Our own little heaven on earth

Tenrai Green

OOC First Name
Summer has stolen
Tenrai leant again a metal post with his arms crossed over his large chest. Seeing as it was Autumn in Scotland it was quite cold, but then again that was just typical Scotland really. Under the cover of constant clouds and rain. Though it wasnt raining now it was still cloudy but Ten had to admit it was warm considering the Sun was no where to be seen. He wasn't sure if it as warm enough for Nia but he could let her wear his jacket if she was cold, he didn't mind. He was used to this weather after all he had lived here our around five years.
With a head he leant his head back and ran one and though his medium length brown hair, spiking it up slightly. He had gone for the not caring look, it looked like he had a bed head. He didn't mind much, he liked to look slightly scruffy. His other hand slid into the warmth of his dark blue denim jeans. The other slid from his hair the his neckline and hung by his side. Ten was not the most patient of people but he could wait for ever if he knew that he would get to the love of his life, Nia. He loved that girl with all his heart and then some. He had planned out his life and every bit involved her. She really had made him complete and he didn't now where he would be without her.
Adonia apparated to Scotland. She was there to see her long time boyfriend, Ten. She shivered as she arrived, forgetting how much colder it was here than where she had been, her house in France, especiall with what she was wearing. None of that mattered though when she saw Ten. He was leant against a pole waiting for her.

Nia and Ten had been dating for two years now and she couldn't be happier. She watched as he ran his hand through his hair and smiled before running to him. "Ten!" She jump hugged him. Nia grinned, it had been forever since they had last seen each other, about three weeks. She hated not being at the same school as him.
As Tenrai heard footsteps running towards him. Looking up slowly a smile appeared on his face almost immediately, the usual reaction when he saw Andonia. "Nia." He said happily. Bracing himself as she got closer to him to. As she jumped and hugged him Ten lifted her up and spun er around hugging her. "Missed you so much." He said to her as he placed her back onto the ground. It had been so long since he had seen her in person because they went to different schools they had to make do with the time they had with each other in the holidays. I was not enough time for him, if he had his way then he would spend every day with her.
Sliding his hand down her arm and linking it in to her hand. "So how have you been in school?" He asked her with a smile.
Adonia smiled, and squeezed his hand as he held hers. "I missed you too hun." She sighed playfully when he mentioned school. "It's been boring, we're just recapping the stuff we learnt last year. How about you?" Nia leant into her boyfriend.

Nia let go of his hand, only to wrap both of them round his waist and kissing his cheek. She knew he had to get some grief from his mates at school, well, she thought he would. They had been going out for two years and, well, I think you know what the guys would think. But, surely, Ten would set them straight about that of course.
Ten nodded as he listened to her say that school was boring. He could relate to that easily. He wasn't too big on school either, in fact he was looking forward to he day that he could leave in to the real world. Where you get treated like an adult, if you acted like one that is. "Yeah its been about the same. Just all talk about NEWTs and things lie that. As if I need reminding 100 times everyday" He said with a chuckle. It was true that the up and coming NEWTs seemed to have become the Professors favourite topic to talk about now. It was the same with he OWLs when he had to take them.
He sighed slightly as h thought about school. It was good most of the time but being a boy there were some issues. The fact that he was one of the popular boys an he had a girl friend that he had no been intimate, not in that sense anyway, with kind of put him down a bit but Tenrai was good with words and could easily sway the topic. "So you want to go shopping or something. I was thinking, shopping, dinner then we could go home." He said biting his bottom lip. He was really waiting on her to be really, he was but she wasn't. Well not to his knowledge anyway. Still he loved her enough to wait.
Adonia smiled when he said shopping. She wasn't a girly girl but she did like to shop. "You know me so well baby." She grinned and kissed him passionately quickly. "Where do you want to go first?" She always let him pick first before she turned into a shopaholic.

Adonia squeezed his hand, she trusted him completely, she didn't know why she was so nervous. Luckily for her she had picked a good guy, there was no pressure, he didn't even try anything. She often felt guilty but he made her feel better. "What do you mean by home?" She couldn't tell if he meant go back to school or, well, actually going home.
Tenrai smiled and bit his lip as he thought. "hmmm." He said whilst thinking. He had to think of a girly shop that he would like. It didnt take him long to go down the mental list. "How about New Look." He said with a grin. "And yeah I know I know you too well. t just shows that i pay attention and listen" He said kissing her. It was true Tenrai did like to listen to her when she spoke to him.
When Andonia asked him what he meant by home he instantly knew that he woulnt be getting what he was looking for so he was a little more casual about it. "Well my house. We can cuddle up an watch t.v with a fire going or something. Just like relax together." He said with smile. Either way was good for him really, as long as he was with her.
Adonia smiled and hugged him close. "That sounds lovely babe." She smiled again and began to walk to the shops, dragging him behind her. She loved how well they worked together. They usually did want she wanted to start with, then moved onto what he wanted to do. Well, what he wanted to do that she would be alright with.

They made it down the street before stopping out side New Look. They were in a shopping mall so there were a lot of other shops that he liked as well. "You want to come in with me or do you want to look around for a bit?" She didn't really mind if he went else where, she was planning on going underwear shopping at some point and wasn't entirely sure she wanted Ten there with her.
Tenrai smiled at her when she said it sounded good. He didn't mind going shopping with her, he just liked spending the time with her and what made her happy made him happy. His friends may have called that stupid but he didn't care what hey said. If he had to choose between them and her then, well he knew who he would choose. With out a second thought.
Following her across the mall Tenrai made no attempt to stop, he just allowed her to drag him to different shops. "I dont mind. You may need my opinion though." He said with a laugh as he let go of her hand. "Then again you could always surprise me thought couldn't you. He said with a shrug
Adonia moaned and looked at him with puppy dog eyes. "It's up to you, you know I don't like making decisions." She smiled at him. Her hand felt weird without his in it but she didn't like to complain, not wanting to seem needy. They may have been dating for over two years but she was still insecure about her self and worried about him wanting someone else.

Adonia waited for him to reply, not sure whether she did want him in with her or not. On the one hand, she could get more shopping done without him, on the other, well, he wouldn't be with her. Either way, there was a good and bad side, but she didn't mind what he chose really. She gave him the choice so she had no place to comment.

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