Olivia Di Vicci

Full Name: Olivia Di Vicci
- Birth Date: 12th September 2010
- Current Age: 11
- Basic Appearance: Tall. Dark brown hair. Olive green eyes. Dark skin.
- Parents: Mimi Mancini
Olivia's mother. She is a muggle and works at home, with her own business. She is an artist. Does everything, from paints to needlework. Then she attempts to sell it, sells majority of work and Mimi is one of the most famous Italian artists. Met Livi's father at school.
Thomas Di Vicci
Olivia's father. He is also a muggle. Thomas is a lawyer in Australia, which is the reason that the family moved. Previously, they lived in Italy where he owned an olive farm and also was a lawyer part time. He is a kind, caring man.
- Siblings, if any: Leona Di Vicci
Olivia's younger sister, she is only 3. She has shorter hair, although apart from this she is the spitting image of Livi.
Benny Di Vicci
Olivia's younger brother, he is 5. He has sandy brown hair and slightly 'mousy' features.
- Pets, if any: A shaggy golden retriever at home named Sandy after the song in Annie.
- Area of Residence: Alice Springs, Australia - born in Rome, Italy
- Blood status: Muggleborn

(These are all what Olivia is expecting.)
- Hogwarts House (And why): Ravenclaw. Livi is an extremely intelligent, shy young girl.
- Best school subjects (And why): Charms - they seem so useful and she's always wanted to try it out. Herbology - she has had green fingers from an early age, what with helping out with the olive trees.
- Worst school subjects (And why): Transfiguration - it sounds impossible to her.

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? A swan chick.
- What would their Boggart be? Leona and Benny somehow dying because they are muggles.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) An Alpaca
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? The whole family on the slopes in Italy, picking olives all day long.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Leona being born.

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:

You will never believe what happened today. I was sitting at the kitchen table with Leona on my lap and Benny sitting next to us, we were all eating mum's homemade lemon sorbet whilst she was writing up some new pasta recipes. Dad was out at work. The windows were open as it was boiling. Suddenly an owl flew in through the window, drops a letter in front of me, and then left. I choked on my ice cream but Leona was just like "A birdy, a birdy!" I glanced at mum, who nodded to me, then I opened the letter.

You would never believe what it said. Apparently I'm a witch and have been asked to join 'Hogwarts New Zealand School of Witchcraft and Wizardy'. I was in major shock. Term starts of the 1st of September, 11 days before my birthday! The letter said I need a wand, cauldron, spell books, uniform and so much more. I'm even allowed a broomstick and a pet owl!

I do so hope mum and dad let me go there. And it's not a joke. But I would miss Leona and Benny and my parents too. I haven't even been away to school before. The longest I spent away from everyone was one week last summer. I only spent any time without at least one of them if I decide to go for a walk myself into the city. I'm so scared, but excited!
Livi x
Hey Olivia. Welcome to HNZ. You have a very well thoughtout Character here. but I have a few questions:

How tall is tall? Is she tall for her age?

Are you parents married, or did your mother keep her maiden name when they married?

Now that you know you are a Witch, can you think of anytimes when you may have shown signs of having magical powers?

Does Leona and Benny show any signs of been magical?

Olivia wants to be in Ravenclaw. Is there a house(s) she doesn't want to be in?

Does she think she will be no good at Transifguration?

Why would your Patronus be a swan chick?

Why would you Animagus be an Alpaca?

In your RP, how does Lucy feel about you been a witch?

How does your parents feel about you having magic powers?

Why are you so understanding about ther been a School of Witchcraft and Wizardy?

Even though you will be homesick do you think you will settle in easily?

Wow I didn't think I had that much :p You can answer these IC or OOC, your choice :)
Welcome to HNZ Olivia :D
I have a few questions about your character:

1. Is Lucy your diary?

2. Give a sample Roleplay.

3. What some of your negative and positive characteristics?

4. What do you think Olivia's favourite and least favourite classes will be? And why?
Welcome to HNZ Olivia, and I hope you enjoy your stay here. I have a few questions for you and your character. There may be more later.

To inquire about your family, is your father Thomas full Italian? I'm just curious because he's the only one without an Italian name.

Which parent does Benny get his sandy hair from?

I recently traveled to Spain and from what I was told gathering olives is a tedious process and incredibly hard work. Does Olivia wish to be picking olives again for the experience with her family or does she wish to do the work itself?

Oh, and if you would like you should create a thread in the Checking in and out section so we can greet you properly! :D
How tall is tall? Is she tall for her age?
Yep, Olivia is tall for her age. She currently stands at about 160cm.

Are you parents married, or did your mother keep her maiden name when they married?
They are married, but, well, as my mother was a famous artist when she married, she decided to keep her maiden name.

