Oh... Hi, or Something

Zoe Katsaros

anti-drama • mother
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 1/2 Inch Unyielding Mahogany Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Zoe Katsaros could hardly believe that she was a fifth year. Leading Accio! for the second year in a row has been rather interesting, and she hoped that it will be another good one. Taking her notebook that contained a list of designs and a schedule of when she would have students have their pictures made, Zoe made her way up to the North Tower to have some time to think. Balancing school work, boyfriend and a yearbook was definitely weighing on her shoulders. And she had to be a good sister for Zenia, who seemed to be sad all the time since her break up with Cristian. Zoe, while friends with him, did not want to get into the middle of it. She felt bad since she had a good relationship with Lucas for about a year now, and her sister did not have one. Zoe sighed as she entered the towers, and found the lonely room she had been looking for. She perched herself next to the window, and glanced out as she thought of something to construct. Zoe was a bit of a perfectionist and believed that she had to make everything perfect. She took out her notebook, and looked over her schedule.

Purple eyes closed for a moment, and opened as she fought to contain a sigh. She needed to fix something since she had a conflicting schedule with her classes and the time to take the pictures. Zoe took out a muggle pen and crossed it out, before adding a note to check her time table more often. She then switched to a blank sheet of paper, and started to design the back pages, thinking that she could probably spice of the profiles of the students. It woud be nice to have something other than a burned stamp of the Hogwarts sign. But she needed something else to cover the whiteness. Zoe started to draw the best that she could, which was better than average. It helped make up for the other insecurities that she held deep within.
Evelyn was so happy with the news that she became prefect. She had to write home about it, that couldn't wait. She was sad that she couldn't see her fathers expression when she would tell him, but she had some image of it inside of her mind. The blonde was also curious at her mothers reaction, she shouldn't care anymore since her mother had led her down everytime, but that was just why she wanted to surpise her mother. To put it in her face that she was succesfull and that she had nothing to complain anything about. Espen was her mothers favorite that was certain and although he was doing still better at school she was the one with the highest grades but her mother still thought negative about her. The blonde had written a letter so she could give it to her owl directly and leave. The blonde wanted to see her friends and catch up. And especially spend time with her boyfriend Noah. His mother was her head of house and she thought Evelyn deserved it after all. The blonde believed that her year could never go wrong anymore.

The blonde arrived at the north tower and thought perhaps she would run into Noemie. The blonde didn't saw her friend in a long time and wanted to catch up. But instead of Noemie she noticed another girl. That face.. that look.. The blonde already felt her mood getting worse. The blonde had to look if it was Zenia or Zoe. When she looked closer she noticed it was Zoe, looking at her clothes. But still that face, was the same. And Evelyn hated it! The girlfriend of Lucas.. ofcourse she had to run into her. As open and direct as Evelyn was she decided to ask away. Lucas wasn't around so she could ask whatever she wanted. '' Hi there... Please tell me you are Zoe?'' The blonde asked. She wouldn't lie at the fact she didn't liked Zenia at all. If it was something what Evelyn hated it were lies. It was not like she was more glad that it would be Zoe, but just to be sure.
Zoe heard a girl’s voice speak to her, and asked if she was Zoe. Zoe peaked up with her violet eyes, as she closed her notepad with all her notes and schedules for Accio! and whatnot. It was Evelyn Manning. Truth be told, Zoe did not know much about her, just that her sister hated her, and that hatred was what broke Zenia and her boyfriend up. It was hard for Zoe to judge to see who was in the wrong, but truth be told, she did not really care either way. It was none of her business and she had no reason to be in the middle of something when she had a lot of other duties to take care of anyway. Zoe sighed, before brushing her hair behind her ear, “Yes, I am.” She was the Accio! Editor, working toward becoming an Auror one day, and actually cared about her studies to an extent. Fashion and whatnot were beneath her since she saw it was too materialistic. Zoe herself wore more plan and modest clothing nowadays, and wore her hair straight, since she had her father’s straight hair. There was hardly any body to it at all. If Zoe cared, it would have been the bane of her existence.

