Open to any help for a banner!

Giraltus Magno

Active Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Too Young to Care
18" Study-Straight Cedar Wand, Essence of Kelpie Hair
Hello fellow HNZers, I'm seeing a lot of talent in the world of photo editing here.

Absolutely great community here. That being said, I'd love to request a banner for my character, open to any and all.
Thank you in advance. :)

Character name: Giraltus Magno
Celebrity used: Dean Charles Chapman
Photos: First Image Second Image
Text on Banner: Giraltus Magno
Colour Scheme: darker colors with hints of complimentary brighter colors....if that makes sense
Other: In regards to the two images, use one or the other depending on your personal preference. Only have a need for one true image on the banner. Other than that, go crazy, put whatever artistic freedom you want! I generally prefer a clean simple banner, but like I said, anything will do!
I had a go at this, it wound up a bit less simple than I was intending but I hope you like it! :D

Rowan, since I've arrived you've been such a wonderful help.
This banner is truly amazing, thank you so much <3
Glad you like it, and glad I was able to help :D

Request Completed & Archived

Your Graphics Request has been successfully completed and as such has been archived.
Feel free to place more graphics requests as you find need. ;)

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