once again

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Arisa Havishmen

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Arisa still had the knocked out Kida in her arms as she ran past people in the hallway. Once she was finally in the hospital wing she put Kida down on a bed and tried to catch her breath so she could at least talk. After a minuite her breath was back and she began to look around for a nurse, and hopefully not her mother "Hello nurse! mom! we need help" Arisa called out.
Kida stirred for a moment when she was being rushed through crowds of people in the hall way before passing out again. Kida was slowly coming around dropping in and out of conciousness she could only remember snipits of what happened. Arisa called for her mother and Kida passed out again. Kida's hand lay just slightly on and slightly off the bed. some blood got soaked up by the bed sheets while the rest dripped off her fingers and onto the floor.
Pearl was in her office drinking some coffee. She hadn't been sleeping much lately, mostly because of her daughter and some news of her ex husband. Her and Arisa had gotten into a huge fight because Pearl had still defended Edward after everthing she had done to them. She had recently heard that he had gotten locked away for murdering someone, and since it had been because of abuse and not the killing curse the muggle athorties had him, thank god for one squib who saw Edwards wand and snapped it in half, he couldn't do anything. Then she heard someone start shouting it was Arisa, she needed help. Pearl jumped up and ran into the hospital wing. There was Arisa and her friend Kida, Kida was knocked out and her hand was badly cut. Pearl ran right over and took Kida's hand. She did a simple spell to fix to wounds and then repare the broken bones, finally. Pearl could practitly feel the heat coming off of Kida, she had heat stroke "Arisa, go get a cool cloth and bring it here" Pearl instructed.
Arisa watched as her mom fixed Kida's hand, she stood silently with tears in her eyes, the last time she had seen her mom they had gotten into a huge fight over Arisa's scumb bag dad. Arisa just nodded and went to go get one. As soon as she came back she put the cloth on Kida's forehead and stood over her. "So, how have you and filth been?" Arisa mumbled.
Kida came around for a second to feel her hand being healed. Kida picked her head up a bit and her eyes fluttered open slightly to see what was happening. she saw Arisa coming back with a cloth. she shut her eyes again slowly when the cloth was on her forehead she rolled her head back to the side. she heard Arisa begin to talk to her mother 'not good' she thought
Pearl watched as Kidawoke up for a bit then sliped under again. She went oer and closed the curtin windows to get some shade before answering Arisa's question "I havn't seen your father since we left" Pearl said curtly "and hes in jail now so it dosn't matter" she added. She no longer cared for Edward no longer cried at the mention of his name, and no longer loved him. Now there was just a burning hate this must be how Arisa feels she thought to her self sadly. "When Kida wakes up shes going to need lots of water"
Arisa listened to what her mother said "oh, so the basterd finally killed someone" she growled. Arisa then went into her mothers office and grabbed some water in a large glass. She came back into the room and put it on the night table beside Kida "Is she going to be okay?" Arisa asked in a whisper.
Kida was getting a headache she couldnt stay under because when ever she came around she would be hit with this massive pain. she shut her eyes tightly trying to get rid of the headache but eventually opened her eyes. She held her head in pain. as she sat up slightly. she was still confused about what was happening around her she groaned slightly as she tightened her grip on her fore head
Pearl nodded to Arisa in responce, right after Kida egan to wake up. "Its okay dear, drink this" Pearl replied handing her the water "nothing in it i promis" she added with a small tired smile. Pearl took the wet cloth off Kida's forehead and put her hand on it, "your still much too hot" she replied before putting the cloth back on her head.
Kida saw Pearl offer her a drink to have. she knew that she said there was nothing in it but she didn't trust her. Kida turned her head away and looked down into her shirt there was no way that she was going to take some of that unless she was certain it was plain water.
Pearl sighed as Kida turned away. She brought that glass to her lips and took a sip "see dear, its fine" Pearl said offering her the glass again. She turned at Arisa with eyes that said she needs this, make her drink it
Kida kept her face away. she still didnt Trust Pearl. and she refused to drink anything that she recieves from the hospital wing. Kida shook her head. "no" she murmered as she pulled her knee's up to her chest she turned away. "no" she repeated
Arisa rolled her eyes at Kida "come on Kida, you saw her take a drink her self, why would she drink something she potioned!?" Arisa asked. "And I'm the one that fetched it, not my mom" Arisa added in an annoyed voice "you want me to take a sip too?" Arisa ashed before bringing the glass to her mouth and taking some.
