Not With Haste

Freya shook her head at Asaiah's remark. If he actually thought he would win than perhaps they did need to have a do-over, however the second year wasn't feeling like folding a plane again so she just let it slide. "Yeah, right." She chuckled, pretty sure of the fact that he wasn't truly sure about what he just said either. Focussing back on how they would both honour their end of the deal it was clear that Asaiah hadn't thought about how that would work either. Letting out a sigh and slightly shaking her head at what she was going to say Freya looked at her friend. "Fine." She answered, knowing that she was probably going to regret this sometime later on, most likely at times when she was holding a broom. "But you are obliged to help me." The thirteen year old stated, no way was she going to even try and do this without some help. She just wasn't a big fan of flying, to say the least, but perhaps she had to get over that sometime.​
Asaiah knew that they probably weren't going to be folding paper planes again so there was no use to be pushy about it. The Slytherin boy smiled at his friend before looking around in the room, hoping his eyes would fall on something interesting enough to talk about it. He'd talked about Quidditch but since they were both going to honour their deal Asaiah kept his mouth shut about that topic, even if he had no other topic to talk about other than school and homework. After a while the boy quickly turned his head back to Freya, ''Did you ever visit those places I told you about in our first year?'' he asked when the memory of their first meeting suddenly popped into his mind. He knew she and her family were still a bit new in New Zealand so understood if she hadn't visited them, perhaps he could take her to the Waitomo caves the next time his family would go there. When the Hufflepuff girl told him that he was oliged to help her with flying, Asaiah smiled a little. ''Right.'' he began, hoping that it was OK to talk about Quidditch so he could give her an answer back. ''You're probably really good at it! You are just nervous, that's all!'' Asaiah said with a reassuring smile. If she was really going to do this then he would do everything he could to help her feel less uncomfortable about it.
When Asaiah asked her if she had ever visited the places he had told her about in their first year at Hogwarts Freya shook her head. "No, my mom wouldn't take me." She had asker her mother multiple timesif she'd take her somewhere, anywhere really because she had just wanted to get out of the house, but her mother didn't think it had been necessary for Freya to get away from the house. "I was thinking of sneaking out one time, but then I realized that once outside I probably would have no clue of where to go." She chuckled, thinking about how she had been trying to think of a plan when before she figured it wouldn't work anyways. The thing she hated most was that her mother had been leaving the house herself all the time and Freya was pretty sure it hadn't all been for work purposes. Raising an eyebrow at Asaiah when he started about Quidditch the thirteen year old couldn't help but to shake her head at her friend, again. She had to give him credits for trying to get her to think positive about it though, he seemed like he really wanted her to like the idea of playing Quidditch. "I'm not nervous, I'm just not a big fan of flying. Let alone flying and doing something else at the same time."​
Asaiah pouted when Freya told him the reason on why she hadn't visited the places he told her about yet. ''Well if your mom isn't going to take you to any of those places, may I? I happen to know that my parents are planning on going to the glowworm caves again this Christmas as a family outing and since it'll be pretty boring with only Hannah around this year..'' The Slytherin looked at his friend with a smile on his face. He was pretty much inviting her to go with him because it'd be fun for the both of them, and that way his sister wouldn't annoy him as much as she usually did, or at least he hoped so. Asaiah chuckled slightly whilst Freya was telling him about her almost sneaking out of the house to go somewhere. ''Then you should make a map from your house to wherever you want to go, silly!'' the boy said with a huge smile on his face. He wasn't entirely sure yet how she would be making a map if she had no clue where to go and how to go back but it was a pretty good suggestion, and if it were him in Freya's place, he'd at least try to make a map. A smirk appeared on his face and he shook his head slowly. She wasn't nervous? Yeah, keep on telling yourself that, Freya. But he understood what she was doing. He'd probably do the same thing, that way nobody could tell that he actually was nervous. With that in mind the Slytherin said, ''Alright, don't worry about it then! I'm sure you will do just fine!''
The smile on Freya's face after Asaiah had kind of invited her to go to the glowworm caves with him and his family had disappeared almost as quickly as it had come. Of course she'd love to come, but she was pretty sure her mother would never let her. Perhaps if she begged her? Or perhaps she wouldn't make that big of a deal out of it if it were someone else to take her places so she wouldn't have to do it herself. "That would be awesome." The thirteen year old smiled at her friend. "I'm just not too sure if my mom would agree with that though." She had never truly understood why her mother was so strict on her and it had never really bothered her that she didn't go out that much, but now she was getting older and they had moved to this country, which was so different from Norway, Freya just felt like she wanted to see a whole lot more of the world. "Yeah, I don't think that would work for me. I've got the worst sense of direction." She chuckled in response to Asaiah talking about making a map. Even if she tried there was a huge possibility that she'd still get lost. Seeing her friend smirk and shake his head after she told him she wasn't nervous Freya slightly frowned. So he didn't believe her, that was for sure. Laughing at his remark she was now the one to slightly shake her head at her friend. "You're terrible."​
Asaiah tilted his head when she told him about not being sure whether or not her mother would let her daughter go with him and his family. He honestly couldn't understand why Freya's mother wouldn't agree to let her do something fun. After all, having fun was good right? Kids are suppose to have fun with each other so why not let her and Asaiah have fun at the glowworm caves? ''Maybe I could ask my parents to write your parents a letter?'' He said, offering a solution to the problem. ''You know, to tell them that you'll be OK with us.'' The Slytherin could not thing of a better plan to do other then hoping that Freya would convince her mother. It sure would be fun having her around, at least he'd have someone to talk with then. Asaiah smiled at her comment on having the worst sense of direction. ''Well then you are doomed for life. Sorry to tell you this, Freya.'' the boy told her with a little smirk on his face. ''Oh, I'm not terrible!'' He said shaking his head and waving it off. Then he shrugged, ''Well, okay, maybe I am a little bit terrible, but hey, what can I say? It is the best sport in the whole wide world.''
