Overview the way Lessons been Done

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Jaden West

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To be honest I haven't done any lessons at all since Jacob Holland graduate. And with me having quite a few characters at Hogwarts its hard to decide in which character I will use to do lesson with, because a few years back you weren't allowed that many in school and now that things change. Lessons are either to much and eventually becomes neglected. Or that exams are pushing a little to much (when alot of PPL on here have RL exams) and it just feels like your doing an online course. (Really it does) D: -pulls hair out- and ultimately that's how you decide on perfects and head people. (I am really not sure if that's how you decide) but getting to the point, can we shorten the work load? I know some class ask for a written assignment after works. But I was thinking its either you rp the lesson or do the written assignment (if you do either one) you'll still get full credit. Cause like I said, its to much sometimes. Especially for me who's on a BB and I hate when PPL ask why don't you do the lessons >,,<. Anyways hope that make sense! :p I'm sure it does!
Maddie, I have been on HNZ as long as you have and there has never been a limit to how many student characters a person can have.
We've always recommended you start with only one and only take on as many as you can handle, and we still do.

Classes also used to be mandatory. They're not now. I don't hear you raving about how good that used to be in the "old days". So if you're going to mention superiority of "then" remember the bad, too. (Note: I in no way agree that things were better on HNZ in the past.)

Classes will not be simplified any further. They're not mandatory, and if you want your characters to get something special (prefect, headboy/headgirl) you should focus on that character and at least do their lessons half the time.
Professors have been asked not to require written assignments. Usually, you just need to RP the lesson. No online course I have ever heard of requires you to do what you enjoy and roleplay.

It's up to you entirely. This system has been simplified as much as it can be, and the next step would be to take away lessons; which I won't be doing.

If you feel you can't handle lessons for the number of students you have, take on less students. Lose some. Focus on a few and do them well. :) That's my take.

(In order to reply to this as quickly as possible I switched back to a QWERTY keyboard layout. xD Otherwise, a post this long would have taken me like 20 minutes to type just working on learning the Dvorak layout.)
Thanks Nick, again I understand but wasn't aware that written assignments weren't given in lesson. (The last time I check anyways) I don't have a problem doing the lesson (would all of them if I have too!) but I understand what your saying and I wasn't saying the old way were good :p if anything its improve ten times more! Again thank you xx
Unfortunately, I can't patrol classes. But, as I said, Profs have been asked not to do mandatory writing assignments.

And I do understand that you only having a phone makes doing lessons difficult for you. :)
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