Closed Obligatory Greetings

Professor Gabrielle Moncrieffe

Alleged Adult | Exists on Stress | HoM 1-4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Straight 15" Ash Wand, Essence of Mermaid Scale
Gabrielle wasn't exactly 100% organized, but she found herself stuck in a bit of a mental block and thought a walk might clear her head a bit. Besides, she was a bit nosy. She hadn't actually had a chance to meet the new History of Magic teacher yet. She'd been busy settling in last semester and hadn't had much time to chat to the man who was now headmaster, so she figured she ought to make up for it and try to speak to her new co-worker, as hopefully they would have at least some common ground. And if not, at least she'd get to debate.

She knocked on the door, pushing it open slightly as she did as it wasn't completely closed and stepping in to the office. Was it always so...spacious? She tilted her head up and practically jumped at the sight of an incredibly tall man. Had to be part-giant from the look of him. Well, he'd have some interesting takes on the potential of student debates regarding rights, she imagined. "Merlin's ba- beard," she spluttered, hastily. "They could've advised me my new co-worker would be this tall."
Professor Killian Borisyuk. Rather odd but he still thought that he might have finally found his calling. The only issue was the bloody fact that he felt that he shouldn't wear what he was used to wearing all of the time. Leather. It might not set the best example. Killian just felt somewhat bad that he was leaving Amethyst to study on her own while he was off teaching. At least he was finally okay with her and Kade to hang around together. He was putting his books away on the bookshelf when he heard a knock on the door, and the door open. Everything in his office was adapted to his size, except for the chairs in front of his desk. He didn't have his robes on, so he was just in a black shirt and jeans - casual wear for him.

His green eyes broke from his books down to the professor that came in without his say so. His eyebrows furrowed slightly at her words. "You are free to cuss around me. I don't care," Killian's Russian accent was still heavy around his words. He shifted and turned, folding his arms across his chest as he looked down at her. "Is my size a problem?" His tone wasn't exactly the most friendly, but he had to see if he was going to deal with some prejudice here or not.
Gabrielle gave a small snort of laughter. "Sorry, was intending to politely wait outside but curiosity got the better of me." She felt she ought to at least give some sort of apology for barging in, because he could crush her easily. He was a very intimidating looking man, and the worst part was he was so young. What was with this school and it's barely adult teachers? "I figured, I'm trying to curb the habit so I don't swear at a first year." He didn't look especially scholarly, but she supposed people could be surprising. She excuded the vibe of muggle art history teacher, not Hogwarts professor - whatever that meant. "No, not at all. It's honestly a bit refreshing," she admitted. "Durmstrang or Koldovstoretz?" She asked, clocking the accent. "Oh, and I'm Gabrielle, the other history teacher, as you've likely guessed. Hello, and et cetera."
Killian raised his eyebrow at her as she laughed but apologized for barging in. He still kept his firm gaze on her as she continued to talk. There was not much there that he could really relate to because he didn't want others to know that he cussed so much a sailor would be sent to church to repent. He unfolded his arms from his chest as she let him know that his size won't be an issue. "Good. Dealt with enough of that bullsh*t in the past." While he could have censored himself, there weren't students around to hear him anyway.

At least she finally introduced herself as the other history teacher. Gabrielle. He moved to start putting his books away still, "Killian. And I came from Durmstrang." Yes, that school. Where he mastered the Dark Arts but never practiced them. His girlfriend came from the other school. "This is my first time teaching. I assume swearing is a no. How long have you been here?"
Gabrielle had heard much worse - she'd been with her family when the West Indies had lost to England in a super over in a world cup final and the language had been unreal. Partially from her own mouth, as well. Which reminded her she should tell that story to one of her second year boys, since New Zealand's team were the kings of super overs, and it would be fun to commiserate. That was besides the point though, and she looked back up at her coworker with a nod. "Not surprising. I'd be pretty useless at my job if I took any racial stereotypes as gospel," she explained. All she was really interested in was whether he was any good as a history teacher. She also knew Durmstrang had a propensity for dark arts, but if he was a practitioner surely the school would have vetted him. And if they hadn't, and he was, then he wouldn't last very long, she expected. "Since the start of the year," she admitted, so it wasn't too much longer. "I worked as a tutor for a while. I assume most teachers see the outdated lesson plans and run for the hills after a year or so. Your predecessor excepted." There was interesting information in the early years, it just needed to be organized better, she thought. "As for swearing, since you have the older students, it wouldn't be anything they hadn't heard before, but probably still not advisable."
Killian sighed as he noticed how she had to constantly look up, so he knelt down onto the floor so that they could be mostly eye-level, seeing as he was still just over eight feet when he knelt down. Still, a fair bit less he would assume. Should he take this into consideration when he teaches? Maybe. He will have to see. Gabrielle had a very valid point though, so he just nodded along. "Had to make sure. I don't know this island's culture. Although, I cannot imagine what the students will think when they see me teaching." If the size was not enough to make the students be shocked, it would be his tattoos and piercings. He was an unorthodox appearing professor.

Just as he had thought, and heard, this school had a high turnover, and she had only been here at the start of the year. But she worked as a tutor. He had no educational background at all. "You have a lot more experience than me. I worked as a club DJ and bouncer before I came here. But in Russia, I was a professional fighter. So, you are stuck with someone inexperienced." Probably not what she wanted to hear, at all, but at least he didn't seem like he was a pushover at all. In fact, he had high expectations and was a little more firm. "I'll work on holding my tongue just in case others b**ch about it." He paused for a moment. "What do you mean outdated lessons?"
Gabrielle gave a light chuckle. "A part of me would love to see how the first years react to a professor three times their size." Perhaps it was a little mean of a suggestion, but the mental image amused her. It would certainly be a good means of introducing the students to diversity in the magical world. Although perhaps it was better he taught the older students.

"I'd almost say that that's the strangest path to teaching but somehow I think your skills will actually come in handy." Gabrielle was a little shocked they'd given the job to someone with no experience, but perhaps he had some hidden deep interest in history. Or it was a ministry mandated form of community service, though that was just her making assumptions she shouldn't. "Least you can teach them a little more about the real world, and keep them from pulling faces at you." There were only a couple of misbehaving students, and most she figured misbehaved out of boredom rather than any dislike of her specifically. "Outdated in the sense that after first year, they don't seem to like teaching anything beyond the middle ages. Plenty of ancient civilization knowledge, nothing from the last few centuries." She gave a resigned shrug. "Variety is good."
Killian did not even want to think about teaching first years. Those kids were just too small for him to adapt to, and even if he sat down the entire lesson, they would have a hard time looking up at him. Needless to say, Killian did not really know what he was getting himself into when he came to work here. But all he knew was that he finally had something worthwhile. "If they wanted to know about the cruel, harsh reality of the real world, then yes, my skills would come in handy there." Truth be told, Killian had a fair amount of skills that he could not really use here at the school. An example would be how he can hurl someone through the Quidditch hoops - without being on a broom.

"But that's not my job to prepare them. That's their parents. If their parents don't want to teach real world lessons, then that sucks for them." Killian had to learn at a young age and thus, had some views that were a bit out there. Gabrielle went on about the lesson material, which made him stand up go to to the desk. He pulled out the lesson plan for the upper years to see what she was talking about. "So, this is more like ancient studies. Nothing modern, at least, not in my lesson plan. Sixth year seems like a breeze." Killian put the papers away and sighed. "Only those truly interested in history will actually stay awake during this."

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