
Sapphire Michaels

Clever- Mischievous- Snarky- Photographer
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Who Cares?
Pear Wood, Unicorn hair core, 14 inches
12/23/2033 (27)
Sapphire had taken this opportunity to test one of her glitter bombs. Lunch had just started in the great Hall, and most everyone was inside eating. She had already thrown two at the entrance, testing various aspects. Distance, how hard you had to throw, size of the explosion. She didn't plan to clean up the glitter, figuring it gave the entrance a bit more green glamour. If anyone decided to yell about it, that was their issue.

Sapph cocked her arm back and threw another one at the steps, not noticing until it was too late that someone was coming through the entrance. "Look out!" She yelled instinctively, but it was too late. Her Sapphire eyes went wide as whoever had just come through got hit. Not a direct hit, thank God, but still, they had been splattered with glitter all the same.
Kengi Smile had finished eating early. Recently, he did not have much of an appetite, which was not a good thing. There were so many classes that he needed to catch up on, but he felt like he had no time to do so. He wished Vincent was here to help him, but he was probably to busy with his OWLs. The first year had thought that attending the same school as his godfather would be fun, but it had turned out to be quite the opposite. Kengi was coming down the steps when he noticed something was coming towards him, but he mostly heard someone yell, "Look out!". The boy screamed and managed to get out of the way some, but he ended up being covered in glitter. The boy found himself looking around to see who had done that, but he not see anyone. "Who did that?!" he yelled angrily. The boy normally avoided situations like this where he had to confront people on things, but he absolutely HATED glitter because it was so difficult to get rid of!
Sapph winced as the kid yelled. Well, no help for it. She pulled the paper bag out of her bag, and cocked back to throw it. "Cover your eyes!" She yelled, and threw it the same as she had before. It hit the steps below the kid, and air and water whoosed out, quickly clearing a portion of the steps and the kid of glitter. Now he might be a little damp, and he might find little bits of glitter until he showered, but he wasn't sparkling green and silver like the rest of the steps anymore.

Sapph trotted up to him, an apologetic smile on her face. "Sorry bout that, I thought I had a few more minutes before people were done eating."
Kengi was beyond furious. If he was pale and tall, he would look exactly like Professor Styx, livid and ready to kill. He still managed to close his eyes when he was ordered to, a stereotypical trait of a Hufflepuff. If he felt the impact of the water bomb and yelled out angrily again. He opened his eyes and wiped the water out of his eyes. The girl was in front of him was apologizing, which made him even more angry because that was no apology and throwing water at him was not a way to help. "How did you think throwing water at me was going to help?!" he asked angrily. He wanted to find a Professor right about now because this girl's behavior was completely unacceptable.
Saph raised a brow, unfazed by the kids anger. She'd seen worse. She folded her arms across her chest and gestured at him. "The glitters gone." She stated simply, curiosity peaked. She could tell he was a Hufflepuff, but she couldn't tell if she liked him as much as the other Hufflepuff she'd met. Maybe if he stopped yelling.

Sure, she did accidentally glitter the kid, but she had apologized. And she had fixed it. She could've just run like hell and not looked back.
Kengi rolled his eyes. All the glitter was gone? This girl was clearly not a Ravenclaw. There was still glitter everywhere! It was not like she had used a spell to clean him. He was now wet and covered in glitter. "You must be blind. Water only makes glitter harder to remove. Do you not have any home training?" he asked. He was not longer yelling, but he was still very angry and was going to say hurtful things because this was absolutely not okay, and he was going to most likely cry pretty soon.
Sapph sighed and spoke softer, wondering if she had said it wrong before. "Alright, I'll rephrase that. There's no more bright green glitter on you. It's my own mix, as is the solution that took it off." She gestured at him. "I really didn't mean to hit you, I'm sorry for that." Sapph had an idea, and whither it was a good one or not, she reached into her pocket and offered him a sucker. It was her universal sign of "Let's be friends".

"I didn't know you were going to step out. Really." Sapph bit her lip a bit, feeling bad for hitting an innocent. Her glitter bombs were used to distract bullies and play pranks on friends.

