🌹 Rose Giving One of Many

Leah Thorne

loyal 🧨 headstrong 🧨 bossy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 12 Inch Unyielding Reed Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
08/2046 (15)
Yellow Rose for @Emmanuel Okoye

Leah wasn't sure if she would ever stop grinning. She was thrilled seeing the great hall was full of roses and she wondered if any of her friends had gotten theirs yet. But she couldn't focus on that yet. She'd have to find them after or at the dance. She had her own job to do and she checked the next name on her list before going to the Ravenclaw table. She was able to ask and was pointed to her next delivery. "Hello there, you're Emmanuel right?" she asked optimistically.
Emmanuel had some notes out in front of him, he was working on a few bits and pieces for the semester when someone greeted him. "Hello," he said warmly in reply before nodding. "I am indeed. Are you looking to join the history club?" he asked. He know today was the rose day and she likely would be giving him a rose, but there was a chance she'd be interested in history.
Leah beamed when she realized she had the right person but faltered for a moment when he asked about the history club. "History club?" she asked. "I didn't know we had a history club." she admitted before remembering the task at hand and pulling out a yellow rose. "I actually have a rose for you!" she said brightly before handing over the flower and the note.


Thank you for showing me around.

~ Chaos Zhefarovich II
Emmanuel reached into his bag and pass her one of the leaflets he had for it. "It's an unofficial club," He then glanced at the rose and took it from the girl. "I'm Emmanuel, by the way, though you know that," he said holding up the note. He looked at it and was pretty surprised that Chaos had sent him a rose but it was nice of him to do that.
"Unofficial club?" Leah repeated. "You can just do that? Just make up a new club." she thought out loud. If it was that easy she wondered why more people didn't make them. There had to be people who had common interests in things that didn't have clubs already. She blinked when he properly introduced himself and she felt bad for pestering him with questions before even telling him her name. "Nice to meet you formally at least. I'm Leah." she said and offered him her hand.
Emmanuel nodded, "No one has stopped me yet," he said. He wouldn't boast about the fact the headmaster had okay'ed the club, since he would've gone ahead with it until he had been told to stop. "Good to meet you too Leah." Emmanuel said shaking her hand with a wide smile. "Is there something you'd make a club for?" he asked, since maybe she had an idea.
Leah laughed at his answer. She was usually a follower of rules but she could also understand the need to step around them sometimes. She considered his question and was stumped for a moment. Was there something she'd like enough to bend the rules for? "Maybe something for games. Board games or other sports. But most importantly recreational quidditch. It's not entirely fair on those on a team get to play regularly." she explained knowing most of her friends felt the same way about that last statement.
Emmanuel smiled at the girl and listened to what she was thinking about would make a good other club. "Maybe a Recess club or something, which can be board games, just quidditch fun or anything else that muggles do at recess," The teen said with a wide smile. But he also shrugged. "Although if you just want quidditch you should speak to Senna, She's a third year gryffindor and I think she's looking to do something with quidditch," he told the girl. No sense in there being two extra clubs with quidditch concerns.
Leah listened to Emmanuel's suggestions and wished she had something to write it all down with. But she could always just find him again later if she really needed too. She wasn't exactly sure what recess was but she would have to look that up later. "Senna? I'll have to find her later." she said with a nod. "It sounds like there are plenty of people who want to play." she said with a laugh before realizing the time. "Well thanks for all your help! But I have more of these to get through." Leah said and held up her basket of roses.

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