Not on much

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Chavdar Zhefarovich

Well-Known Member
Poisonwood 14 3/4" Core of Basilisk Fang and Ebony 14" Core of Chimera Scale
For the time being, for the next few months, I'm afraid my time on here will be very limited. This is actually my choice. I will still be posting lessons as a professor, and doing those duties, and try to RP as much as possible. However, I have a huge exam coming up, AP Chemistry, supposedly the hardest, maybe tying with AP Physics and AP Calculus. I am the only one taking the exam in the class, and also the youngest (Yeah, seriously like, WTF there), and I would have preferred next year, but alas, my mom is forcing me to take it this year. <_< This is just to let everyone know why my characters haven't been RPing as much, and why I haven't been online as much either. Until I can get a schedule up, I won't be on spam, and devote my time to my studies, as I am seriously lacking.

The one and only Sir Kaitlyn

PS Wish me luck on teaching myself! (Because I have to learn the entire textbook, which is like, 21 or so chapters, and the class itself is on Chapter 6)
Aww Kaitlyn that sucks, but of course, RL comes first and we all understand that.

Good luck with your exams and learning a whole txtbook (YIKES)

See you soon

Ahhh the dreaded AP tests. <_< I was never one for science so thankfully I never took that one.

Anyway, 'tis completely understandable that you'll be busy and away from spam for the most part. I wish you luck on tackling that textbook and then acing the test! We'll miss you but I really hope you kick butt that AP exam!!!! (Do you get money for passing this one like most other AP tests?)

Wishing you luck,
Abby :)
Bwahaha, I don't have to take any AP tests at all.

But that is suckish Kaitlyn. From immediate experience I know that junior year is complete, unadulterated hell. It's completely understandable why you won't be on as much.

Ace the heck out of that test. And if you get money, that would just be frigging sweet.

Sadly, I won't be getting any money. Just less college classes, and what I'm going into, I'll need to pass.

Hm, you guys act as though I'm leaving. :p It isn't that easy to get rid of me, sadly.

I just won't be on nearly as much. Just about a few minutes here and there.
Wow. I know nothing about American schooling but that sounds difficult, heh.
Good luck with studying and the exam (as much it's a little while away). I'm sure you'll pwn. ^_^
- Camilla :)
Wow Kaitlyn! I wish you more than luck on your exams! ;) (Although with you being a smart cookie, you won't need it. ;) )

Go rock that education and go for it. :D

Psst, if you need any help posting lessons/grading whatnot, give me a holler. ;)

Great news, my mom realized that we aren't getting far in the course, in school. *Seeing that we spent three months on one chapter* and is going to let me take it next year! :D :frantics:
So, I will be back on somewhere around my usual time, and I will try to get my characters caught up in lessons. :D

- Sir Kaitlyn
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