"Let me try to make it up to you. My name's Sapphire. What's yours?"

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry for the delay, I'm at work
Kengi only grumbled at the girl's apology. It was a stupid one, but at least she apologized. He took out his wand and cast the Bluebell flames spell in order to dry up some of the water one him and on the ground because he did not want anyone else to slip and fall. The boy quickly ended the spell and stood back up to see the girl was offering him a sucker. Kengi couldn't help but smile. He pocketed his wand and took the thing from her hand. "Thank you." he said smally. The girl offered to make it up to him and introduced herself as Sapphire. "My name is Kengi, and I would appreciate that. Sorry for yelling. I really don't like glitter at all." he quietly apologized.
Sapph relaxed when Kenji took the sucker, visibly calmer. She noticed the spell he cast and made a note to try to work in more magic in her life. She still couldn't get used to not having to do it all herself.

She grinned crookedly when he said he didn't like glitter. "Yeah, I usually try not to hit regular kids with it," she admitted. "It's mostly for bullies and my friends when they annoy me," She stuck her hands in her pockets.

"So why aren't you eating with everyone else, Kenji? Everything okay? Besides me, I mean." She added with a playful wink.
Kengi raised an eyebrow when Sapphire said that her glitter bombs were mostly for bullies. That worried him because bullies needed to be reported. His father was a Hit Wizard, so he was raised to report if there was a bad situation. "If you are getting bullied, you should tell a Prefect of Professor. I don't know if you should prank your friends though, it could make them really mad. You should talk to people if they are not being good friends to you, not throw glitter at them." Kengi suggested. He liked to avoid conflict of any kind. The first year did not even really fight with his sister, which showed how much he preferred to settle things with words and not physically. "It's Kengi, with a G, not a J, and I'm just mad at someone right now. That's all." he said and pocketed the sucker."
Sapph had to smile at the kids pacifist ideas. Usually her glitter was a distraction so the younger kids could flee safely, then she dealt with the problem if it persisted. As for her friends, Oliver had started the first glitter fight and Alkander.. well, she hadn't tried one on him yet but she might.

"You have some interesting ideas, Kengi with a g. You're not mad at me, right?" She asked, looking playful as she reached for her bag. "I have more suckers."
Kengi did not mind what people thought about how he handled situations like this. It was exceptionally rare when he raised his voice, but considering he was in deep thought and was hit with glitter of all things, he had every right to be angry like he was. Sapphire asked him if he was still made and he laughed a little. "Of course I am still mad at you. I'm all wet now. I wish there was someone around who could clean me up. I may have to go back to my house to change and get warm." he told Sapphire. He had not intentions of making her feel bad. But, there was no way that a lollipop was going to fix this entire situation. He was still going to be friendly to the girl, but he would prefer if he did not see her again because this was the type of situation that he could handle once in a lifetime.
Sapph smiled at Kengi, a thought crossing her mind. "You know, maybe I could help with that. I know a shortcut to the 4th floor that'll only take maybe five minutes. I'm pretty sure the Hufflepuff dorms are on that floor... You are a Hufflepuff, right?" She tucked her bag back behind her as she spoke.
Kengi knew the Ravenclaws were somewhere high up, but that was all. He did not know anything about any other houses though. The boy did not know how to react the the question, but he was going to try his best. "It's somewhere around there...BUT where is the shortcut?!" he asked. He had not had time to explore the castle much, but that was because people would sneak around and do it, and Kengi was not a very sneaky person. He also preferred not to get into trouble.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry for the late reply, I forgot this was here :unsure:

Sapph smiled, and she could tell Kengi was a bit more... rule-bound than she was. "Oh, don't worry, it's just a different route that most kids don't take. It's a little farther to walk, I think, but quicker without all the kids."
Kengi did not mind following the rules. He knew that they were there to keep him safe, and he preferred to be safe over anything else. "Lead the way then because I'm cold!" he laughed and started walking with Sapphire. He did not know what they would talk about on the way though because he was very cold, which was the first thing in his mind.
Sapph smiled and started back into the castle, motioning for Kengi to follow her. "So exams are coming up," She said conversationally. "You worried at all?"

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