what seemed to be different was ofcourse her parents being away from her now. But she was working on getting them back or them to be together again. June had to grin for an moment by his comment when people were annoying her. Well she figured she could be there everyday than, since many people annoyed her. But it was kind of him to say, and good to know she had him at her side. '' Thanks. I think I need to get used to sharing an bedroom indeed. But I'm confident people will like me.'' June said with an smile. And it was good to remember what he said. Because there already seemed to be an exception for her. And she liked that. And that was one of the reasons she agreed going home with Misha. '' That would be great.'' June answered. And as she got the clothes and they had paid she made an move to leave this shop.
Misha was equally confident that people would like her. She was outgoing and he got the impression that she would make her mark on the Hogwarts scene in a big way. She certainly was nothing like Cyzarine, but this was never a bad thing. Two people could and should be different. Once she'd picked everything, he took it to the counter, paid and then guided her towards the exit. "Where to next then?" he asked, he had the bag of clothes shrunk down and tidied away carefully in his pocket where they would be safe. He was more than happy to let her decide where she wanted to visit next.

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