Ohai thar.

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Charlotte Wilson

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hi. This is Charlotte. Charlotte says hi. Charlotte is a muggle-born witch from Sydney, who is extremely excited about going to Hogwarts. Although Charlotte will miss all the friends she had in Sydney. Therefore, Charlotte needs friends. :lol:

Basically, she doesn't know much about magic, but she's willing to learn. She's a Gryffindor at heart, although she can be a little snarky and sarcastic, and appear to be selfish. Really, she's got a heart of gold, she cares about others, and she's very brave and courageous and stands up for what she believes in, but she can be tricky to get to know if you're not patient. Sometimes things she says will throw people off. But she's really quite lovely once you get to know her. She's quite well-presented and poised, and she's from a well off family on Sydney's North Shore, so she has been a little spoiled through her childhood. She is, however, ready to let go and go to boarding school and learn about magic...even though due to her background, for once she won't be priviledged.

Anyway, if you're not scared off, anyone want to be friends or enemies or something? :lol:
She sounds so complicated and fun :rofl:

Benson is hopefully going to be a Gryffindor and personality wise he is very loyal and once he trusts someone he would most likely forever stick by that person. He is very sporty and once he is comfortable with someone he is a lot of fun but with strangers and just girls in general he is very awkward and says the complete wrong things. He can also sometimes be very stubborn and just a 'typical guy' in general. And like Charlotte he can say some things which sound okay in his head but are just a disaster when the leave his lips =doh=

I think Benson and Charlotte would have really fun RPs, I mean by the sounds of her personality and Benson's it would seem they would bounce off each other, causing a couple of small fights but in the end a good friendship. So what do you think? :cool:
Shaylah would be great as an enemy. She wants to be a slytherin and hates muggles/muggle borns and gryffindors so she would hate Charlotte.
I have two unsorted's both girls. Bea and Demelza. Bea is the sort of happy go lucky kind of girl, she is a bit of a tomboy, she can be a little naive at times but she is really friendly and loyal. She's up for meeting new friends (because you can never get enough ;) ) she gets along with almost everyone. She's not exactly rich but she's not poor either and she comes from England and she comes from a family of wizards and Bea is very close to her father and brother.

Demelza is a little more reserved and she rants about her mom a lot but she is friendly and chatty once you get through the barrier ( :D ). She is a model but she's not a 'stereotypical' model. She's quite self conscious but tries not to show it, Demelza tries to put on a brave face a lot of the time and she cant wait to get to Hogwarts to be away from her mom (who she doesn't like much). She is pretty rich because her mum owns her own modelling firm, she lives in Canberra Australia. Demelza likes everyone and likes to give everyone a fair chance, she's not as proud and stuck up as her mum, she does come from a wizarding family.

So would you like to RP with one of them or both? or whatever. You can choose the relationship because you know your character better than me and you'll be able to see whether they get along :D
Shaylah - oooo, that's awesome. Shall we RP somewhere? They definately won't get along.

Lauren - I'm sure Bea and Charlotte would get along and be friends, but I can't really see them being close friends, per se. More average friends. Personally, I think she and Demelza would get along better. They're both from Australia and they seem to have quite a bit in common. :)
Yeah sure. Do you wanna start or shall I??
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