Unfortunately, while Zoe felt pressured, her tolerance for those she had nothing in common with ran thin. Zoe opened her notepad once more, and her voice softly sounded once more, “Was there something you needed?” Zoe wanted to add more to it, but the energy was leaving her rather quickly. Zoe did not want to talk for too long, but she did not want to seem mean. That was not who she was. Zoe did not argue, not like Zenia. Zoe often seemed bored at confrontation, and avoided it whenever she could.
The blonde looked up to the girl who was actually Zoe. Evelyn deepdown knew it but she wanted to make sure. If it would be Zenia she had different options. And she had spoken to Zenia recently and it was amusing. The blonde was happy with rubbing in her face being a prefect. It was only because Zenia had been so mean to her and tried to ruin any part of her life. And it seemed like she drew Merril in that too. Evelyn looked at Zoe confidently. '' Okay.'' Evelyn did not really knew much of Zoe. She seemed very different than Zenia, but the fact that they had the same face was just too much. She couldn't stand that face. Zoe seemed more relax and quiet than Zenia was.

The blonde looked at Zoe as she asked if she needed something. Evelyn didn't came her with the intention of running into the twin of her enemy, but it was like that. And what a fact was that Evelyn was curious at her relationship with Lucas and how that came up all of sudden. Évelyn was very direct and if she wanted to know something she just asked. People could always decide if they wanted to answer or not. '' Well not really. But now that I see you. I figured we could talk from girl to girl about stuff you know?'' It could be a great risk for Evelyn admitting this to Zoe, but she had a feeling that the girl wasn't such stupid as her twin.
'' You and Lucas are dating right? How did you guess meet? I'm curious.'' the blonde asked with a smile on her face. She could ask about stuff but for now she thought this was enough. Evelyn would just wait the answer from Zoe and than she could ask if Lucas ever mentioned her.
The girl being confident did make Zoe a little envious, but that was not shown. Zoe was very insecure about herself and her abilities, but she refused to show it. Zoe wondered what she was still doing here, and why she would want to make conversation with her. After all, Zenia hated her, and she hated Zenia. It was a relationship that Zoe did not want to get into. Not with a 12 foot pole. Zoe frowned a little bit at the mention of girl to girl talk. Zoe’s friends were mostly boys, with a girl here and there. She brushed her hair behind her ear, and remained quiet as she brought up her boyfriend. How did they meet? Zoe sighed, before she found the words without trying to be rude. That was the last thing she wanted to do. “I’m the Accio! editor. I work with everyone. Lucas goes to the same school as we do, and we met up one day. Nothing spectacular.” Zoe shrugged her shoulders, doubting that this would satisfy the blonde’s curiosity. Zoe did not really have anything juicy in her life to add to, but this was still disturbing her a little bit. Why question her love life?
The blonde looked at Zoe and tried to read what she was thinking. Looking in the face of the twin of your enemy wasn't really something the blonde wanted to do all the time. But she was here now and she wanted to now the details about Lucas and her. Perhaps she could even get information about if Lucas ever mentioned her. It didn't seemed that Zoe was too excited to talk to her, but whatever. When the girl answered and said she was the accio editor and worked with everyone the blonde rolled her eyes. The answer the girl gave was pretty stupid Evelyn thought. The meeting didn't sound all spectacular indeed. '' Okay.. that sounds really exciting indeed.'' Evelyn started off and put her arms over eachother. She smiled at Zoe for a moment. '' So what do you like about Lucas? I'm just curious.'' Zoe and Lucas didn't seem like a couple the blonde thought. Lucas always loved hanging out with girls Evelyn knew. She didn't understand why Zoe. Evelyn didn't understood Merrill as a choice too. But perhaps Lucas liked such girls.
Zoe sighed, showing that she was growing a little bored of this. Evelyn was really pressing for information, which Zoe definitely did not feel like handing over so willingly, especially to someone she did not consider a friend at all. Zoe placed her notepad with everything Accio! related into her bag, and she pointed out, "I don't feel obligated to disclose any sort of personal information like that to anyone beyond my circle of friends." Zoe didn't want to be rude, but it seemed like she might not have had a choice from here, since the girl seemed persistent. "Unless you have any actual business such as the yearbook with me, then I will answer. Otherwise, it would be best to keep your nose out of others' personal lives." Of course, a part of Zoe meant this in a way to protect herself, but also her sister, who seemed to just hate Evelyn, and vice versa. Zoe kept her own mind out of it, since she avoided confrontations at times. However, Zoe did happen to have a much longer fuse than Zenia. It didn't mean that she did not have a temper. It just took a lot to ignite it.

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