Now that you know you are a Witch, can you think of anytimes when you may have shown signs of having magical powers?
When I look back, there have been a few incidences. Once when I was 7 I was out picking olives when I found a little stream I had never seen before. So I followed it. I went on and on for hours, I don't know why know I look back on it. After a while, I went off the path. I soon realised I was lost, but couldn't find my way back. Then, somehow, something inside me told me the way back within a few minutes. It might have been a coincedence, but I'm not sure.

Does Leona and Benny show any signs of been magical?
Benny once fell off a swing from high up without hurting himself, but this has been all I've noticed. I really hope they are magical. Sometimes I dream things, bad things, happening to them because they aren't magical.

Olivia wants to be in Ravenclaw. Is there a house(s) she doesn't want to be in?
She doesn't know much about any of the houses, but if she did, she wouldn't want to be in Slytherin, although some of her inner traits match this house a little.

Does she think she will be no good at Transifguration?
Yes, as a muggle, Livi doesn't how on earth things can change into another object.

Why would your Patronus be a swan chick?
They are weak, but feel strong and powerful inside. They will also grow into elegant creatures.

Why would you Animagus be an Alpaca?
"They are gentle, elegant, inquisitive, intelligent and observant." This pretty much sums up Olivia.

In your RP, how does Lucy feel about you been a witch?
Lucy is her diary. It's only a simple muggle diary unlike Riddle's it doesn't have feelings =P

How does your parents feel about you having magic powers?
Her dad is a little suprised, but pleased because it opens up lots of oppurtunities for Olivia, especially since he took so much away from her by moving to Australia.
Her mum is happy for Olivia, but finds it a little odd. However she just wants to do anything she can for her daughter.

Why are you so understanding about ther been a School of Witchcraft and Wizardy?
Well, now I look back on it, I also thought I was a bit different. I think I was suprised, but it was more an aftereffect.

Even though you will be homesick do you think you will settle in easily?
Yes. I made friends well and I'm used to moving, that part I'm not worried about. But it's the magic I'm worried about.
Is Lucy your diary?
Yep =P

Give a sample Roleplay.
Olivia picked up Leona. "Come on Munchkin! We're off into the town today!" Livi grinned. Today was the day she had been planning for a week. She was taking Leona and Benny into the town to buy some ice creams and buy their Christmas present for their parents. It had taken hours of convincing, as well as months of saving up. "Leona, run and find Benny." Olivia tied her hair back into its usual ponytail, she was wearing shorts, flip-flops and a long, short-sleeved top. It was boiling today, she had already applied two layers of sun cream.

"Put your jumper on!" Livi sighed, Mum is always telling me to wrap up. It's summer! In Australia! She pulled on a thin jumper and grabbed her back. "C'mon Munchkin, Benny." She held each of her younger siblings hands in one of hers. "Bye Mum! Dad'll pick us up on the way home from work, 'kay?" Smiling, she walked out the door, excited about the day ahead. It was the first time she had been so far with both Leona and Benny.

What some of your negative and positive characteristics?
Livi is very outgoing and friendly. Even if she doesn't get her own way, she makes the best of a bad situation. She gets slightly annoyed inside, but almost never shows it, unless she really hates the person.

What do you think Olivia's favourite and least favourite classes will be? And why?
((I've already answered this ^_^ ))
To inquire about your family, is your father Thomas full Italian? I'm just curious because he's the only one without an Italian name.
Dad's parents are fully Italian, but they don't really bother about having Italian names. We would probably not have had Italian names, but Mimi, my mother, is very patriotic. She loves all thing Italian.

Which parent does Benny get his sandy hair from?
My father, I think. Although it skipped a generation.

I recently traveled to Spain and from what I was told gathering olives is a tedious process and incredibly hard work. Does Olivia wish to be picking olives again for the experience with her family or does she wish to do the work itself?
((Okay, tbh, I didn't know this =D ))
I love picking olives, sure, it's hard work, but it is great fun and gives you a great sense of accomplishment. I love the taste, and someone had to pick them, so why not be us? I really miss the olive picking, I think part of it was being out there with my family. It was also quite therapuetic, in a way. Took your mind off things. I once fell out with a girl in my class, I gathered olives all that night.
When you say that you love the taste of olives i presume that you mean cured ones, not fresh :doh: ones in which cace wouldnt it be easyer to just buy the from the shops?
((Whoops, didn't see this...))

When you say that you love the taste of olives i presume that you mean cured ones, not fresh :doh: ones in which cace wouldnt it be easyer to just buy the from the shops?

Yes, but I am the kind of person who needs to get up and go. Once again, someone has to pick - ignoring the harvesters which ruin the quality (in my opinion) - the olives, so what is wrong with us doing it. Also, I don't like things which have travelled halfway across the country. We all much prefer olives which we have put the hard work into ourselves - they somehow taste better.

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