Closed oh merlin, not you

Victoria de Lacey

ur welcome👼🏼
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Hazel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Tori didn't like not having either of the twins in Gryffindor with her and now she was stuck with their dad as head of house. Well she supposed it wasn't that bad, because he would never dislike her... probably, but did that also now mean she was going to have to be careful with her behaviour, because surely he would write home to her mother if she was naughty... was Mr. Cade a nark? Probably - damn. Well, now she really needed to find Lumos, because she needed him to make sure she didn't get into any trouble whilst she was here, if she did her mother would absolutely find out and she can't handle when her mum looks at her with those sad eyes. Tori doesn't exactly make it a habit to get into trouble, but she certainly gets into trouble on occasion from doing things she shouldn't, mostly she tries to do it out of the prying eyes of other people, but she doesn't always have that luxury.

As she was coming around the corner, heading down to the Slytherin common room, which she admittedly hadn't been to before, she looked around at some of the portraits lining the walls and was about to comment to one about something or other when her head whipped around at a familiar face.
"Oh Merlin, not you," she said, annoyance cresting up over her face immediately. Honestly, she had been kind of hoping the girl wouldn't be at Hogwarts, maybe homeschooled or better yet, older than she looked. She should probably be civil, but she can't help it. There's something about this girl that just immediately puts her off. Maybe it was the behaviour upon first meeting.

@Kanako Kurosawa
Kanako had been settling into Hogwarts well enough. She just wished the Slytherin common room wasn't basically in the basement of the castle. Plus she now had the misfortune to have to deal with her brother again. Honestly, he seemed to be in his own world as usual, so it wasn't too bad, but Kanako didn't like the feeling that he was intruding on her magical experience. She wished Hogwarts was just for her, and only her. But oh well. Kanako supposed he could be more annoying if he really wanted to be which thankfully he did not.

She was just leaving the common room, looking forward to getting some fresh air, when she heard a voice. It took Kanako a moment. And then a moment longer. Then it clicked. "You?" Kanako exclaimed, disbelief evident in her tone. "What are you doing here?" she asked. She'd honestly thought the other girl - what was her name? - was too young to be going to Hogwarts.
"What do you mean what am I doing here, what are you doing here?" Tori retorted, her voice laced with frustration. She had rather naively thought that after their first meeting, she would never have to see this girl again. And now here they were, with Tori looking for Lumos and Kurosawa just being there as if she had every right to be. (And she did, since she was a Slytherin, but Tori didn't care.) Her eyes narrowed as she looked at the other girl. How was she supposed to concentrate in her classes knowing that Kanako Kurosawa was just going to be everywhere she was? It didn't seem fair that she should have to deal with her, especially since it was this girl's fault anyway. She was the one who had walked up to Tori and decided to give her some unsolicited advice!

"I was really hoping you wouldn't be here," Tori continued, her tone softening slightly as she crossed her arms. "I thought maybe you'd be homeschooled or something. Or better yet, older than you look and already graduated." She shook her head, feeling her annoyance crest over again. But no, she just had to be here, didn't she? Tori sighed dramatically, throwing her hands up in exasperation. "This is so unfair." Tori could feel her irritation building, but she tried to keep her voice steady. "And for the record, I'm here looking for my friend, Lumos. Not that it's any of your business."

@Kanako Kurosawa
Kanako rose her eyebrows at Tori. This girl really seemed to get quite spirited. Over the initial shock of seeing Tori, Kanako had started to calm down. "I go here," she said simply, "and I see you go here too." Kanako eyed over Tori's uniform, noting the Gryffindor tie. Hmph. A Gryffindor, Kanako thought somewhat uncharitably. Supposedly brave or whatever that singing hat had said.

"Well, thanks," Kanako then said sarcastically at Tori's saying she'd hoped Kanako wouldn't be here. This girl was ungrateful and rude, is what Kanako was learning. "Funnily enough, I hadn't even thought about you," Kanako said haughtily. "A friend? You?" she repeated, playing at disbelief. Part of her, a secret part that perhaps Kanako didn't like to acknowledge, felt a tinge of jealousy. Kanako hadn't made any friends yet, and here this girl had?
"Yes well I suppose you wouldn't know about friends would you, you probably don't have any," she couldn't imagine a girl as horrible as Kanako having any friends. After all, she'd been nothing but unpleasant since Tori had met her, which maybe was a little unfair since this was the first time she'd seen the girl since they'd met back before school started. Still, Tori was sure she was correct and that there was no way this girl had friends because the first thing she had done upon first meeting was to rudely take over the cupcake decorating, which Tori had been enjoying up until Kanako decided she would do it better. Tori couldn't stand someone just doing that, and it had thrown her off for the entire rest of the day and now knowing she was probably going to have to deal with this girl in classes too, well, that was just great. "I'm not surprised you're in this house, you probably have an ambition to take over all the cupcake decorating stalls in the whole of New Zealand," Tori said, jealously. She had to admit she was annoyed that at least Kanako had something she was good at. Tori didn't think she was particularly good at anything at all.

@Kanako Kurosawa
Kanako frowned at Tori's words. They hit harder than she would like to admit - and it felt like a low blow as well, but Kanako couldn't show that. That would be letting this girl win, and Kanako couldn't let anyone else but herself win. So she bit back the tears, and said, "Actually I have plenty of friends. They're just not people like you." She wanted to know how to hit back so it'd hurt Tori too but unfortunately didn't know enough about her to do any real damage. Maybe she'd have to figure something out. "You're still caught up about that cupcake thing? It wasn't my fault you couldn't decorate a cupcake to save your life." Kanako lifted her head defiantly. At least she had that over Tori.
"Well I'm sorry my mum thought there were better things for me to learn than how to decorate a cupcake," though if she were honest it did kind of upset her a little. She had wanted to desperately to learn to bake something so she could show her dad her appreciation but he never really seemed to pay her enough attention for her even to do that. If she'd learned he probably wouldn't have noticed, though he seemed to enjoy Uncle Lani's cupcakes well enough. It was all very frustrating. "Well maybe you should go and bother your friends then, you'll probably find they like spending time with you if you bake their affection," she grumbled, though she wasn't sure why she was complaining, she had plenty of people to go to. Honestly it felt like Kanako was trying to say something about her family and she really didn't appreciate that. Her mum did the best she could given the circumstances and yeah, maybe they didn't have a lot of money but so what? They had each other and that's what counted right?
Mum. The word echoed in Kanako's mind for a moment, and she felt a rush of sorrow, quickly giving way to a rush of irritation. It was something she was always conscious of but she never gave word to. Her father and brother didn't speak of it. No one spoke of it, and Kanako wasn't brave enough to break that tradition. "Actually, I taught myself," Kanako said instead, defiantly - which was mostly true. She'd initially had some help from her aunt but had taught herself how to decorate by watching videos. "And you know what? Maybe I will go and bother them." She was running out of witty rejoiners, or ways to hurt Tori back, not realising she had probably done enough damage already. Kanako gave a 'hmph' and turned up her nose. "Hope you have fun with Luke or whoever it was," she said disingenuously before continuing on to the stairs to get out of the dungeons. She was glad that was over.
"His name is Lumos," she grumbled as Kanako walked away. Wow, she shook her head. At least now that was over and she could go back to ignoring the girls existence. If she had her way, she'd never see her again. Of course now that they were in the same school, they would probably share classes and that was bad enough honestly. Hopefully it would only be the one class for now.

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