One Year of Being Awesome

Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curly Oak/Wenge 16" Essence of Feng-huang Tail Feather
According to my meticulous records[note]AKA the best information I could find on the subject[note], Cyndi has been an admin on HNZ for a year as of today.
That's one year of processing applications, warding off trouble makers (and the odd evil spirit or two), being a sounding board for some rather insane ideas I have and just need to talk to somebody about, and shaping the site to continue to be as great as it can be. She's been an amazing partner, and a superb admin.

So, I just wanted to recognize this feat publicly.
Your work is really appreciated, Cyndi. You've done tonnes for the site, the least of which is probably bringing back Quidditch (and for that alone the proles will forever love and worship you :p ).
Thanks for being willing to step up when HNZ needed somebody to step up, being willing to learn, and putting up with me along the way. ^_^

It's been cool to get to know you more as we worked closer together than we ever had in our previous years on the site together, and you really have been great, so I look forward to this continuing. (I just think a year is worth the mention. ;) )

To everybody on HNZ:
If you think Cyndi's awesome, definitely post in this thread. :p
If you don't... I haven't seen the banhammer in a while, I think Cyndi might have stolen it. Beware!
Oh my, happy one year (or whatever you call it) Cyndi! :frantics: ^_^

As for the Ban Hammer give it back Nick needs that to impress the ladies :p
aw! yay cyndi! =D

Zazuka Bones said:
As for the Ban Hammer give it back Nick needs that to impress the ladies :p
Yes, please.
While I wouldn't admit this to anybody in real life, the ladies have been sorely disappointed ever since the disappearance of the ban hammer. :(
Congrats Cyndi! :woot:
You put up with Nick for that long, wow! xD We love you both! :wub:
Yay!! Congrats for surviving that long! xD ^_^
Love you tons :wub:
Congrats Cyndi!
Nicolas King said:
Zazuka Bones said:
As for the Ban Hammer give it back Nick needs that to impress the ladies :p
Yes, please.
While I wouldn't admit this to anybody in real life, the ladies have been sorely disappointed ever since the disappearance of the ban hammer. :(
xD As soon as I clean up and find it, I'll be sure to give it back. I don't want to cause you any lady troubles.
Hadan Hensel said:
You put up with Nick for that long, wow! xD

Indeed. :p :wub:
Thank you guys for the congratulations! This place certainly holds a special place in my heart as do you guys. ^_^
I've really enjoyed watching the site grow and I hope to watch it continue to do so.
Big :hug: to you all!!
Congrats Cyndi!! a big thanks as well for patiently replying to our pms and for bringing back quidditch xD
Cyndi you are an amazing admin maybe even more amazing than Nick :r Just don't tell him that I said that. Anyways thank you for being so awesome and here's to another year or two maybe even five here.[staff]Woahhh, nellllly. Nobody said "this is the topic to be publicly kind of rude." Cyndi, we may need that ban hammer back sooner rather than later. :tut: //Nick[/staff]
Cyndi, thanks for handling all the pressure and obstacles we throw at you.

It's been a pleasure making it harder for you :r I kid.

:wub: congrats gurla.

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