Old School Week Ouch, Gravity

Isadora Novak

✨ Rebellious | Free Spirit | Angry🍀
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Rigid Applewood Wand with Boomslang venom Core
3/2044 (17)
Isadora was climbing a tree, mostly to see how high she could get. But her foot slipped and she fell out of the tree, landing on the soft grass below with a loud curse. It was a good thing her mother wasn't here to hear it, she would have sent her to her room for sure. She sat up, rubbing her back.
Valerius had been out for a walk, exploring the grounds, when out of nowhere a girl fell out of a tree nearby, scaring him thoroughly. He jumped back, startled, before hurrying over. "Wow. Are you alright?" He asked, holding out a hand to help her up. "What were you even doing up that tree?" He asked, scolding her just a bit in his worry.
Isadora slowly got to her feet, looking at the boy who had come over. She raised her eyebrows at him, then grinned, grabbing the tree to help her up instead of her hand. "I'm fine, and I was climbing it." She said. "Obviously."
Valerius' brow furrowed and his hand fell back to his side. "Why on earth would you climb a tree?" He asked, confounded by the girls answer. Had there been something in it? A lost kite or ball perhaps? He tried to think of a logical reason, but a quick Accio spell could fetch anything.
Isadora looked at the boy with a frown on her face, before letting out a laugh. "Are you serious?" She asked. "Why wouldn't you? It's fun!" She said, dusting herself off for a moment before looking back up at the tree. "It's a challenge." She said firmly. "Wanna try with me?"
Valerius blinked. Was this girl crazy? "No, I wouldn't." He replied bluntly, folding his arms. "But I'll stay and make sure you don't hurt yourself," He told her, looking between her and the tree. "If you insist on climbing this stupid thing."
Isadora laughed at the boy's response. "Wow, boring." She said, glancing at the tree and back at the boy. "Guess you're scared." She joked. But her smile faded at his next wors. "I don't need you to make sure I don't hurt myself. I can take care of myself." She said firmly. "If you don't like it, you can leave."
Valerius' eyes narrowed, but he didn't move. "Maybe I will," he retorted, quirking a brow. "I don't see the appeal of trying to climb this thing," He complained, looking between her and the tree. How could anyone find that amusing? It looked messy and painful.
Isadora shrugged when the boy said he might leave. "Cool." She said. "I'd rather you go than that you stay here and hover over me like a concerned mother-hen." She joked, wrinkling her nose a bit. Isadora grabbed a branch and got started on climbing up again. She glanced at the boy. "You've never tried?" She asked while trying to hook her leg over a low-hanging branch.
Valerius was unsure what to do. He could leave her to her fate- she had already all but kicked him out anyway. But then if something did happen to her he would feel responsible. He folded his hands behind his back and shook his head at her question. "I live in the city, why would I?"
Isadora raised her eyebrows a bit at his declaration. She couldn't help giggling a bit, he just looked so serious. She put her hand over her mouth for a moment before responding. "A city with no trees? How sad." She said, before gesturing to the tree she had just fallen out of. "You could try it here."
He raised his brow. He might have a park or something near his house, but not one he'd bothered going to. "Why?" He asked. "That looks dangerous, and messy. What's the appeal?" He studied her. He wasn't sure if he was curious or concerned, or some odd mix of both.
Isadora paused as the boy questioned her again, squinting at him for a moment. "Are you a kid or a boring adult jinxed to look like one?" She teased. "Where's your sense of adventure?"
Valerius let out an aggravated sigh. How was he getting dragged into this? He walked over wordlessly, not liking her assumptions, and hauled himself up into the tree, climbing until he was level with her. "I don't see the appeal of this," he retorted, already worried what his hair must look like.

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