Nothing fancy, just characters in need of help.

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Patricia Styx

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Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Tail Hair of a Male Unicorn | Willow Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Gold Dust
Hi guys. So as some of you may or may not know, I have a lot of characters xD The only problem is some of them are not as active as I’d like them to be. I do try, really I do, but the ideas I have for them have either been cut due to plots not happening or having been completed. Regardless, I still have these characters and want to use them, and this is where y’all come in ;) Here are a list of the first characters that come to mind of ones I want to get using. Once I get some plots for these characters I may dig into my archives and see who else needs a life and get back to you then. Now let’s get started, shall we? :D
Amelia Jones *Click name for Bio

Amelia here is my first Beauxbatons character, who is in her 5th Year of schooling. Now Amelia is very sweet. She isn’t particularly snobbish, but it is hard for her to warm up to people she doesn’t really know, and won’t talk to an awful lot of people outside of her comfort zone. Although once she warms up to someone she will be a very loyal friend and becomes her usual bubbly, happy self. She can be a little timid and shy around some people but that doesn’t happen often. She loves nature and is the Herbology Professor's apprentice, also her love for nature effects the way she dresses...not exactly hippish like but lot of neutral colours.
For Amelia I’m looking for everything: Friends, Enemies, Love Interests. Final.
As a side note: She is LeAnn Adam’s half sister, but neither are aware of this, I may make it a plot someday then again I might not, but just so you know ;) xD

Amphitrite Zchechaf *Click name for CD

Amphitrite is a friendly, bubbly smart girl. So what’s she doing in Durmstrang you may ask? Well she was in Gryffindor in HNZ up until the start of the term when she was transferred on her father’s wishes. Amphitrite is the first out of her family to not go to Durmstrang and her father thought it was time to have his daughter attend there. While she didn’t get accepted into Durmstrang originally her father was able to pull some strings and get her in. Her father comes from a Pure Blood family, heavily into the Dark Arts and is trying to push his children into the same direction and Amphitrite the newest ‘victim.’ So being this nice, bubbly girl in Durmstrang she’s going to stand out like a sore thumb so she has a lot of potential for some fun.
For Amphitrite I’m looking for everything: Friends (who may turn into enemies if she gets pushed into the ‘dark side’ but I want them to try and keep her the way she is, Enemies (who may turn into friends if they push her into the ‘dark side’, Love Interests. Final.

Ariel Dubois

Ariel here is a Beauxbatons 2nd Year. Now don’t let looks fool you for she is far from all sweet and innocent. She had always been the youngest girl in the family and has enjoyed the attention that it gets her. As a result she has become quite spoilt and knows just how to get what she wants. So she can very easily put on the face of a little angel so she can easily get what she wants but she can easily turn that around and be a little devil to people she doesn’t like. For Ariel I’m looking for everything: Friends, Enemies, Love Interests. Final.

Jasmin Baxter *Click name for Bio

OK so this here is Jasmin Baxter and I have to say I love her to bits. She’s a character that I’ve had for a while now and had great plans for her but of course they’ve come and gone with the people she had plotted with. I always try to get Jasmin out there a bit every so often and it doesn’t always happen so I’m hoping that this time will be good for her. Now Jasmin is slightly quirky, she’s a fun loving young girl (well not so young anymore but still acts like she’s an 11 year old). She loves sports, especially muggle football. She’s a bit of a tomboy but her older sister (Kira Carter) keeps trying to make her into more of a girly girl and she has been known to wear some dresses now and then. She’s only ever had a crush once but that was a short plot when she found out the boy was just a womaniser and dropped her after only knowing her for less than a in a way she’s quite naive. Oh one more thing....she’s a squib, thought that bit might be vital for y’all to know.
For Jasmin I’m looking for everything: Friends (maybe people to make her more girly), Enemies, Love Interests. Final.
So as some of you may or may not know I’m a busy girl with Uni work and other important plots going on at the moment so patience is greatly appreciated. I may not accept all plots that people offer up if I feel they wouldn’t work for my characters so please don’t be offended (they’re my babies and I want to treat them well). Also, due to my work levels with Uni etc I may not start all RPs/plots right away but we will do them as I keep a list that I check daily with my RPs and future plots coming up so I’ll have a note of them. So if you’re interested in any of this please let me know and we’ll see what we can do.

