Other slytherin students want to roleplay?

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Akin Crouch

Active Member
-akin walks through hogswarts doors after leaving for a couple of weeks without any notice, he was wearing black shoes black jeans, a long black coat which was open revealing his chest and black shades, as he walks past the usless and thick students of hogswarts a teacher spots him and begins walking after him, but akin just ingores them and carries on walking-
I won't mind RPing with Akin =D

-Tiffany was on her way to the Slytherin common room, when she noticed a boy walking towards her direction. He seemed to not realize she was in his path, and if she did not move away in time, he was gonna walk into her. Tiffany immediately moved away as watched the boy. "Hey, haven't seen you before, are you new?" she asked politely, wanting to not make him angry.-
Ok, just so you know, this is not for RP's this is where you think a plot line. (I'm not being a back seat moderator) But you should know at least.

But i'm up for any Rp's with you...
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