Nursing a Broken Heart. :(

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Jacob Esquire

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hokaaay, this is Jacob. I posted a thread here once before, but I had to leave the site for a few months right after. So yeah, anyone that posted in that thread, sorry that I never got back to you regarding plots/RPs.

Rightio, so Jacob is a dude. He owns Mākutu Music, and has a really vast knowledge of music. He loves lives it. Yeah. He plays the guitar, bass, and drums, and he's really good, but he's not like.. amazing or anything. His friend Miles Vanderwolf owns him at guitar. :r Jake's very smart and witty (ex-Ravenclaw in da hooouse), and is very emotions-oriented. When he's happy, he's reeeally fun to be around, but when he's sad, he'll just sulk and be emo. :p He can be a bit sarcastic and cynical, but that's only when he's sad. Jake's really a down-to-earth guy, but just a bit too sensitive. xD

Aaanyway. Here's the plot that I'm interested in. So, Jake's a total hopeless romantic. He doesn't mind being single, but he much prefers being in a relationship. A lot of the time he's either seeing someone or being depressed between girlfriends. You could say that he's had a lot of them. :p But not in like, a manwh*re-type way! He just likes to be in relationships, I'm sure we all know someone like that. Anyway, he falls in 'love' reeeally easily. It's quite sad, actually. :lol: He'll be like "zomg I love this girl so much. She's my soulmate forever etc etc". Then, after he's been dumped and wallowed in self-pity for a few weeks, been content and single for a few months, and then starts seeing someone else, he'll say "I love this one waaay more. That last one? Pshh, that was puppy love". You get the picture. Oh right, I forgot to mention that he's a dumpee. Yeah. He just loves too much (or he thinks he does), which turns the girl off. It's ironic, because when they first meet him, they think he's all charming and confident and romantic and stuff - which he is - but he's too full-on. Like, the girl might only be looking for a casual relationship, and Jacob will ask her to move in like a week later. :correct:

Right, so onto the actual plot. :lol: Sorry.. it's late, I'm tired, I ramble. xD Okay, so Jake was dating this girl that he really did care for, and she liked him a lot too. They were actually planning on finding a place together, when she decided to end it. She wanted to be all young and single or something. Anyway, so since this was the longest relationship he'd ever had (about a year), he's feeling extra down now that it's ended. Jacob has no interest in dating anyone else, and he's just sulking currently. So what happens is that he becomes friends with this girl, who is just that - a friend. When he meets her there isn't all cheesy "zomg butterfliez love at first sight" or anything, it's more like.. Jake's really content, and it feels 'right' or whatever. Anyway, as he gets over his ex, he realises that he's never actually been in love before. It's always just been himself acting like they do in the movies. He learns that real love isn't a corny romantic-comedy. Aaand then we plot lots of cuteness between himself and the 'friend that was never really just a friend'. :lol:

Yeah, I'm just going to apologise now for my lack of making sense..ness. xD I'm super tired. but I just wanted to write this down now before I forgot or something. If you don't understand a word of what I've said, feel free to PM me or post here. Or not. I'm not fussed. :p

So.. just to recap what I'd like:

- The ex-girlfriend (for amusingly bitter RPs and secret stuff)
- The future girlfriend (whether they're finals or just for a while, we can discuss)
- Any friends and advice-givers are cool too

.. Wow, I've managed to make Jacob sound so desperate and creepy. =)) I swear, he's actually a really cool guy! :lol:
I actually didn't understand a thing, so, I'll just go with the friend who is giving advice xD

Okay, about Alexis(She's base on me): Alexis is a rebel but not that very rebel that she's on drugs or something, she just doesn't want to be treat like a princess by her parents who is very rich and other people who knew her. She's a home schooled by magic and goes to a muggle school and is already graduated. Alexis is very adventurous, kind, open minded and intelligent. She also likes music but the kind of music she loves is soft and ballad, Alexis plays the piano and that's all she plays.

Is that enough?
I got Meredith but...
She's sl*tty tho lol...

Actually Meredith need someone who could tell her what love is.. she does not believe in love but she believe in lust.

Not sure if she would be his future gf/ just friends.. but lets see how it goes..

wadya think? If u dont think it's a good Idea then dw :)
I could offer Elise Meredith as future or ex..Whatever goes..She is a shopkeeper of Scribbulus Everchanging Inks..They seem to have a lot in common..
Joyce (I think)
Lol, Jacob is also the 'rebel' of his rich family. I guess that they have something in common. :p Friends it is!

Hmm, I don't know if Meredith is the type of person that Jacob would hang out with. He prefers nice girls. xD I'll think about it. Hmm.. :lol:

Hiya, could you tell me a little more about Elise? Like her personality and stuff? ^_^

No one eelse? :p Jacob is a cool dude.
simone grinaes
i'm offering simone as a best girl friend because i don
't think jacob could handle her as a final. my baby girl
is well... to put it bluntly a wh*re. she lost her parents
when she was eleven years old and since then she has
had a severe lack of parental advice because she just v
iews her adoptive father as just a man allowing her to l
ive in his house and eat his food. so this kind of affecte
d her all throughout her life and now she is a twenty ye
ar old that has never had a steady relationship because
she thinks only chumps put their heart on the line and g
oes for something that is a little less long-term. she also
isn't the most intelligent girl, in fact she's about as dumb
as a rock in everything except the arts and divination. wit
h that said, she wants to be an author mainly because bo
th of her parents were writers and it is in her blood. i will b
e applying for her to work in the daily prophet just for som
e money until her paintings or stories are published. she'd
probably go to jacob for advice as he is more grounded th
en she is and enjoy how he appreciates the arts just as mu
ch as she does because she does play an instrument, it isn
't very exciting... just the cello but she always thought it wa
s a beautiful instrument so she got lessons on how to play it.
How are the two going to know each other? Ohhh, Jacob can act as Alexis brother as Alexis is just an only child But not live with her just a close friend but she will treat Jacob as brother.
Wait, I'm going to offer someone, it can be a girl friend or whatever (it can be his final or just for the mean time). She's Natasha Owen, owner of Scrivenshafts Quill Shop and works at the Ministry as a Gobstone Representative. Natasha has a sister who works at St. mungos, she's very sweet, kind, caring and loving. Natasha is the person who's a hot headed but at times she goes irritated and could be evil sometimes if she has to. She loves playing Gobstone that's why she got her position at the Ministry.
Haaayyyiiii! I have Samantha for you.She's also a shopkeeper-The Medley.She's sweet and nice. She'll be a perfect friend(ok,not so perfect)
Okay,so Elise somehow plays the perfect talented sister of Irene who is an auror..

Elise on the other hand keeps a low profile and manages a shop,Scribbulus..She is good in magic and a lady of 19 would surprises people and relatives since she loves quidditch as much as how boys do..She supported her cousin who is a Seeker of Thunderers and acts as his advisor..

Elise is sweet and caring but also has thus undependent and brave spirit..
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