Old and Friendless

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Dannie Bennington-Heaton

Active Member
14 inches, cedar, floo powder
So, Dannie's 32 and as such, she's always with her family and at home. But she wants to get out and have a little bit of a social life. Heck, if her kids can, she can to. (At least, this is what I want for her)

Is there anyone who wants to have a thread with Dannie? Keeping in mind that she will likely have either Yvette, Bryan, or both as NPCs? I mean, I can always do a thread of Dannie getting out of the house for a day because Jacob has off and is giving her a day to herself or something. I don't know. just anything!
That works with me! Dannie's pretty easy-going. She had a rough childhood and... erm... eventful teen-aged years but she's now happily married to her Hogwarts sweetheart, had 4 children, and enjoys every second of it. She's kind of a drill sargent around the house, wanting her kids to be neat and tidy but outside of the house she's very relaxed and laid back, just letting things happen as they will, only making sure her kids stay in check. she's pretty friendly and outgoing but lost some of that when her life got taken over by tiny terrors running about her feet all the time so she's a little wary about going out. The family just picked up shop and moved to New Zealand recently so Dannie hasn't had the chance to get out and around yet without the company of one of the twins. The only people around here she knows are those whom she lives with. So Jake, Zach, Jadyn, Yvette, and Bryan. Her sister is around here somewhere (a character whom will be only mentioned, never played or NPC'd) as well as her sister's daughter, who is Siara Bennington.

Uhh... hmm, I don't really know how else to describe Dannie's personality. She's just a very family-oriented witch who wants to get out more.
Okay well Jacqueline is a Transfiguration Professor at Hogwarts. She is a pureblood and was Head Girl at Hogwarts Scotland where she was in Slytherin. She went through a rebellious stage when she married a muggle and had three children..she became disgusted with her husband and life so she faked her death and ran away. She then joined the Death Eaters. She can be cool and not nice to strangers but she is attempting to change. She is engaged to an Auror (Raziel Black) and is pregnant with her fourth child..she has made an effort of late to be nice and friendly but still has lapses. The couple just bought their first home together in New Zealand.

That is Jacqueline's basic history...how do you think the two would get along? How would they become friends?
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