Closed Nothing Wrong With Slytherin

Professor Misha Haden

Charms Professor | Laid Back
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
8/2009 (52)
Misha Haden was settled himself back into his office. The sorting ceremony was over and the he was thinking ahead to the semester. Things were in a bit disarray in his office, but he knew that it was just as he got settled, things would be better soon enough he was sure. The man had enjoyed sorting, it was always good to watch and he had been curious for June. He remembered her asking the question about which house to be best, and though he had thought she'd be a Ravenclaw, he also wasn't all that surprised that she had ended up in Slytherin. It was a good house, and he knew she would do well there, she'd do well anywhere. He knew she had big ambitions. Thing with June were good, he felt at least on his end. The trip to New York had gone fine and he knew that she'd probably be happier now that she was at school. The man had left his office door open and was just taking the time to get organised before his office was a mess because of a stream of students.
June was an confident young girl, but as the sorting hat told her she belonged in Slytherin and it was easy she couldn't stop smiling. She knew she was the one daughter her parents could be proud of and how much she just knew she was gonna belong in Slytherin and desired that, it was an relief in a way also. This was part one of her plan, and she would continue from now on. And as she saw the students around her during sorting, she already could tell she was the best of them. There didn't seemed to be competition from so soon she could tell. But the blonde couldn't wait for the first classes to start. June was gonna find the Owlery soon to write an letter to her parents about the sorting result. She could make her father happy even in Azkaban.