Many thanks,
Pattycakes ♥
Paaaaaaatttttt :hug:

I can offer Brad Kuang (BB, 15 yrs old) 4 Amelia as... Anything u want xD

This boy is good at martial art but like his brother, Zac, he's not a violent type of boy. But his dad wanted him to learn all those movements to protect the family, Zac didn't want to just cause.... ( pffft I can't find a reason ) Anyway *cough* Brad is in love with dancing, snowboarding, and with music, he's also a big fan of muggle gadgets like the rest of the family and he pulls pranks when he's bored. He's also a total gentleman but isn't as `nice` as Zac. But he's still nice and wont insult other people, at least not in the language that they understand... He's really energetic and a little crazy and like the rest of the family, he's nice. He's really protective toward Vivian (twin sis) and gets jealous easily, especially when she's with her friends.
well i have Elvera and Briar who can RP with Amelia or Jasmine.
Pattycakes!! :hug:

I'm thinking that Sidda and Jasmin could work well together. Sidda's a muggle born, so she knows about soccer (even though she hasn't played since she was hit in the face with the ball and knocked out) (long story. Pre-HNZ). She loves skateboarding, so she could try to teach Jas? Maybe they could meet up in Brightstone or at the mall or something.

Then, I have Charlotte. She's my new baby, and all of her current RPs are on hold. She's 15 and was going to transfer this year but didn't. She's been through a lot (bring out the tissues :cry: ) including; an alcoholic, abusive father who killed her mother, then abused her for years; teaching herself magic through books while basically locked up with her father; refusing to speak since her mother died, so communicating through writing in a notebook; and finally her father dying, and her being sent to NZ for a "fresh start". She's very shy and scared (after all, she's been through a lot), but once you gain her trust, she's smart, caring and protective. She's very loyal and would do anything for those she loves. She's a person who bottles things up, but soon its all gonna come out and she'll need a shoulder to cry on and people to help her break out of her shell. She's into poetry and ballet.
(sorry, that was a lot, but her CD isn't finished yet and I wanted to explain her properly :doh: )

Since she doesn't go to school, she's not restricted by that and so can RP with anyone you want. She mostly lurks NZ but could pop up in Europe if you have a charrie there who you think would be good. So, if you think either of my girls would be good with one of your charries, drop me a line!! Tell me what you think!!
Hi There! Enzo here. Well you really have great characters and the fact that I can't simply choose. I give the decision or rather choice to you and which girl I could RP with. Im applying for some love interest by the way. I want a girl who I can commit to, but not to long I guess. It depends. To more about Enzo just check out my CD. Hope to RP with you soon. Enzo. :)
Brad sounds nice. Maybe we could start off as friends and see where it goes from there or maybe just stay as friends? Seeing as they are the same age they would be in the same year (am I right?) Maybe they already are friends through classes and whatnot so we don’t have to do the whole ‘getting to know you’ awkward RP?

Mmm maybe have Elvera and Amelia RP and Briar and Jasmin RP? See how they work as friends?

Sidda and Jasmin would work really well together, didn’t we plan to have them RP before or am I getting you confused with someone else? Either way, yes to those two RPing. As for Charlotte, perhaps Amphitrite, she is one of the more mellow out of the girls and would be patient with Charlotte seeing as she doesn’t talk and if very caring. What do you think?

