🌹 Rose Giving Not So Historically Accurate

Dahlia Doherty

Teenage Drama Queen
OOC First Name
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Curly 9.5" Flexible Rosewood Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
17 (26/07/2046)
yellow rose for @Emmanuel Okoye !

Dahlia was fully into the whole rose delivery thing, she liked it as an opportunity to dress up and play up a cupid type role. Her costume was a little better than last time, with a white dress and slightly better designed angel wings, and her makeup was exaggerated but not ridiculous. She vaguely knew Emmanuel, at least knew of him enough to suspect she might find him somewhere near to the library, and once she thought she spotted him she cried out, "Hark, Emmanuel! I come to you as an emissary of love on this most glorious of days to deliver unto you a token of a friend's earnest affection!"
Emmanuel enjoyed roses greatly, but obviously his ongoing issues with Kyon wasn't leaving him in the best of moods. he glanced at the girl who approached him and smiled at her costume. "Hey Dahlia, love the outfit," he said with a warm tone, almost a flirty one without meaning to. "Thank you for bringing this gift, oh emissary of love," he replied, trying to reply in kind with what she'd said.
Wow, thought Dahlia, glad she had enough makeup on to cover up any blushes at the comment. I had no idea nerds could actually be this cute. But she was totally a professional, busying herself picking out the right yellow rose and folded up note and handing it over. "Here you are, one rose for you, kind sir!" She picked out one of the heart chocolates she had brought with her as well, handing it over. "And pray, accept this token to, uh, add additional sweetness to the kind words of a friend." She wondered if she should have rehearsed her lines a little more.

Thanks for being my friend. ~E
Emmanuel took the note, the rose and the chocolate heart from Dahlia with a wide smile. He opened the note and smiled at what was inside. He appreciated the gesture. "Most generous of you, emissary of love," he replied to the girl with a little bow. "I will savour these gifts,"

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