once again

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Aeon blinked a few times at Arisa and Kida, not exactly knowing what to do. "Uh, Arisa, tell me what's going on and I might be able to help." He whispered the her, not taking his eyes off his cousin. The way she was acting was beginning to freak Aeon out, he'd never seen her act this bad before. Things could get ugly.
Pearl put her head in her hands trying to calm down "EVERYONE SIT DOWN!" She comanded. She pointed at Arisa and the blonde boy to go sit on the near by chairs and motioned for Kida to sit n her hospital bed. "whats going on is Kida has a very bad case of heat stroke and yelling and causing a fuss about drinking some water isnt going to help" Pearl answered the boy before going over to feel Kida's forehead "your tempature is dangeruosly high!" Pearl exclaimed. "Lie down now and drink some water, or you may very well die" Pearl said to Kida in a strict voice.
Kida kept her wand up and ready. She felt Pearl come and put her hand on her forehead. she pushed Pearl away. Kida wasnt a wussy girl as some people thought. "get away from me" she snapped as she held her wand up again. "Don't Touch me and keep away" she snarled as she took a step back away from her.
Aeon rushed to the nearest chair when the nurse yelled, almost tripping over his own feet again. When she told him that Kida refused to drink water, Aeon glared at his cousin. "Drink the damn water!" He shouted at her. Why on earth would his crazy cousin not accept water when she had bloody heat stroke. "Is there any reason as to why she won't drink the water?" He asked, looking back over at Pearl.
Sern made his way up to the hospital wing. Things weren't at all going well. Please let it be anyone but her. The her he was referring to was obviously Nurse Pearl Kanti. The woman he had tricked his cousin into drinking a truth potion to 'help he sort out her problems'. God he hated that woman.

He made it up to the double doors and pushed them open to see the scene before him. Kida had her wand out and they all seemed to have been shouting until. oh brilliant.. It he was her.. Pearl and she had just ordered them all to sit down, meaning Arisa and his bother.
With a sigh he moved along until he had gotten to the side of the bed, completely ignored pearl and looked down to kida. "Put down the wand please" He said simply before looking to the glass of water this whole thing was about. He grabbed it and moved over to the sink, pouring the contents into the basin before refilling it with clean water. He spun around and moved back to kida, placing the glass by the table and said, "Drink" Before simply looking around at them all. Then pearl, to whom he said, "I wasn't expecting you to try help my cousin" His voice staid even as ever though he had trouble to keep it that way.
Pearl glared at the boy she hated most in the world "we were trying to help the ungreatful child, we even drank some water from the glass to show her it was fine" she hissed. All Pearl really wanted to do was punch this kid in the face, who the hell did he think he was? First he takes her daughter, then he punches her daughter, and now he was patronizing her in her job. "your cousin was just acting childish, if shes going to come to boreding school she had better learn to grow up, and do it fast"
He had tried to be calm, civil even.. But no. "Well perhaps you should use your head abit more before you decide to go slipping potions in their drinks! Of course she's not going to trust you. And to be all truthful, there is no way on this earth I would either". He glared at her slightly before looking back down to kida, "Drink it... please" His tones were soothing.

