Closed Not so scary together

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Lilith Ilves

Trying my best 💫 Alt. Seeker 🐈‍⬛ Dreamer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 Inch Unyielding Alder Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
07/51 (12)
Lilith was very very excited for the Halloween feast. She hadn't had to beg and bribe Eoghan into attending with her this year and she was so very proud of both him and herself for that. They had come a long way in many ways since last year, back then they were already close but what they had now was way beyond that. Lilith was waiting in the common room for Eoghan to come down so they could go to the feast together. She had no idea whether he was going to dress up or not, she had decided to let this year play out as it did and maybe next year she'd probe him into a matching costume, one year she would get him to agree and that was a personal promise.

Lilith herself was dressed as a scarecrow of sorts, she had her hair on two braids with a straw hat atop of her hair. Dressed in blue overalls and a blu gingham pattern shirt underneath, to drive the point home the Ravenclaw had done some makeup lines from the corners of her mouth to the middle of her cheeks, for that spooky effect. If you asked her she'd say her costume was pretty cute.
Eoghan hadn't needed to be bribed to go to the Halloween feast this year. Even though it wasn't his favourite thing to attend, when he'd gone with Lilith last year it had made him realise that things weren't so scary when they did things together, and walking through the mazes and interacting with the creatures in the Great Hall had been far more manageable when he had someone to go through it with. Eoghan had put some sort of costume, one that he thought was basic enough to count as such but not so elaborate he was going to draw attention to himself. He hadn't been planning on going in a costume at all, but since he knew Lili was likely to dress up he felt as though he probably should at least try to match her energy.

The second year almost missed Lili when he came down from his room and met her in the common room. Her hair was covered up by a large hat and her make up was more chaotic than he'd first anticipated she would have gone for. "Does this count?" he smiled at her, feeling like a fool in his own costume, complete with cane, but these were the things he knew he had to do and that by the end of his, he'd hopefully not come to regret his choices.
Lilith smiled up at Eoghan who had ended up doing a costume, she recognized it as one of the old cartoon movie characters she had once seen. "You look great, very cool I'd say." The Ravenclaw grinned at her genius joke, seriously it was quite funny in her own opinion. "Ready to go?" She asked gesturing to the door.

As they walked over, Lilith wasn't exactly sure how to act. She was very excited but knew there'd be a lot of people. "I want to do the maze again this year! Then maybe some apple bobbing again, though it will be the last thing I'll do because I am not sure the eyeliner I used is waterproof." Lili relayed her plan out for Eoghan, she knew doing a few things might end up being enough for the both of them but it was kind of also her wanting to repeat last year. It had been fun but exhausting too. "Is there anything specific you want to do this year?" She asked as they reached the bottom of the stairs from the tower turning her face towards him. She wanted to know if there was something that he perhaps wanted to check out too and wanted him to know that she'd be up for whatever he might want to check out.
Eoghan had only seen his own character in books before, so it was hard to know exactly what to wear. Lilith seemed happy enough though with what he was wearing so counted it as a win in his books. "Cool? You don't normally call me cool," he teased, nudging her in the ribs before taking her hand. Regardless of whether or not they were now officially a couple, they'd held hands as best friends before and so it wasn't exactly a giveaway if anyone saw.

The Ravenclaw followed after Lilith letting her lead the way as they made the trip down to the Halloween Feast for the second time. "Do you think we'll have the same events every year?" he thought aloud. Perhaps there would be different things going on in the hall than there had been last year, and the students costumes wouldn't be the only thing that was different. "Perhaps we can convince some professors to go through the maze instead of us?" he mused, thinking it would have taken the edge of the scary factor if the fully grown adults were just as keen to get involved as the students were. Eoghan didn't really feel a great need to do anything in particular, especially because he'd already done the things on offer the year previously, but that didn't mean they couldn't make another game out of it even if it was just for their benefit.
Lilith blushed lightly as he took her hand in his, of course they had done it several times as best friends too so it was normal, but it was still different to her and made her want to giggle uncontrollably, so not cool. Swallowing down the need to giggle she focused on their walking and swung their hands lightly just because she could.

Lilith pursed her lips together, not having thought of that before. "I hope so? At least I'd like to see similar things but maybe they change them up ever so little? I don't know." It'd be less scary if things stayed the same, at least they'd know what to expect but also the down side would be they'd know what to expect. The Ravenclaw could not stop the laugh escaping as she heard Eoghan's obscure suggestion. "Oh absolutely not, we shall go there on our own. We'll be fine I'll protect you I swear. I'll turn into a big bad wolf if needed." She teased, but she would protect him if needed but it wouldn't be needed at a school event. "If Professor Odegrad was here then maybe, but I heard there's a new Transfiguration Professor so it isn't looking too good so I am afraid you'll have to endure it with me this year again." It really was a shame the Professor had left, but Lilith was done moping around about it. "It'll be fine and even a little fun! And then afterwards we can get snacks, not before though because getting scared with a full stomach is a bad idea..." Yeah nope.
Eoghan wasn't sure he shared the same sentiments as Lilith when it came to having different events. He supposed it would be interesting to see themselves develop at the tasks at hand even if the tasks stayed the same, but he didn't want to feel like every year he was wasting his time by just copying what they'd done the year before which meant that he wanted to make things a little different somehow. Otherwise what was the point of wasting a night a year repeating things they'd already done?

"A big bad wolf?" Eoghan smiled, believing that she'd do what she could to protect him although he wouldn't have minded seeing what that looked like. "You know if we end up in the dueling tournament against each other, would you let me win then?" he asked. He fully expected her not to of course, but if she was adamant that she would look out for him then what did it hurt to check? It wasn't out of the question that it could have been a reality soon. At the mention of Professor Odegard, Eoghan gave a small sigh. Every time she'd mentioned her former favourite professor he was reminded of how much she missed him, and the way she'd gaze at him during lessons. "There's really no one else you'd want to send through the haunted tent?" He could think of a few professors himself that would put a smile on his face.
Lilith gave the things a once over again as they arrived in the great hall, it looked similar enough, she hoped though that there would perhaps be little elements that were new. "You do know, wolves are my favourite animals?" She turned to look at Eoghan raising a brow, not sure she had mentioned it before. Lilith played with the idea of them against each other in a duel, she didn't like it not one bit but she would also not let him win. "Nope. Just because I have a soft spot for you, doesn't mean I'd let you win so nope if we are against each other I'll give it my best and will expect you to do so too. You know may the best side win!" Her grin probably reached her ears at this point, but the idea of it was kind of cool too.

Eoghan's sigh at the mention of the former Transfiguration professor did not go unnoticed by her, perhaps it was time to let go of that one then? She had more important people to focus on such as the boy himself, plus she didn't want to focus on the past but the present and future which both involved heavily a certain blond boy. "Hmph actually, I would die to see two others, there's that big scary looking tattooed professor you know. It could be entertaining to see if he is just like us mortal beings and would be scared of whatever horrors the tent may hold, or if he'd barely bat an eye." The thought of it was interesting enough, was he really all that scary or would he be scared of those horrors too. "The second one is Professor Waldgrave, not because the man is much of a problem but DADA kind of freaks me out at times and he does teach it so, if the shoe fits you know..." There definitely were times where Lilith felt like she might throw up at the possibilities of the dark arts, they were a scary concept. "What about you Antares? Who would you like to see go through the tent?" Lilith returned the question, stopping the pair along a wall and turning her attention to him, interested in who he had in mind.
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