One is the lonliest number

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So I have Aubrey here, and she needs just about everything. I'm not really looking for a love interest for her right now unless someone was interested in being in a long drawn out plot development.

What Aubrey really needs are friends! They can be older, or younger, go to any school. Aubrey's basically nice to everyone so she's easy to make friends with. Read her Bio if you want to know more. It's long and detailed and pretty much everything you could want to know is in there!

Also, if anyone wants to be her enemy, go for it! She's more of a "kill them with kindness" enemy though.
I can give you Josh as a good friend. He is also nice to everyone well as long as they dont insult his little sister in anyway he is. They should get on well.
Caysi can be her friend, their mostly a like. The age difference is only 1 year :)
I have Sebastian who could be a friend for Aubrey.
He doesn't really have all that many friends in Beauxbatons.
He's a sixth year and likes to have fun, though he also gets in trouble quite a bit so I think he and Aubrey would get along pretty well.
Josh: Awesome, how should we have them meet?

Caysi: RP next brightstone weekend?

Sebastian and Leah: Sounds fantastic. Would you like to start a Rp or shall I?
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