Open Opportunistic Delivery

Elliot Briar

| '54 Grad | Ollivander's Asst. |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Demi (Alice)
10 1/2 Inch Alder Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
6/2036 (25)
Open after @Cyzarine Haden

Elliot was relieved to have someone on his rose delivery list he actually knew, if even they didn't talk much. As the day went on he was finding that putting names to faces of all the students in school was proving a lot more work than he'd expected, but he knew Cyzarine, and knew she should be easy to find since they both had Charms together today. Waiting outside the Charms classroom as the class trickled out, he called out to her as she exited. "Cyzarine, hey, I've got a rose for you."
Cyzarine loved charms more than anything, but she always welcome the chance to leave promptly. She had plenty of other things that absolutely needed done. She was was stopped in her tracks when someone called out to her. She had still to give out her roses but someone had sent one to her, that was so sweet! "Hey!" she said walking over to the boy, Elliot or something. Cyzarine held out her hand to be able to take the rose from him.
"Hey," Elliot said back as Cyzarine came over, before digging into his rose basket for the right one. "Uh, yep here we go," He said, handing over the yellow rose. "There's a note with it too, hold on," He said, unsticking the note from where it'd snagged on the arm of the basket. "There you go." Elliot was glad to get a delivery easily taken care of, though he wasn't sure if it would be weird to make small talk now or not.

Hey Cyzarine,

You’re the best! Gryff girl squad 4ever!

Love Maddy
Cyzarine couldn't help the wide smile as she took the yellow rose, it was so wonderful to receive a rose, good fun to deliver them and see the reaction of people but as lovely to receive one. She took the note that went along with it and opened it quickly, grinning happily at what was written. Oh Maddy was the best! She looked back at the boy, "Thank you!" Cyzarine thanked him sincerely, "Giving roses is so lovely isn't it?" Cyzarine was going to be giving her roses soon, and would be in an ever better mood to do so since she too had gotten a rose.
Elliot was glad that Cyzarine seemed happy with her rose. As scary as the deliveries were, it was definitely nice to get to see how happy most people were to receive them. "It's a little nerve-wracking," He said, honestly. "But yeah, it's nice to help do nice things for people I think." It sounded a bit cheesy now that he'd said it, but Elliot figured Cyzarine would get it.
Cyzarine didn't really find it nerve-wracking, she found it exciting and thrilling, but perhaps that was just because she liked doing things like this, "It's really nice!" she agreed easily, "It's my second time doing it this year, I hope to be able to do it every year!" the gryffindor told him certain of her own words, perhaps he wouldn't want that for himself but she wanted it for herself.
Elliot wondered if he'd be up for more flowers next or not. It definitely felt nice to help out the Wild Patch, but the idea of having to try and find a bunch of strangers again was a bit much. "Oh cool, have you had a chance to get started yet?" He was a little worried what might happen if he didn't hurry up and find all his deliveries before it got too late in the day. Was it bad if you missed someone?

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