Old School Week One Step, Then Another

Tyler Lee

Gringotts Worker | Calculating | 2054 Grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
5/2036 (26)
Whenever Tyler felt the pressure of school or his social life, he had the urge to run. Today was such a day. Tyler was so tired of hearing Blake talk about it and worrying he would make closer friends on the team, that he tried to tune it out these days. He missed his own track team, but running on his own was still rewarding sometimes. Tyler had put on his gear and started a lap on the grounds in the morning. It was helping him feel better already.
outside was Sierra's favorite place, and december weather in New Zealand was always stunning. enjoying the sunshine, Sierra saw a friend of hers running, and she wondered what he was running from - maybe the owls? sierra started to run to catch up with Tyler, but quickly grew tired so instead stopped and sat on the ground, before cheering "go Tyler!!" and then dramatically falling backwards onto her back to try catch her breath.
Tyler didn't notice Sierra trying to catch up with him until she fell back and then cheered for him. Once he realized she was there, he nearly stumbled over his own feet. He managed not to fall, and doubled back and ran over to her. "Oh, hey Sierra..." He said, wishing he wasn't as out of breath as he was. But he had been running for a while.
sierra looked up to see Tyler standing there. grinning at her friend, she sat up. "youre a fast runner!"
Jasper was tired of studying economics. He had taken a stretch then decided to go to stretch his legs. He hadn't been wandering long before he saw Sierra and Tyler. He walked over and sat next to the energetic girl. "Hello, Sierra. Hello, Tyler." He greeted casually, crossing his legs.
Tyler grinned at Sierra's compliment, glad now that she had seen him. "I used to be on the track team at my old school." He told her, wondering if that would impress her. But then another boy joined and sat with Sierra, and Tyler's mood dropped a little. He still nodded at Jasper in a friendly way, glad it wasn't the other Jasper. "Hey."
Sierra grinned when Tyler said he used to be on the track team. "thats so cool! you should start a track team here! or run races! i bet youd win them all!" she exclaimed.
when sierra's friend jasper joined them, sierra grinned and leaned over to give him a sideways hug while sitting. "hi jasper! i was just telling tyler that he should start a running group."
Jasper nodded back to Tyler, leaning away from Sierra a little as she hugged him. He reached his arm around and patted her arm a little. "Alright, yes, hello." He had heard rumors of Sierra randomly kissing her friends and he didn't want to be one of them. He scooted to the side a little and looked from Sierra to Tyler. "Oh, a running club? You mean like a track team?" He thought the Quidditch players might enjoy something like that.
Tyler was trying not to be too jealous of the hug Jasper got, but it was difficult. He decided to sit down too, on Sierra's other side. At least she was complimenting him a lot, did that mean she liked him? "I don't know if I'd like to start a club. It would be nice if the school organized more sports than Quidditch." He said, not sure why he should go through the trouble. "Yeah, Jasper, like a track team. I was just telling Sierra I was on the track team before Hogwarts." He said, smiling over at the two Gryffindors.

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