Open Number One

June Davenport

The best student and prefect, obviously ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Hetrosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
One of the first things June wanted to do when she got back at Hogwarts was gloating at her name on the trophy which she really had aimed for. It was even better that in the first year she could do it she also got the highest points of all the houses. But obviously that was not an suprise, since June knew she was better than everyone around her. Also it wasn't for nothing that Slytherin had won the housecup like a million times in a row, because it was the best house with now the best student in it. Others were just messing around, and did dumb childish stuff. But even Slytherin had students in the house, actually quite a few who weren't worthy in June's eyes or just brainless fools.

When the blonde walked in the trophy room she searched for the one with her name on it from last year. She had written her father in Azkaban an letter and couldn't wait for an messenge back. June knew it would take a while, she was afraid of the day she wouldn't get an letter back. So every letter she got was still an relief that she knew her father was there. But she knew it would do him good, the news that she was the only daughter who wasn't an failure. Camille had failed already by choosing to live with that traitor Landon. And it was even worse that she was now sorted in Hufflepuff! It was all Laurens influence and June hated it. She knew she had to think of an plan how to face Camille, and put on an act. It was all part of her plan, so actually no suprise she ended up where she was now sorted. But June knew Camille was different than Lauren, and she would lie if it didn't hurt when Camille had made the wrong choice and betray her. The blonde walked along to search for her trophy.
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Santiago was back and was feeling a strange mix of emotions. Going home to stay with his dad had sounded exciting at first had he had hoped to see some of his old friends but when he reached out things were awkward and when they did manage to meet up it felt like he was talking to strangers. It had been upsetting and in the end just made him more angry with his parents for sending him away in the first place. Now he was back at Hogwarts where at least he knew his way around and while he didn't exactly have a lot of friends he at least knew where he stood. With skateboard in hand he cut his way through the corridors to get outside. He decided to take a short cut through the trophy room and even put down his board to make it even faster, but he stopped short when he spotted June. Great, just what he needed. He knew he could blow past her and get one with his day, but the temptation to say something was too strong. "Are you just staring at your reflection or something?" he asked sarcastically as he watched her look into the case of trophies.
As June watched out for the trophy with her name on it, she suddenly heard someone and since she had the feeling she was alone here, she turned around to see who it was. As she noticed Santiago, it didn't suprised her. Was he now following her around? June didn't knew how to feel about the boy, he didn't seemed very intelligent but in a way he did had her interest as he beat her in dueling. She wondered if it was just luck, or skill. '' Just casually looking for the trophy I won.'' The blonde said confidently with an smirk. June looked at the thing he had in his hand. She had no idea what that was. But it seemed like an boy thing. '' What were you planning to do? With that.. thing.'' The blonde than asked him, looking confused to the thing in his hand.
Santiago had been curious about what she was doing and when she answered he couldn't help but laugh in response. "Yeah super causal. I don't think most people even know where this place is." he said skeptically. "Besides I think you're probably the only one who cares about trophies for grades." he scoffed. He thought grades in general were dumb and trophies for them were even dumber. The quiddich cup on the other hand would be pretty nice he had to admit. But before he could say anything else he was caught off guard when she asked what his skateboard was. He shot her a confused look. "My skateboard?" he asked. Was she playing dumb? "You ride it." he answered, still confused. It was probably misguided but he put down his board and stood on it.
June saw an laugh at Santiago's face, which she hadn't seen so many times before. So that was interesting. '' Most people are idiots.'' June said, less caring about what came out of her mouth than usual. And grinned afterwards. '' I'm not so sure. There are a lot of people who wanted to be on that spot. And it's not only grades, it's housepoints too. Dedication and all, hard work. Ever heard of that?'' June said an bit teasing. She remembered the attempt of an compliment about his dueling, but it wouldn't hurt to get one in this case. But most people and Gryffindors too didn't knew what was important in life. They only cared about dumb stuff like quidditch and sports. It was strange to her that skateboard, which you could ride. '' And that is fun how?'' June asked looking confused. And watched him stand on it. '' Or is it just transportation?'' The blonde tried to understand.
Santiago scoffed. "Don't think I can argue with that." he said with a shrug. He watched June as she started to practically rant about how supposedly important that trophy was compared to everything else. He was pretty sure if she went on any longer her head might get too big and actually explode. "Dedication? To what? A stupid made up house?" he scoffed, ignoring her comment about hard work. He knew what it meant, he also knew not everything was worth that kind of effort. Besides, he barely wanted to be here at this school, let alone have any kind of pride about it. "Right I forgot you're allergic to fun." he said dryly. "Well it beats walking down all those long hallways, and you can also do tricks." he said and wondered if doing a kick flip in front of her might send her into shock or something.
What she knew about Santiago was that he seemed grumpy most of the time and hated much. It was an funny part about him, and at least he could agree with her on disliking most people. June quickly rolled her eyes of his igorant comment. She was all drilled by her biological parents for doing the best she can if not being perfect, and that ment hardworking. But it was an waste of energy to try and convince him about how important it was to win this prize. He was just another simple Gryffindor, and if he wanted to do childish stuff like quidditch she wouldn't stop him. But judge it for sure. June knew the foundation she layed here, would be important for her future. But most people seemed to just do something and don't think ahead. June ignored his comment, and smirked. '' Says the grumpy guy on every dance.'' June said dryly. '' But what kind of tricks, you talking about? Falling hard with your face on the ground?'' June than suggested. ''That I find funny.'' She said with an grin. Joking an bit around, but not really since she would like to see some people fall on their faces for sure.
Santiago felt a bit of pride as she brushed over his comments about how dumb house points were. But rolled his eyes when she brought up the fact he went to dances. "Yeah well the dances also suck but it's better than being alone in the dorm." he scoffed. He thought that reasoning was obvious. For someone who walked around like she owned the place she didn't seem to understand people very well. It just made him believe she was part robot. "That sounds like a trick you could probably pull off." he shot back when she mentioned him falling on his face. He took a deep breath and moved his feet slightly before doing a kick flip. The board landed with a pretty loud clack but he had landed it with relative ease.
As he commented back, she grinned. He liked to be surrounded with people over being alone than it seemed, waiting till the dance was over. But if June didn't liked something, she didn't do it unless she could get something out of it. She just put up her shoulders. '' So how can an dance be more fun to you?'' The blonde than asked him directly. Scanning the trophy's behind her quickly to see if she saw her one. She than turned around as he replied. '' I'm smart enough to not get on that thing'' The blonde said with an smirk. When suddenly he started to move his feet and June watched him with an frown, what he was gonna do. Was he now trying to impress her? June stayed quiet for an moment. '' Am I suppose to applaud now?'' The blonde said sarcastic and made an tiny clap with her two fingers.

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