As June had some time for herself and after sorting she was led to the dungeons she wanted to find Misha. It would be good to do so. She had to be seen there, and to get the relationship going during Hogwarts. They went to New York before coming here and now he would work and she would be the student and person who lived at his house. She had asked an student who was older to led her to his office. Because finding the way was something she needed to learn in this castle. And June could always find people willing to help her. Smiling as th cute eleven year old she was. Or at least tried people to think whenever she wanted that. As the blonde got to the office she noticed the door was open and made her move towards it. Noticing Misha's back who seemed to be organising. She knocked on the door and showed her face. '' Hey Misha.'' She said and put on a smile.
Misha glanced around at the voice and his expression softened. "June!" he greeted. "I didn't expect to see you so early," the Professor had expected that she would come round, but hadn't expected her to come so quickly. "Congratulations on Slytherin," he told her with a bright expression. "How is slytherin? Have you met some of your dormmates yet?" he was sure that she had probably met a couple, it depended on how long she'd spent there at the Slytherin before coming to see him. He would let her stay and then bring her back to the common room. "Do you want to stay for some tea...or did the feast will you up?" the feast tended to do that to people.
As Misha seemed to be really enthiosiastic to see her she had to grin. And she went inside, before looking around her for an moment. She first led him be happy or what he was and knew she was doing good to stop by his office. '' I thought I would come and peak how your office would look like.'' She watched his office and smiled back. She than looked at the stuff at the wall and back to Misha. '' Thanks. '' She said trying to hide the big happiness from it. June wondred how Misha thought of the house. '' It's so far good.'' June said. The most people she got to know where not in the same house so that was too bad, but she would see them but just not in the dorm. As he invited her to stay for tea she figured it wasn't an bad idea. '' Oh yeah sure.'' June had the chance to hear stuff she wanted to know. And perhaps he could even introduce her to some important people at the school once. '' No it's fine. Although I don't need anything next to tea. There was plenty of food.'' June than said thinking of all the food. Although it wasn't as good as she liked it to be. And walked to an chair to sit in it.
Misha smiled at her, thinking it was sweet that she had wanted to see his office. he motioned around to the place, which had perhaps seen tidier days though it wasn't unlike how his home was too. He was not the most organised person. "Well, this is it, I'm tidying a little before the first day of the semester," he moved some books off a chair and offering it out to her. He had some tea going in an instant but agreed that there was plenty of food. "So because you're a slytherin, you won't have charms until next semester, but I can show you some of them early, at any point," he assured her since she had been so eager to learn the spells before.
June had wondered where Misha would sleep and all. It was strange to sleep at work, but for him it was normal. But you would not have a lot of free time, since you were always on the work. June sat and watched the office again. '' Do you sleep here also?'' She than asked trying to see if there was more space. The blonde heard him speaking of the charms directly and June actually was impatient for charms. And now she had to wait even longer. She wondrered what her favorite subject would be. Defence Against The Dark Arts for sure was on top her list she figured and Herbology at the bottom. Her lips curled as he spoke of showing her early. June wanted nothing more than already know stuff or see it. She hoped to perform it. Couldn't he just teach her already? Than she would be the star of the class for sure, not that she doubted that. '' Hmm. When do we start?'' June asked watching him with puppy eyes wanting to get along as fast as possible. And than thought of the professor who she would have for the subject. '' How's the professor like, who teaches charms to first years?'' June asked him. She was curious who Misha would like the most of his colleagues.
Misha nodded lightly, motioning to the area where he slept. "But I can come and go a little easier than you or the other kids," he said, since he had a little more freedom in his off time. Especially because he was just a professor and didn't hold any other important roles. "Well, not tonight obviously, but why don't you come to the office on like Thursdays lunchtime, and we can do some basics, so you're in a good position for when you do get charms," he said, he wouldn't cover too much. Not looking to step on Mallory's toes. "Professor Corrins is very nice, she is very good at her job and very friendly," he said. "If you are having problems in class, she can help you. Or if I'm not here and you want to wait for me, Professor Corrins would let you wait with her,"
The blonde looked in the direction of the area he slept. She believed he slept here more than in his own house, so this was an second house or something. Although June would decorate different herself. You had to do with the space you had. June figured tonight wasn't the best option. And her excitement for this all got her more tired than she thought it would so it was better what Misha suggested she figured. '' That sounds good.'' June than said. It was the best she could possible get and more than others would. As the blonde grabbed an cup of tea and took an sip of it she listened Misha explaining about Professor Corrins who was gonna be her professor for the first few years. June wondrered if Misha would be honest to her if he didn't thought of someone as friendly. He didn't seemed like the man who spoke badly of others. June playing the nice role smiled. ''Great. But ofcourse I rather got classes from you.'' June added with an grin. In her mind she made puking thoughts of how much she was kissing his feet. '' Are there any more professors you can tell me about? I'd love to hear about them.'' June than asked the man, wanting to know it all.
Misha smiled at her, he was rather touched that she would rather lessons by him, but it was not unfortunately possible. ”You'll get lessons from me eventually,” though it would be a while until she did so. But it would be fine. ”Professor Castillo, your head of house, is a very smart man, he's very nice. Professor Moncrieffe, who teaches History of Magic is a very engaging professor, Professor Le Fey in Divination is an exceedingly lovely woman,” he didn't have negative things to say about his co-workers and even if he had, he wouldn't be saying them to June. That was unfair to the professors. He just assumed that she wouldn't mind that sort of thing. Not too much information, just a little. He took a sip of the tea he had put out. ”You'll be fine,” he assured her.
June knew she would once get lessons from Misha. In a way she knew no one would be favored but it would not help if the professor would not like you for sure she thought. If she was the good student and very kind and all that would help her more. '' Which year again?'' June asked him. As Misha spoke of the professors she tried to remember them all. If she had an piece of parchment and something she would write on it. But that would look to strange she figured. Her head of house was someone important ofcourse too. And she had to be in his good book ofcourse, he had to make her prefect one day and the headmister had to choose her as headgirl. June had it all figured out. Now the plans only needed to succeed. Smart was good, but not too smart to see through her ofcouse. The words lovely woman were not actually what she wanted to hear from the person who took care of her. But she pretended not to have heard it. Misha was alone, but she had no idea if he had an girlfriend somewhere. But if he would here, she would find out. '' Thanks. I can't wait to meet them all.'' June than said. She wondred if Misha would speak of her with his colleagues or if they knew that he would take care of her. '' I guess I will.'' June said and smirked. And took another sip of her tea.

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