Closed Off Your Feet

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Connor Holland

🌼aussie🌼trying🌼sensitive🌼 vibez asst. man
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Alder Wand with Fairy Wing Core
6/2038 (25)
Connor was determined not to dwell tonight. Yes his love life was an absolute mess, and yes that was... mostly his own fault, but at least he could have a nice time at the dance tonight with Lucas. He had dressed nicely, and he was determined to have a good evening with the younger Hufflepuff and find what enjoyment there was to be found at the dance, and not think about Nikko at all. Or Knox, though that was almost a more dangerous consideration. Much easier to focus on Lucas, and pretend they were the only people in the world. Connor entered the Great Hall arm in arm with his teammate, looking around happily. "Aaaah, I always love the decorations!" He said brightly, squeezing Lucas's arm slightly. "Do you wanna dance?"
It had surprised Lucas when Connor had asked him to the dance. He had felt frustrated and even a bit angry with Connor for a while now, knowing it wasn't really fair. But he couldn't help feeling upset the older boy was dating the boy Lucas liked. Or... had dated, it seemed. Because Lucas found out they had broken up when Connor asked him, which made him feel a mix of different emotions he couldn't quite place. He had been tempted to say no to ask Nikko himself, but then he would be a bad friend. Lucas smiled as Connor took his arm, glancing at his friend. He hoped he could help distract him from the recent breakup. "You would." He teased slightly. "Yeah, dancing sounds fun."
Connor giggled slightly at Lucas's teasing, still smiling as he led the younger boy onto the dance floor. "You look great, by the way." He added, smiling as he started dancing with Lucas. "Formalwear really suits you." This was what he needed, someone else to focus on, so he could avoid thinking about Nikko. Knox had been a good distraction earlier today, maybe he needed to just.... relax into this date and he could stop worrying about his recent breakup. "It's cool to spend time with you like this, I dunno if we've ever really hung out one on one before."
Lucas let Connor lead him glancing at him and feeling oddly shy at the compliment. "Thanks, but I think it's obvious you're the better dresser of the two of us." He muttered, feeling his cheeks flush a bit. He told himself off, Connor was his friend, he had no business feeling the butterflies he was right now. "Uh, yeah, it's cool." He said, feeling himself flush. He hoped Connor didn't notice how awkward he was suddenly.
Connor laughed awkwardly at the compliment from Lucas, shaking his head. "I never think about my clothes, this is just... a suit I found, I'm not a good dresser." He smiled, trying to focus on dancing with Lucas and not think about how awkward moving like this felt. He smiled when Lucas said it was cool, nodding in agreement. "You're a good dancer." He added, hoping complimenting the younger boy would pull attention away from his own awkwardness.
Lucas laughed. "Are you kidding? If there was like a best-dressed page in Accio you'd be on there for sure." He said, then blushed again. He ducked his head and smiled as they danced, feeling happy that Connor was complimenting him. He had to remind himself that they were just friends, though this did feel... different.
Connor laughed nervously at Lucas's compliment, though it was hard for him to agree. Dancing as close as he was with Lucas, it was hard to ignore how handsome the younger boy was, and after a moment, Connor couldn't help asking the question that kept flicking into his mind. "Can I... kiss you?" He asked softly, studying Lucas's face as he spoke. He knew this was probably a mistake so soon after breaking up with Nikko, especially considering everything that had happened with Knox during the deliveries, but right now he couldn't stop thinking about how nice it would feel to kiss Lucas.
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