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Isaiah Thompson

bold • free • tagging along 🎪
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Blackthorn Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
11/2040 (21)
No matter how much Isaiah felt like he was ready to leave the school he'd be lying if he said it wasn't strange to think that this would be his last everything at Hogwarts. Last halloween, last yule ball, last valentine's dance, last quidditch season. All of it. Which was simply more reason to make sure they all counted. "Did I happen to mention how gorgeous you look already?" Zay asked El as they made their way into the hall, knowing fully well he had already complimented her about ten times so far.
Elara had decided to go simple for her last Yule Ball, with a long, sleek black dress, hair and waves, and a red shade of lipstick that matched her complexion perfectly. As she held onto Zay’s arm, she couldn’t help but smile. This year was turning out much better than the past few, and she was finally getting to chill out and enjoy things. “You did, but I don’t mind hearing it again,” she teased, as they walked onto the dance floor. The music wasn’t half bad. “I don’t think it’s quite set in yet; that it’s the last of everything, yah know?”
Isaiah grinned at El's response while he lead her onto the dancefloor. Everytime he did, he wondered if she remembered what a terrible dancer he in fact was. "Yeah, nah, me too." He nodded in response, never really figuring out his opinion on it all. "I mean I'd miss the parties and stuff, classes not to much." He added with a shrug.
El nodded in agreement as she started to sway to the music a little. Classes were one of the least interesting thing about this class. Magic was cool to learn, but some of the extra assignments seemed a tad excessive. She had other things to focus on. “Speaking of parties, I think we should throw the biggest party before we leave. Like in an abandoned classroom or something at night. It’d be so much fun.” She was trying to do more adventurous things before she had to leave and fall into the family business.
Isaiah laughed when El mentioned throwing a party. Either she could read his mind or this was the exact reason why he liked to think they were such a good match. "Oh, trust me. I've been working on ideas for that since the first day of the year." He grinned, wiggling his eyebrows at her. "Could definitely use some help though. I was thinking of getting Wes and Kaia involved as well." Zay added.
El wasn’t surprised to hear that Zay was already in the party mindset and wondered what it would all entail. “I think they can most definitely help. And Salem,” she added. “What did you have in mind?”
"Well I wouldn't be much of a party planner if I shared my ideas where everyone can hear, right?" Zay grinned at his girlfriend. "But I was thinking more.. outside. At night, for sure."
Elara liked the idea of a memorable evening outside, against the rules, with all her friends just as a last hoorah. If they did it the night before graduation, it's not like they couldn't let them graduate, right? "I love the idea. And you're right, we'll have plenty of time for planning. But for now, I think the ice skating looks kind of fun. Do you want to try?" El wasn't sure about the mechanics of skating in her dress, but it would be cute and fun. Plus, she could hold on to Zay if she fell.
Isaiah smiled when El said she loved his idea, keeping the fact that he had already planned out half of it in a notebook somewhere to himself. "What? Making fun of my dancing's getting boring so now you want to put me on skates?" He laughed before grabbing her hand and making his way over to the ice rink anyways. "But yeah, sure, we can try."
Elara shrugged as they walked over to the rink and she quickly found a pair of skates in her size. "Oh, I thought we would dance with ice skates and make big fools of ourselves?" she teased as she tied them before stepping onto the ice. Balance was definitely a lot more difficult, and she backed a little away trying to lure Zay towards her.
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