Kida shook her head. She swore she would never take a drink that had been given to her by any member of the hospital. she still felt like she was radiating heat but she wasnt going to risk it again. where were her cousins when she needed them.
Arisa glared at Kida and had to stifle a growl "Kida you are acting like a child, just drink the god damn water" Arisa said through clentched teeth "Drink it or I will shove a tube down your throught and force you too"
Kida heard Arisa begin to threaten her. She snapped. Kida span up drawing her wand and pointing it at Arisa. she stumbeled for a moment as the speed caught up with her she was still dizzy and light on her feet. but she wasnt going to get knocked off her feet now. "I'm not Acting like a child" she snapped
Arisa glared at Kida some more and pulled out her wand in a flash pointint it at Kida "your acting like a 4 year old refusing to take some bad tasting medicen" Arisa hissed back "no matter how much you hate it you need help! you can't run from healers and mediwizards your whole life Kida Frost! you need to grow up!" Arisa yelled "why cant you just understand they only want to help you!"
"I'm Not Acting like a 4 year old" she shouted "I dont have to run from healers my Aunt can help me if needed, i dont want anyone slipping me some potion and i DONT need to Grow up i am PERFECTLY fine" she snapped. tightening her grip on her wand. Kida was using her left hand which was bizzare for her but she could still use a wand properly
"well I'm sorry but your aunt isn't hear!" Arisa hissed "and your not perfectly fine! you can barely stand up!" Arisa added noticing how dizy Kida was, "and we already showed you the water wasn't potioned! did you not see us drink from it our selves!" Arisa screached. "your being a big baby!"
Kida snapped. she tossed her want to her right hand and gave it a quick flick. 'How DARE she call me A big Baby['/i] she said to herself. her Hazel eyes went to a deep green with flecks of light green. "Stupefy" she said pointing the wand at Arisa.
Pearl watched horrified as the two girls fought great this is just what i need in a hospital wing, there so lucky no one else is in here trying to sleep Suddenly Kida snapped and fired a spell for Arisa. Pearl growled as her motherly instincts took over, in a mer two seconds she had her wand out pointed for Kida "Protego!" Pearl screamed. Instintly an invisable wall was deviding the room between her and Arisa and Kida "no one in your family will ever hurt my baby again!" she growled in a voice that would make grown men cry.
Kida snarled viciously, the specks of green in her eyes seemed to grow brighter the more she got Angry. she bounced her wand in her hand for a moment. she wanted to fire another spell but knew it would be a waste of time. she took a slight step back to regain her balance as the room seemed to go out of focus for a minute. "None of US hurt your baby!" she shouted. "SHE is the One who is out to get ME" she snapped. as she held her wand up
Aeon was walking past the Hospital Wing when he heard a commotion inside, and the voice of his cousin. Usually he avoided the wing because Kida was seemingly in it 24/7, she was always dramatic. Quietly, he opened the door slightly and peeked inside, but leant on the door too much that it swung open and he fell, sprawled out on the floor. "Umm, whazz goin' on?" He said, getting to his feet and looking at his cousin who had her wand out. Instinctively, Aeon took a step back, he didn't really like going near her when she had her wand out, and she seemed pretty angry.
Arisa screatched loud enough to wake the dead "TELL ME HOW IM OUT TO GET YOU FROST! ALL I EVER TRIED TO DO WAS HELP AND YOU FIGHT ME EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!" Arisa yelled getting tears in her eyes "ALL YOUR DOING IS HURTING YOUR SELF!" she added with tears falling down her face. She then noticed Aeon walk into the room "please help" she said to him. She was going into histarics. "Why can't you just accept our help" she managed to choke out to Kida.
Kida snarled she knew Arisa was pissed with her. Kida kept her arm out strong. "YOU KEEP ON TRYING TO MAKE ME DRINK CRAP WHICH I DONT NEED I AM PERFECTLY FINE. AND THEN YOU ACT ALL NORMAL AFTER A HUGE! FIGHT WITH YOUR MOTHER. AND THEN EXPECT ME TO TRUST HER AFTER LAST TIME WAS IN HERE" she saw Aeon Stumble in out of the courner out of her eye. she chose to ignore him. "I am NOT! Hurting myself" she snapped. her hair seemed to look like it was standing on end. she was gnashing her teeth slightly to stop herself from trying to stun arisa again.
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