Haha, this is so weird, I was going to post in your PD thread but you beat me to it. Now I think Enzo would do well with any of my girls. I’m thinking more Jasmin or Amphitrite. Now Jasmin has been the pun in a guy like Enzo’s plans before, just flirted with her and because she never experienced this before fell hard for him. If it were to happen to her again, maybe a bit more long term but not long long term it may close her off to boys more in the future. Then there’s Amphitrite who I believe is in the same year and everything as Enzo at Durmstrang. So maybe they could start of as friends..he helps her around the school and everything so if we do RP them they’ll already know each other. Then as time progresses flirts are exchanged and it could turn into something long term or a meaningful short term if you get what I mean?

Thanks to everyone so far, keep them coming please ^_^
Pat, you're getting me confuzzled with someone else. :tut: Silly child.

Siddalee and Jas sounds cool - do you want to start it or me? It'll probably have to be Brightstone or Makutu, given that Sidda's in school.

Char and Amphitrite (I'll call her Amy for short :p ) - sounds good. Do you want to start it or me? And where? In Europe somewhere? Char mainly lurks there and NZ - she could be back there to get the last of her things or something.
Oh shh, I think it was another girl called Hannah on here haha. Anywho yes, that would be great, I'm not sure if you can still see Brightstone or not but I'll post up one and you can post in whenever it's open and even if we don't get it done maybe we could continue it?

And could you start up the one for Amy (I like Amy) and Charlotte. Both places are fine so whichever is easiest for you to RP.

Well maybe we could start one off for Jasmin/Enzo, just a simple flirt or two, lead the girl on sort of thing (if you could start around Brightstone that would be great). Then when my RPs have subsided a bit more I can get one of Amphitrite/Enzo started up (unless you want to start it up too haha)
hey pat
sorry my last post was breef, i think i did it on my ipod, which is hard to type on. Both of those ideas sound verry good.

so here is a little about each of them
Elvera is a quite a quiet ravenclaw sixth year. she enjoyed divination and runes. I can start a topic in brightstone or matatu, its up to you

Briar is a third year gryfindor, doesn't really do many classes she prefers being in the grounds especially in the forest. she does however enjoy dueling and flying. i can start a topic in brightstone if you want for with Jasmine if you wish.
Thanks for setting that up. If this buzz continues I'll set one up for Amphitrite up soon and PM it to you.

No worries, I was able to go off what I knew about your characters anyway. But yes both those pairing sound good. So I'll set one up with Jasmin for her and Briar as I have to log on to her in a moment and if you could set one up for Amelia and Elvera anywhere is fine, thank you.
here is the topic. for Amelia and Elvera. its in makatu.
For your Beauxbatons characters, I have Aréthuse Anna Napoleona-Arbuthnoth to be. Beaux' Firstie, she's a bit stuck-up regarding her tedious maternal family history, but otherwise she's generally just a quite shy twelve year old. She's a half-blood, father's side, and she doesn't like him very much. But before I do anything now, I shall go and create my secondary main. My Durmstrang is to be put into mothball 'cause right now. I have seriously no evil muse.
And here we are. You have Amelia Jones and a second year right? Well, I need an older friend, like a sibling figure, 'cause she's an minorly spoilt single child. xD
And for your second year. Well, Arethuse is slightly stuck-up in one field I said, but otherwise behind all the debilitating shyness, Aria (Are-Anna) is quite staunch on her views, even to the point of stubborness, even if a Hufflepuff streak is always present. ^_^
So what does the Pattycakes think so far? :)
Yea, Amelia is my fifth year Beauxbatons student and Ariel is my second year student. Amelia could be an older sibling type person, help her out with different things, the sort of thing and older sister does. Then Ariel and Aria would probably clash a bit with both of their stubborness-ess causing them to clash but they could probably put that behind them and use their similarities to good and bond a good friendship.
xD arryt.. Sure!
Hooz goin 2 start?
Here is the RP for Amy and Char!! Hope you like it - I hope I haven't jinxed it with the title!! ;)
Would you be able to start please? If not I'll get it done at the weekend, maybe.

Thanks for starting, I'm sure it won't live up to it's title. I'll reply soon
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