Open Not a snake today

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June Davenport

The best student and prefect, obviously ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
June was not the biggest fan of Halloween. But she had managed to win a prize last year with her costume together with Tempest. But the most important thing she just didn't want to look childish or stupid. Most of the people were dressed up rather silly, as she could tell from last year. So the blonde made her way inside to be ready to hold in eyerolls from what she all saw. She herself as a tiger, felt powerfull. At least she had no blanket around her and pretend to be a ghost. The blonde made her way to the drinks table to start with something like that. It was good to be around here though, also she would watch Misha closely if he would be around that nurse again. The blonde had found a great spot to get a good view in the hall.
Amodeus was having a blast, waddling around into the great hall. He was happy, humming a little penguin song. He looked around, and since his friends were busy, he decided to go get a drink. As he was waddling over, he saw a girl watching everyone. He smiled and waddled over. "Hello!" He greeted. "I like your costume!" He told her with a bright smile.
As June was watching the other way an first year came to her. With another animal costume but his was stupid and childish. June put on a smile and watched him. Getting compliments was a good start. '' Thank you.'' June replied with an smile and took a sip of her drink. '' I'm not the only animal it seems.'' June replied meaning his costume.
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