Oooh Look, A Person

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Oscar Fossil

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash

Oscar Fossil!
OMG, Lily has a brother.

Oscar Fossil, is quite secretive, like his sister. But he wants to be more open.
He follows his heart, and fights for what he believes in.
He doesn't sleep much, and at dance school, he is a completely alone, but he can't wait to break out of that and go to Hogwarts.
He'll introduce himself as Lucas, but if he likes you, then when you meet again, he'll introduce himself properly.
He's a nice guy, but can from time to time be stubborn and can at times, have a little bit of an acid tongue.

Oscar needs,

A Best Friend
A Crush
Maybe an enemy.
Elphaba could be a crush. It would probably one sided for a long time, maybe she would be seen as a best friend from him until they are older? She is going to be in Slytherin but I haven't decided much about her yet, sorry.
Even though I'm RPing with a bunch of your characters, if you wouldn't mind one more then Katie Kain could be a friend/whatever. She's 10 and lives in England, but will get accepted in to Hogwarts. She loves to cause trouble and is really close to her twin. She likes to play pranks and all of that stuff especially on her older siblings. She is nice, funny, but if someone's mean to her the next day they might find a snake in their pillowcase or something. She isn't mean on purpose or anything, it might just seem that way because she pranks people.

Alexis - He won't develop any feelings for a little while, so about 3/4th year. So yeah best friends, sounds good. And It's cool, I don't know awfully much about this one either. Shall we Start a topic, see how it goes?

Ilana - Katie sounds cool. And I'm sure they'd get along, she's in England, where as he is in New Zealand. So how would that work?
Oscar Fossil said:

Alexis - He won't develop any feelings for a little while, so about 3/4th year. So yeah best friends, sounds good. And It's cool, I don't know awfully much about this one either. Shall we Start a topic, see how it goes?

Ilana - Katie sounds cool. And I'm sure they'd get along, she's in England, where as he is in New Zealand. So how would that work?
She'll go to New Zealand when she gets accepted to Hogwarts, so they could meet then. I think that she's going to start as a first year, I'll have to talk to Pheebz about that (She made the character as family for one of her characters and now it's my character but she knows the password).
Ummm...when he gets to Hogwarts, maybe something? Anything. Sidda is outgoing, fierce, but not mean. A bit of a tomboy. What do you think?
I have Alyss who would be a perfect enemy, she hates anyone who's not a Slytherin, and has a harsh tongue, she fights with anyone and everyone and can hold her own in a duel, etc. It sounds like she'd hate Oscar, what do you think?
I have Andie as a friend/future crush? I haven't really fully gotten her personaility worked out yet, but basically shes a fun-loving kind of person. She is quite hardworking but of course is always rearing to get up to mischief and fun. I'm currently writing up her character development so there should be a lot more on her soon ^_^

Let me know what you think :wub:

@Siddalee - Yeah, that would be good. They should RP when they get to hogwarts. She sounds like the type of person he'd be friends with.

@Alyss - Enemy sounds good. Although I should warn of his Slytherin sister. Lol. But yeah, when he gets to hogwarts definitely enemies

@Andrea/Louise - Yeah. They should be friends and future crush. Friends for now but definitely future crush. I can see them getting along well. He would be a little weird when she's Getting up to mischief and maybe asking if that's the best idea. But I think they would make a good pair.
Shall we start an RP? And should you or I start it?
Pheebz 'ere. llana, yes katie and sophie, the twins would be the only other two siblings other than robert to attend hogwarts, so that would be fine :p
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