He looked over to Arisa in an apologetic way before his brother, who he hadn't quite expected to be here. "Once again I see your 6th sense has alerted you to the goings on" A faint smile touched his lips but quickly faded as he stone face set when he turned back to pearl.
Pearl glared at the demon again "well, if Kida isn't adapting well to magic maybe she should go to a muggle school, she obviosly can't handle how real wizards and witches deal with things" Pearl snapped back. Glancing between the two of them. "and maybe you shuld join her since you seem to be her great protector" she said looking at Sern.
Kida completely Lost It. "Why you.." she said as she pushed past Sern almost knocking him off his feet. Kida Snarled as she made her way to Pearl. Lunging At Pearl Kida Snapped "How dare you"
Sern was about to respond when he felt himself being shoved to the side. He almost lost his footing before he sent himself back into balance and hooked his arm around kida. his other arm hooking through her other arm, pinning her to the spot. "Calm yourself Kida.." He said in a whisper before looking up to pearl. "Well maybe not all of us see the magical world are an immoral, ignoble place where one cannot have the privacy to guard their tongue from over protective nurse's" His voice kept as calm as he could as he kept kida pinned.
Kida tugged at Serns arms even though he told her to be calm and had her pinned. she could still drag him where ever she was going. She walked forwards goign to attack Pearl again. "let me go Sern" she snapped as she dragged him along behind her.
Aeon immediately got to his feet and rushed over to Kida and Sern, taking hold of one of her arms from Sern and helping him hold her back. "Get back Kida! She isn't worth it, calm down!" He growled, trying to pull her back towards where the bed was in hopes of trying to get her to lie down, though that didn't seem likely with the way she was going, but him and Sern together should be enough to stop er going any further.
Kida Felt someone else grab her arm and pull her back. it was slightly harder to pull forward but she could move a millimwtre if she tried "Lemmie Go" she demanded. "She... she... said i was ment to be in a muggle school she deserves to get hurt" she snapped trying to pull her arms free
Arisa was fed up and she wasn't afaried to show it. "SHUT-UP!" She screamed. "Mom how dare you say that to my friend! Kida, are you really that stupid that you would try to attack an adult witch! Sern, what she did was try to figure out why Kida is so dirupting in the hospital wing! if should could figure that out then she would be able to help Kida making her a better patient and there for helping Kida in the long run!" Arisa said mostly all in one sentance. Her face was pure red and she looked like the devil, if anyone did one more thing to make her mad, they had better be suicidal.
Kida kept on trying to pull free from hre Cousins, she heard Arisa say all her mum was doing is trying to help her figure out why she hated hospitals. Kida gnashed here teeth together "I DONT NEED HELP!" she shouted Kida had always had an extremely loud voice, and she was glad because it over powered most. "THE REASON SERN AND I HATE HOSPITALS IS NONE OF HER BUISNESS ITS PRIVATE FAMILY MATTERS AND SHE HAS TO BUT OUT!" Kida tugged on her arms again she still wasnt going to give up. "I DONT NEED TO BE A BETTER PATIENT IN THE LONG RUN BECAUSE I'M NOT GOING OT BE HERE" she Snapped as she continued to tug at her arms attempting to get them free
"Thank you Aeon" He said through a slightly struggled breath as they pulled kida back to the bed. Then he heard yelling... And it wasn't coming from pearl.. It was coming from Arisa. He spun around to see her bright red in the face and screaming at them all. "Arisa..." his voice stayed quiet, perhaps more so then ever. "Perhaps she was trying to help, But I do believe that slipping her a truth potion was completely out of line" He turned to kida, "You... Are going to calm the hell down before you faint.. drink the damn water and please... try rest". He glared daggers at pearl for a moment silently before this attention turned back to Arisa. He trusted aeon could keep her still now she was on the bed by his own and carefully let go. He steadily moved over to arisa and gave a faint smile, "You on the other hand... well actually, much like kida.. You should really calm down." He chuckled slightly, "Im waiting for the stream to pour out of your ears or your head to explode or something".
Kida felt the weight behind her leave and she automatically went to go lunge at her again. "let me go" she demanded again. Kida began to repeat herself constantly "let me go let me go let... me... go" she said trying to pull free again. she felt a lump in her throat, "please let me go" she whispered
(( gah school Toodles peoples for now ))
(bye *waves* , you will sign on tonight even if i have to fly down there and make you :ph43r: :p )

Arisa glared at Kida completely ignoring Sern "Kida, you get hurt once a month! and theres no way in hell i plan to let you wait for Holidays to go get it fixed by your aunt! and as you can see by your newly repared hand, my mom knows whats shes doing!" Arisa said through clentched teeth. "and maybe if Kida would cooporate for once in her life my mom wouldn't have had to slip her potion, heck I've even given Kida a sleeping potion the one time she was here for her ear!" Arisa said before she could stop herself, she put her hands to her mouth, she couldn't believe she had just said that. She knew from that second there was no way Kida would ever be her friend again.
Pearl hissed as Kida tried to attack her. Pearl put her hand on her wand in her pocket "I'm not afarid to stun you if need be dear" Pearl said to Kida. She wouldn't of course but the girl need to know that she ment buisness "Kida, your fever is just getting worse" she added "and everyone would be very said if you died from a very preventable death" Pearl added.
Kida growled. "let me go please" she said to Aeon she heard Pearl say that she would stun her. Kida quickly lifted up her arm holding her wand again. "And i'm not afraid to stun you" she snapped
Arisa sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose "Kida do you even hear your self speak sometimes?" She asked in an annoyed tone.
Kida pushed aeon back a bit and stood up. Kida's head was telling her sp many things she felt as if she was going to explode. she continued to try and pull her arm free. 'how dare she say things like that... hit her... dont hit her.... you dont want to come back here again do you... trust her.... drink more potion who cares if you tell the secret... turn her to stone... do it... dont do it.... do it... dont do it...' Kida shook her head for a moment before dropping her wand allowing it to hit the ground before falling into a heap on the floor next to the bedside table and the bed. "get out of my head" she whispered ' hit her whille she isnt prepared... dont hurt her she is a nurse you'll get expelled... turn Arisa into stone for giving you that potion it will teach them both a lesson... Arisa is your friend... Do it.. Dont do it... DO IT... DONT DO IT'
"Kida!" Arisa cried out before falling to the floor beside her. Arisa put Kida's head in her lap "some one get her some damn water!" Arisa said giving Sern and her mother a cold stare "now!"
'HIT HER, HURT HER, she's your friend, she betrayed you, SHE IS YOUR FRIEND.... DO IT.. DONT DO IT... DO IT... DONT DO IT' Kida's head kept on repeating to her. "shuttup" she said to herself trying to stop the voices in her head. 'The Drink that is brought to you has a potion in it you KNOW it... It doesnt they know you dont want it... Hurt her.. DONT.... Her them... NEVER... DO IT NOW.. LEAVE THEM BE' Kida shut her eyes trying to block out the voices. 'HURT HER' one voice said. Kida muttered "No i cant i wont"
her head started again 'They Slipped you a potion and there going to do it again. They said you belonged in a muggle school HURT THEM' Kida shook her head again "Yes... i ... no ..i ...shuttup" she said again.
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