🌹 Rose Giving Our Only Red Rose

Aurora Archer

strong-hearted | audacious | class of '62
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 18" Unyielding Willow Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
12/2043 (18)
Aurora wished that Hogwarts were a little smaller on days like this. Since they had just been outside and then told that the next girl they needed to find was in the library. Though Aurora was thankful that it was the library, intending to try and take a couple of minutes to speak to their dad. After they found the girl they needed. "Lucy?" she called out, trying to not shout in the library.
Rosie was feeling much better, whatever it was, it was passing. She'd probably just eaten something bad, and things were now fine. The teen was following her sister in the library, glancing at the aisles to see if she'd spot the girl they were looking for. "Lucy Montague?" she said after her sister.
Lucy had been deep in her work, focusing on something particular about herbology when she heard her name. It snapped her out of her concentration and she looked up to see two older girls. For a moment she feared she'd done something wrong - maybe she'd messed up somewhere, been out too early and it would be considered violating curfew - but the worries dissipated when she remembered it was rose-giving. That's right; it wasn't just her who would give out roses, but roses might be coming her way too. She felt a small rush of excitement. She wondered who had given it, and what the message might be. "Hi!" she said, lifting her hand and waving it. "I'm here!"
Aurora smiled as a girl, a young, maybe first or second year approached them. "Great!" she said with a warm tone. "We have a rose for you," she added as she took out the red rose that they had for her, the only red they were delivering.
Rosie followed behind Aurora as they approached the young girl. She looked for the note that went with the red rose, but found nothing. "Oh, there's no note with this one," she said.
Lucy blinked. She received the red rose tentatively, a nervousness brewing inside her. Red was serious. It meant love, like actual love, like the stuff in books Lucy definitely didn't read because they were weird and Lucy wasn't sure she understood them. Who would send her a red rose? She waited for the note and then was informed there was none. Lucy felt bereft, yet an odd kind of special at the same time. Not everyone got a red rose, after all. "Are you sure there's no note?" she asked a little anxiously. Did she have a secret admirer? But who? Lucy looked at the two older girls, hoping there'd be more information to be garnered somehow.
Aurora looked at the basket again, trying to see if they had just missed it, but it appeared like they hadn't. "Yeah, sorry, there's no note," she said apologetically.
Rosie felt bad that there was no note, it must be difficult to not know who might send a red rose. Maybe they would make themselves known to her. "You might find out later, if they tell you," Rosie suggested.
Lucy nodded. She supposed there was nothing to be done except maybe ask around. Someone sent it, she just had to figure out who. "Thanks anyway," she said to the two girls, giving them both an appreciative smile. If she thought about it like a mission, it might be more fun. Operation red rose. Lucy perked up, not feeling so bad now.

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