OMG I met JKRowling!

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Jessame Rose Trewelly

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
=)) Sorry guys, that was a lie. But now you're looking at my page! (I'm really sorry, I hope I haven't jinxed myself! :doh: )

Okay, Jessame Rose needs [ul][li]To meet someone who's been to Borely Mansion and met Hunapo. She would never go there on her own but I'd like her to go (Geez I'm mean) and I need someone to tell her something about it. Preferably someone who was told about the kiritea and maybe saw the ghost of the little Maori girl - she probably looked something like JR, except not alive and stuff.</LI>

[li]Some boys. Lots of boys. In particular, boys who won't treat her well. She won't trust boys who are overly nice.

[li]One particular boy who is willing to get her pregnant, and preferably not stick around to be a father (although you can if you want, but not to be an emotional support for JR). The teen pregnancy plot has yet to be approved, but I'd like to see if I can get a willing sperm donor xD before I apply.

[li]Anyone who dislikes magic or the wizarding world. I have major plottage in store.

<LI>[li]J.R. doesn't know who her birth parents are. I did have someone lined up to be her long lost mother, but that person left HNZ before things could play out. The only thing she has that links her to her past is her name. She was found near the Avon River in Christchurch (New Zealand!) around New Year 2013/14. The only thing she would say was "Jessame Rose." Anyone interested in being a part of her history, feel free to jump in with ideas. For your information, she was about two years old, and she was given the birthday 26 December 2011, although no-one knows for sure when she was born.[/li][/ul]

You know you want to be a part of her life!
Thanks in advance, and again, I'm sorry for lying!
:wub: Emma
Hold on, isn't Zavier gonna be the baby-daddy?
oh, i wasn't entirely sure if you'd agreed to that or not. Sweet, I'll do a special plot request soon. :)
Lilith has gone to the Borely Mansion. She got kicked out the first time before she could see the girl. But Lilith is always willing to go back there. So maybe they could go and find her together?
Too bad this wasn't posted earlier in the school break. Lily Drage has experienced all of that stuff at Borely. Twas an epic rp really. lol. Anyways...... if JR wants to pop into Gladrags during the next school break, she can pick Lily's lack of brains for information. :D
Jessame Rose Trewelly said:
oh, i wasn't entirely sure if you'd agreed to that or not. Sweet, I'll do a special plot request soon. :)
Awesomeness! And yeah, I agreed months ago xD
Jessame Rose Trewelly said:
=)) Sorry guys, that was a lie. But now you're looking at my page! (I'm really sorry, I hope I haven't jinxed myself! :doh: )

Okay, Jessame Rose needs [ul][li]To meet someone who's been to Borely Mansion and met Hunapo. She would never go there on her own but I'd like her to go (Geez I'm mean) and I need someone to tell her something about it. Preferably someone who was told about the kiritea and maybe saw the ghost of the little Maori girl - she probably looked something like JR, except not alive and stuff.</LI>

[li]Some boys. Lots of boys. In particular, boys who won't treat her well. She won't trust boys who are overly nice.

[li]One particular boy who is willing to get her pregnant, and preferably not stick around to be a father (although you can if you want, but not to be an emotional support for JR). The teen pregnancy plot has yet to be approved, but I'd like to see if I can get a willing sperm donor xD before I apply.

<LI>[li]Anyone who dislikes magic or the wizarding world. I have major plottage in store.[/li][/ul]

You know you want to be a part of her life!
Thanks in advance, and again, I'm sorry for lying!
:wub: Emma
You know it sounds to me like your preparing on Jessame becoming a dark witch... if you need a teacher of the dark arts who doesn't like the wizarding world then you could always contact Lolita...​
Olivia (Zavier): Special Plot request sent. Will let you know the outcome. We need to have them meet soon, even if it doesn't get approved. He can still mess with her head.

Eden (Lilith): I've been wanting to have J.R. meet Lilith since first year. Let's get them together and see what happens.

Julie (Lily): Excellent. How would she hear about Lily's experience? PM me if you want.

Alexis (Joce): Yes, we need to do another RP with J.R. and Joce. J.R. looks up to her since their meeting in the owlery. I think they should make some kind of secret club.

Brian (Lolita): Hmmm... now there's a thought. I hadn't actually considered it (I'm waaay too much of a Hufflepuff!), but perhaps we can have them meet and see what happens. Even if she doesn't end up being a student of hers (although feel free to try and pressure her into it), J.R. would like to know Lolita's reasons for disliking the wizarding world.

To EVERYONE (added to my original post, too, but also putting it here):
J.R. doesn't know who her birth parents are. I did have someone lined up to be her long lost mother, but that person left HNZ before things could play out. The only thing she has that links her to her past is her name. She was found near the Avon River in Christchurch (New Zealand!) around New Year 2013/14. The only thing she would say was "Jessame Rose." Anyone interested in being a part of her history, feel free to jump in with ideas. For your information, she was about two years old, and she was given the birthday 26 December 2011, although no-one knows for sure when she was born.

And still looking for lots of boys. She's gonna be a sl00t.
Jessame Rose Trewelly said:
Olivia (Zavier): Special Plot request sent. Will let you know the outcome. We need to have them meet soon, even if it doesn't get approved. He can still mess with her head.
Awesome-sauce, and if it is accepted, when will we RP J.R being pregnant? [I am trying to be good and plan when my RPs will be].
Yup this is me Eden as well. Just in case you did not know. So okay JR and Lilith can meet. Just PM Lilith or any of my chars lol. Well not Haruhi that would be to hard to work it out with her. I am doing lessons right now so I can't start an rp if you want me to start it than pm. Grr my mind is all fuzzy just pm me please. And I will try and put my mind together.
Lucas Bomonti Lowe said:
Awesome-sauce, and if it is accepted, when will we RP J.R being pregnant? [I am trying to be good and plan when my RPs will be].
It depends on the outcome of the plot request. I'd like to do it either next semester or the first semester of JR's 4th year (next year). BUT, we may have to wait until J.R. is 16 to make it legal. She'll be 16 half way through her 5th year. She's the same year as Aroha now.

Eden: I will PM you later. I should totally be doing my schoolwork. Oops.
Oh and we should definitely have JR and Tohoru run into each other. It would be wonderfully horrific.
xD :lol: Okay we can do that. Yay I am finally posting as the right person. I feel like I should get a cookie. ~Gives self cookie~ But yes I shall wait for your pm and figure out what would happen if Tohoru and JR meet again. Cause Tohoru still JR dearly. :cry: But he cant have her. O the heartbreak!
I was gonna offer Embry up to you Jr (I play Vic and Jaden) but it seems you have everything set. Good luck! Though they can still be friends? Maybe? The Makwa are the first Native American pure-blood descendants from the Prewett and Longbottom family ^~^ just let me know okay!

Ps. Won't be now since I'm overloaded with rps :cry: yeah anyways
JR will definitely be interested in Embry! Maybe at Christmas break?
Of course! Embry gonna be my fave to play ah ^-^ It will just be for funz :)
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