Obama's Nobel Peace Prize

Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
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[ul][li]New York Times Article</LI>
<LI>[li]Obama's Speech re: the award in the Rose Garden[/li][/ul]
His Excellency[sup]1[/sup] President Barack Obama was announced to be the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize for the past year. The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to several world-leaders and "world-influencers" to such people as Mother Teresa[sup]2[/sup], Nelson Mandela[sup]3[/sup], many other influential key leaders and sometimes simply not awarded if, in the past year, no person or organization stood out as being deserving of the award.

So, what do you think of Obama's having been awarded this prize? Here are my thoughts... When I think about what he's done so far, I can't think of much to be honest. He's started some things, sure. He's set some gears in motion, he has big plans. But do big dreams mean his name should be on the list of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates with the others? I don't think so. Maybe in four years when he's done some things that really solidify his dreams for the U.S and the world - but right now I don't think he'd done enough to get that award, it sort of takes away from the greatness of some of the previous winners. If Obama was the only person in the world even trying to achieve peace on a grand scale, I fear for the world - but most importantly the award should likely not have been awarded at all.

[sup]1[/sup]His Excellency is the proper style for the president of the United States outside of the United States. Within the United States his style is The Honorable.
[sup]2[/sup]For her unending self-sacrifice in her mission in Calcutta
[sup]3[/sup]For his work in the removal of the apartheid government in South Africa
Nominations closed about 11 days after he was admitted to office.
...I guess his doing good for the world was getting elected President of the United States. :oy:
I'm dubious but to be honest I can't think of anyone else. I can think of many people who are doing great things for the environment (and think James Hansen should have won the Nobel Prize for Physics), but not so much for peace. I know there are many out there, just no names come to mind.

I think anyone less bent on war that George W. Bush being in power in the United States is a huge step towards global peace, but that would have happened anyway. I like a lot of what Obama stands for, and if I were American I would have voted for him. But as with every politician there is a lot of what he does that I don't agree with. I would like to see more transparency in his administration, for example.

I can't think of anything rock solid he has done that makes him stand out at the forefront of global peace efforts. I'd like to know who else was nominated... anyone have links to that information? (I'm too tried to read the article you posted, Nick. Maybe tomorrow)

Congratulations to him, though. I certainly believe it has come too soon, but maybe it will provide the impetus to deliver on promises and live up to expectations.
Wow!!! am speechless really

I love Obama don't get me wrong.. but what actually has he done to get this majorly prestigious award???? :blink:

think Camilla probably covered it though..
...I guess his doing good for the world was getting elected President of the United States.

and Emma with..
Congratulations to him, though. I certainly believe it has come too soon, but maybe it will provide the impetus to deliver on promises and live up to expectations.

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