Freya had never truly understood her mothers intentions for her, and by the way her friend tilted his head and the look on his face she figured he didn't quite understand it either. Smiling at Asaiah the girl nodded once he tried to find a solution for the problems her mother could cause. "That might work." She answered, thinking that perhaps if she were to do things with other people and wouldn't have to bother her mom with it she might be okay with Freya going away. "I mean we can always try." The thirteen year old said, becoming a bit more confident that she might actually have some fun outside of school and see some more of the country. "I know, which is why I'll probably still get lost around here in my last year at the school!" Freya chuckled, being pretty sure that in a couple of years that would indeed be the case. There was no denying it. Back on the topic of Quidditch she smiled, before slightly nodding her head. "You are. But you're right, it is a fun sport. To watch, at least."​
Asaiah's smile widened once Freya told him that his solution to her problem might actually work. Now the only thing the Slytherin needed to do was send his parents a letter asking if his friend could come with them to the glowworm caves and if they wanted to write Freya's mother a letter asking if it was OK to let her daughter stay with his family for a day or two. ''Great! I'll write them a letter as soon as I'm back in the common room then.'' the boy said to Freya. It would be awesome showing her the caves, he especially looked forward to seeing her reaction once they were inside one of the caves. Asaiah grinned at her comment. Happy to hear that he wasn't the only one who thought that getting lost might still be a problem in later years at the castle. The topic was back to Quidditch and even though he had to honour their deal, it was hard for him to just ignore it. ''You just wait and see.'' was his final comment on the topic of Quidditch. ''Alright, Ødegard, what do you want to do next?''
Freya was happy with the fact that she decided to do things she usually wouldn't do in her second year, to have more fun. Up and till now that decision had made her second year a whole lot better than her first one at the school. She smiled at Asaiah as he told her he would write his parents a letter as soon as he could. Having actual friends to do stuff with was so much better than only having her younger siblings. "Will do." Freya assured her friend once their conversation concerning Quidditch had come to an end. She figured she was actually going to have to keep up her end of the deal, which meant she was going to have to start practicing anytime soon if she was ever going to be able to play the game. Looking over at Asaiah when he asked her what she wanted to do next the thirteen year old frowned, looking around for a second. "I don't know, you wanna go somewhere a bit more fun? I'm getting a bit tired of this room."​
Asaiah smiled when she asked him if he wanted to go somewhere more fun and happily nodded his head. ''We could go to the Kitchens and see if there is any food left?'' He offered after hearing his stomach making an all to familiar noise. Feeling hungry the Slytherin student tried to recall if he had eaten anything before going to the Student Lounge to catch up on his reading. ''Unless that's not what you meant when you said you wanted to go somewhere a bit more fun?'' He asked as he looked up again remembering that he hadn't eaten a thing before coming here. Forgetting stuff seemed to be a regular thing for the boy as it began to become more common that he forgot do to things such as eat or gather all of the books he needed for that day. Asaiah was willing to use one of those magic glass thingys that helped you remember but he thought it wouldn't be much use as he couldn't even remember the name of the helpful object. ''Or we could go to the lake? Your choice.'' Asaiah got his book and stood up, ready to leave the Lounge at her mark.
Freya hadn't even realized how much she was craving some food untill Asaiah mentioned it. "Yes! We should totally get something to snack!" The second year Hufflepuff exclaimed. It wasn't like she was particularly hungry but she was up for some fun and to be honest she had never even been to the kitchens before, so it would be another place she could put up on her list when it came to exploring the castle and finding new places to go. "No, it's cool. I've never been to the kitchens before." Freya smiled, getting excited about getting something to eat and seeing what the kitchens are like. She had a feeling she should've been to the kitchens before, but she had never felt the urge. That was untill now. "Well I choose food!" The girl said, jumping up and making her way towards the door, grabbing Asaiah's arm in te process and pulling him with her. "Let's go!"​
Asaiah smiled brightly as Freya agreed with his suggestion to go to the kitchens for something to eat because he was getting hungrier and hungrier at every second. Happy that she wanted to go immediately Asaiah quickly grabbed his transfigurations book while she pulled him up from his chair and towards the door.


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